322 résultats pour "person"
Síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA) - ciencias de la
se multiplica a una gran velocidad, sufriendo diversas mutaciones genéticas. Al principio, se produce un descenso de la cifra de linfocitos T CD4 pero, al poco tiempo, lascifras normales se recuperan en respuesta a una activación del sistema inmunológico. Durante esta etapa los individuos son altamente contagiosos. El paciente entra entonces en un periodo libre de síntomas (fase asintomática) cuya duración puede ser superior a diez años. Durante ésta, el virus continúa replicándosecausando una d...
Exhibitions and Expositions.
A Louisiana Purchase Exposition In 1904, St. Louis, Missouri, organized an exposition in celebration of the centennial of the Louisiana Purchase. The exposition, which cost about $20 million, attractedalmost 20 million persons and showed a profit of about $25 million. B Panama-Pacific International Exposition The Panama-Pacific International Exposition was held in San Francisco in 1915 to celebrate the construction and opening of the Panama Canal. More than $50 millionwas spent on this exposit...
Sigmund Freud.
reminiscences from the past and about her daydreams. Remarkably, as her narrative revisited memories from the past, which were associated with the onset of aparticular symptom, each symptom disappeared when accompanied by an emotional outburst. Breuer made use of this discovery to eliminate her symptoms one at atime. He called the treatment the cathartic technique (from the Greek katharsis meaning “purgation”). The treatment was time consuming and required considerable effort to reach dimly re...
mitos y heroes
existían rumores según los cuales ella y su marido eran cómplices de los nazis facilitando la entrada de criminales nazis en Argentina (en los años 1947-1948). Pero la mayoría acusaba Eva Perón de usar su talento de actriz para promover el peronismo: ella hacia propaganda y su objetivo era de convertir el país al peronismo. Su poder era cualificado de autoritario por veces y para algunos, Evita usaba la censura y la represión de la oposición política...
Síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA) - ciencias de la
se multiplica a una gran velocidad, sufriendo diversas mutaciones genéticas. Al principio, se produce un descenso de la cifra de linfocitos T CD4 pero, al poco tiempo, lascifras normales se recuperan en respuesta a una activación del sistema inmunológico. Durante esta etapa los individuos son altamente contagiosos. El paciente entra entonces en un periodo libre de síntomas (fase asintomática) cuya duración puede ser superior a diez años. Durante ésta, el virus continúa replicándosecausando una d...
chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome. A translocation involving chromosomes 9 and 22 is linked to a type of leukemia called chronic myelogenicleukemia. On the sex chromosomes, problems arise in men when an abnormal gene is present on the X chromosome. With no healthy gene found on the Y chromosometo override the abnormal gene, disease may result. For example, men who inherit a mutated gene that causes hemophilia from their mother on the X chromosome willdevelop this bleeding...
Depression (psychology).
IV CAUSES Some depressions seem to come out of the blue, even when things are going well. Others seem to have an obvious cause: a marital conflict, financial difficulty, or somepersonal failure. Yet many people with these problems do not become deeply depressed. Most psychologists believe depression results from an interaction betweenstressful life events and a person’s biological and psychological vulnerabilities. A Biological Factors Depression runs in families. By studying twins, researche...
Coronary Heart Disease.
when a patient is at rest may indicate that the blood supply of the heart is not normal, and the ECG can often detect damage from a previous heart attack. In anexercise stress test, an ECG is recorded while a patient is performing physical activity such as walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bicycle. As the intensity ofexercise increases, the doctor looks for specific changes in the ECG that indicate the heart is not getting enough oxygen. In cardiac catheterization, a long, thin, flex...
To have a conscience involves being conscious of the moral quality
ends up doing the right thing. Talk of a ‘perverted' conscience may mean that a person's ultimate convictions are judged to be perverse, as in the first strand identified; or that their capacity to know good from evil, in general or in the particular case, has been distorted or corrupted. Building on the above, we may note a third emphasis in the idea of conscience, to do with the care, intensity and frequency with which someone examines the moral credentials of their desires, feelings,...
If my present consciousness extends backwards for so long as this consciousness has a continuous history, thequestion remains to be answered: what makes this consciousness the individual consciousness it is? Locke hasdebarred himself from answering that this consciousness is the consciousness of this human being, since he hasmade his distinction between man and person.If, on the other hand, my present consciousness extends backwards only as far as I remember, then my past is nolonger my past...
Although a consensus is growing among health professionals that alcohol dependence is a disease, society’s attitudes toward individuals with drinking problems remainambivalent and confused. Until the mid-20th century, the typical picture of the alcoholic was of someone without steady employment, unable to sustain familyrelationships and most likely in desperate financial straits. But this stereotype was largely dispelled when highly respected people publicly admitted their alcoholdependence and...
Other managed-care companies pay therapists a set fee to meet with a client for up to a specified maximum number of sessions depending on the nature of theproblem, free of interference from case reviewers. For example, a managed-care firm may pay a therapist $200 to hold up to eight sessions with a person. If the clientuses all eight sessions, the therapist normally loses money. But if treatment stops after two or three sessions, the therapist makes a profit. This relatively new system iscontrov...
Egypt - country.
Egypt has a wide variety of mineral deposits, some of which, such as gold and red granite, have been exploited since ancient times. The chief mineral resource ofcontemporary value is petroleum, found mainly in the Red Sea coastal region, at Al ‘Alamayn (El ‘Alamein) on the Mediterranean, and on the Sinai Peninsula. Otherminerals include phosphates, manganese, iron ore, and uranium. Natural gas is also extracted. D Plants and Animals The vegetation of Egypt is confined largely to the Nile Delta,...
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
A Religious Freedom Although religious freedom has not generally been curtailed in the United States, Roman Catholics, Jews, and members of such unconventional Protestant groups as theOneida Community and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have historically been discriminated against and sometimes have even been persecuted,although today overt discrimination has almost vanished. The federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as many state and local laws, prohibits religious discrimi...
primavera con esquina rota
SARRAZIN Elena EL TITULO El autor nos explica el título, una metáfora, en uno de los fragmentos llamados “Extramuros”. Santiago, un preso político es amnistiado. Después de cinco años en los que ha perdido su vida, separado de su familia, sufriendo la tortura, la soledad y luchando contra la locura, después de cinco años de invierno, llega la primavera, el renacimiento, la esperanza. Va a recuperar su vida, pero nunca estará completa, no podrá salir ileso de fatídica experiencia. La vida, frágil...
Throughout United States history many other groups have suffered racial or religious discrimination. Since Europeans first came to America, Native Americans havebeen forcibly deprived of their lands and denied civil rights. Congress enacted the Indian Civil Rights Act in 1968, and the federal courts have entertained a number ofsuits designed to restore to Native American tribes ancestral lands and hunting and fishing rights. Many religious groups, including Roman Catholics, Jews, and others,have...
Machine, simple device that affects the force, or effort, needed to do a certain amount of work.
to decrease the amount of force needed to do work or to change the direction of the force. The wheel and axle and some levers can also be used to increase the speedof performance of a task, but doing so always increases the amount of force needed. A Inclined Plane NutsNuts are pieces of metal with a hole in the middle. They are screwed on the end of a bolt as a fastening. Nuts come invarying shapes, depending on their intended use.© Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Ramps and staircas...
La protección del medio ambiente - (exposé gratuit en espagnol).
Muchas veces, las personas cazan elefantes o rinocerontes porque solo así pueden ganarse la vida y alimentar a su familia. Por eso, lamejor solución es aprovechar los recursos de la naturaleza para crear empleos. Una solución sería, por ejemplo, fomentar el turismoecológico para observar los elefantes, y así algunos cazadores podrían convertirse en guías turísticos, pues ellos conocen muy bien lazona y el comportamiento de estos animales. ¿Qué te parece la idea? ¿Te gustaría trabajar como guía t...
A cornerstone of modern psychoanalytic theory and practice is the concept of anxiety, which institutes appropriate mechanisms of defense against certain dangersituations. These danger situations, as described by Freud, are the fear of abandonment by or the loss of the loved one (the object), the risk of losing the object's love,the danger of retaliation and punishment, and, finally, the hazard of reproach by the superego. Thus, symptom formation, character and impulse disorders, andperversions,...
Sexual Harassment.
A person who believes he or she has experienced sexual harassment on the job has a limited period of time in which to file a complaint with the EEOC. After the EEOCinvestigates the matter, it issues a right to sue letter, regardless of its conclusions about the matter. The victim then has 90 days to file a lawsuit against the employer in federal court. If he or she is successful in the lawsuit, the victim can receive up to $300,000 in compensatory damages for each incident of unlawful harassme...
La moda-Espagnol
muy conocidos y las personas gastan dinero pero no para el beneficio de África. Si algunas partes de África se ven afectadas por la moda, otras no. La mayor parte de la populación piensan a otras cosas que la moda, como sobrevivir. África es la región más pobre del mundo, con 43% de personas viviendo con 1.90$ por día. Como el mapa lo mostramos, el sur del continente es muy pobre. Los habitantes piensan a otras causas que vestirse. Necesitan agua (hasta 10 km del mercado), comida, educació...
Etude poétique: Louise Labé et l'expression lyrique
Leuth-persona ou Lut-personnage, de Pierre Bonniffet Le mystère de L.L. tient à sa biographie floue : on sait très peu de chose sur celle qui était nommé la Belle Cordière : Attaquée quant à ses mœurs par ses contemporains qui l’ont vu pour certains comme une vierge chaste et pour d’autres comme une courtisane, c’est son statut de poète qui est aujourd’hui mis en question : Est-ce vraiment elle qui a écrit les Œuvres ou bien s’agit-il d’un jeu organisé par des poètes masculins su...
Computer Security.
might deny usage to legitimate users, and they ensure that information received from an outside source is expected and does not contain computer viruses. VII INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEMS Security software called intrusion detection systems may be used in computers to detect unusual and suspicious activity and, in some cases, stop a variety of harmfulactions by authorized or unauthorized persons. Abuse and misuse of sensitive system and application programs and data such as password, inventory,...
International Criminal Court.
only exercise its jurisdiction when a national court is unwilling or unable to carry out the investigation or prosecution. For example, the ICC might intervene when agovernment’s judicial system has collapsed or is actively shielding a person from criminal responsibility. The court may hold accountable any person aged 18 or older at the time of the crime without regard to the individual’s official duties or functions. Therefore, heads ofstate, legislators, and other high-ranking government offic...
Tokyo - geography.
The port of Tokyo has expanded tremendously in recent years and is now the second largest in Japan (after Yokohama) in value of trade. In 1993 it accounted forapproximately 14 percent of all trade by Japan’s ports. Reasons for the port’s growth include the deepening of sea lanes in Tokyo Bay, large reclamation projects tocreate room for new facilities and container terminals, and improvements to storage and distribution facilities. The largest categories of exports from the port of Tokyoare mach...
Bacteria - biology.
A2 b Bacterial Killers Some dramatic infectious diseases result from exposure to bacteria that are not part of our normal bacterial community. Cholera, one of the world’s deadliest diseasestoday, is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae . Cholera is spread in water and food contaminated with the bacteria, and by people who have the disease. After entering the body, the cholera bacteria grow in the intestines, often along the surface of the intestinal wall, where they secrete a toxin (poiso...
Orthodox Church.
formally defined by an ecumenical council, as it was in Catholicism, some Orthodox theologians have taught that the act of becoming a monk or the service of burial canalso be sacraments. The sacramental practice of the Orthodox differs in many details from Western customs. Baptism is administered by immersing the child or adult three times under thewater, each time in the name of one of the persons of the Trinity. It is followed immediately by anointment with chrism, a sacred perfumed oil that r...
Verbo - lengua y litteratura.
hecho cierto, o bien, considerar que su realización será más o menos incierta, virtual, hipotética, deseable, deseada, dudosa... Es una categoría específica del verbo. Si elhablante expresa la realidad de forma objetiva, sin tomar parte de ella, utilizará el modo indicativo, el modo de la realidad: Sergio estudia mucho; Hace calor; Mañana iremos al cine. Si el hablante participa en el enunciado, expresa de una forma subjetiva deseo, duda, temor..., utilizará el modo subjuntivo de la no realida...
Mapas mentales - geografía.
ambiente a gran escala, suponiendo que las personas generan imágenes que les permiten fijar direcciones entre ciudades. Sin embargo, el término mapa cognitivo se debe al psicólogo conductista Edward C. Tolman y a su artículo, escrito en 1948, Cognitive Maps in Rats and Men , en el que concluyó que las ratas parecían poseer en sus cerebros algo así como un mapa de rutas que les permitía relacionar elementos espaciales y gracias a este, en últimotérmino, se determinaba su comportamiento. En 1966,...
Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics
2) Hume, enquiry concerning the principles of morals self love vs public affection The second appendix is intended to clarify the meaning of the term self-love. Does this term connote only those actions which are selfish in the narrower sense of the word, or is it possible that it includes actions which are usually called altruistic? The question arises from the fact that moral sentiments are said to have their origin in the feelings. Whose feelings are referred to in this connection? Is it...
- Capote (Truman Streckfus Persons, dit Truman)
Health Care System in Canada.
With a few exceptions, provincial health plans cover all medically necessary services, so that patients need not pay directly for anything except so-called incidental costs.These incidental costs include items such as a patient’s private hospital room, unless it is specified by a physician, and transportation to the hospital. Provincial healthplans also do not cover some nonessential procedures, such as laser surgery for the eye, cosmetic surgery, procedures to reverse sterilization, and, in mos...
Clinical psychology is dedicated to the study, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illnesses and other emotional or behavioral disorders. More psychologists work in this field than in any other branch of psychology. In hospitals, community clinics, schools, and in private practice, they use interviews and tests to diagnose depression,anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and other mental illnesses. People with these psychological disorders often suffer terribly. They experience disturbing symptoms t...
Native American Religions.
In the worldview of most of the indigenous peoples of North America, there were also spiritual beings to be avoided. Native Americans of the Southwest in particular,such as the Navajo and Apache, dreaded contact with ghosts, who were believed to resent the living. These peoples disposed of the bodies of deceased relativesimmediately and attempted to distance themselves from the spirits of the dead, avoiding their burial sites, never mentioning their names, and even abandoning thedwellings in whi...
history of architecture. See Basilica; Church; Early Christian Art and Architecture;Prayer. C Christian Life The instruction and exhortation of Christian preaching and teaching concern all the themes of doctrine and morals: the love of God and the love of neighbor, the twochief commandments in the ethical message of Jesus (see Matthew 22: 34-40). Application of these commandments to the concrete situations of human life, bothpersonal and social, does not produce a uniformity of moral or polit...
they do not share any basic terms. B Sanātana Dharma Evidence from inscriptions indicates that Hindus had begun to use the word dharma for their religion by the 7th century. After other religions of Indian origin also began to use this term, Hindus then adopted the expression san ātana dharma to distinguish their dharma from others. The word san ātana, meaning immemorial as well as eternal, emphasized the unbroken continuity of the Hindu tradition in contrast to the other dharmas . The Bu...
Child Development.
developmental scientists have studied how cultural values guide the skills and attitudes that children acquire as they mature, and how brain maturation influences thedevelopment of thinking and feeling. For a more detailed discussion of child development theories, see the Theories of Child Development section of this article. III BASIC QUESTIONS A Nature and Nurture Scholars have long debated the relative importance of nature (hereditary influences) and nurture (environmental influences) i...
Iraq - country.
The Euphrates begins in Turkey, crosses Syria, and enters Iraq at Abū Kam āl. The flow of the Euphrates into Iraq has been greatly reduced by dams built by Turkeyand Syria. The gradient of the Euphrates above the town of H īt, in west central Iraq, is steep. In the 2,640 km (1,640 mi) from its source in Turkey to H īt, the river fallsfrom 3,000 m (10,000 ft) to a low water elevation of 50 m (170 ft) above sea level, an average drop of 1 m per km (6 ft per mi). In Iraq below H īt the fall is very...
suggested that concept possession need not consist in knowing a definition, but in appreciating the role of a concept in thought and practice. Moreover, he claimed, a concept need not apply to things by virtue of some closed set of features captured by a definition, but rather by virtue of ‘family resemblances' among the things, a suggestion that has given rise in psychology to ‘prototype' theories of concepts. Most traditional approaches to possession conditions have been concerned with t...
In many traditional societies, marriage typically involved transfers of property from the parents to their marrying children or from one set of parents to the other. Thesecustoms persist in some places today and are part of the tradition of arranged marriages. For example, in some cultures the bride’s parents may give property (knownas a dowry) to the new couple. The practice of giving dowries has been common in countries such as Greece, Egypt, India, and China from ancient times until thepresen...
"A Modest Proposal" - anthology.
I SHALL now therefore humbly propose my own Thoughts; which I hope will not be liable to the least Objection. I HAVE been assured by a very knowing American of my Acquaintance in London; that a young healthy Child, well nursed, is, at a Year old, a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome Food; whether Stewed, Roasted, Baked, or Boiled; and, I make no doubt, that it will equally serve in a Fricasie, or Ragoust. I DO therefore humbly offer it to publick Consideration, that of...
Parkinson Disease.
III SYMPTOMS Parkinson disease most notably affects motor control (muscle activity). The disease progresses differently for each individual—symptoms develop swiftly in some peopleand slowly in others. Some Parkinson patients may develop problems that affect their intellect or ability to reason, or they may suffer from depression or anxiety. A Motor Control Problems Doctors look for the presence of four principal symptoms in patients they suspect may have Parkinson disease. Tremor (the involun...
La respiración y los pulmones - (exposé gratuit en espagnol).
que cuidemos nuestros pulmones y los tratemos bien. Existen algunas enfermedades que pueden afectar a tus pulmones. Cuando se toma aire para respirar, los microorganismos puedenentrar en los pulmones. Algunos de estos microorganismos, como ciertos virus y bacterias, producen enfermedades como latuberculosis y la neumonía ; estas enfermedades no son muy frecuentes y suelen afectar a personas mayores haciendo que su respiración sea difícil. Algunos niños pueden padecer una enfermedad pulmonar qu...
Paisaje - geografía.
Paisaje glaciarPaisaje típico de tierras bajas afectadas por los casquetes glaciares y mantos de hielo durante la última glaciación. Para describir los paisajes terrestres se utiliza el término paisaje geográfico, que abarca tanto al paisaje natural como el cultural de una región, es decir, el modificado porlas personas. Hay paisajes geográficos en los que predominan las características del medio natural y otros que reflejan una marcada huella humana. Básicamente, se suelen utilizar 2 criterios...
From Plessy v.
We consider the underlying fallacy of the plaintiff's argument to consist in the assumption that the enforced separation of the two races stamps the colored race with abadge of inferiority. If this be so, it is not by reason of anything found in the act, but solely because the colored race chooses to put that construction upon it. Theargument necessarily assumes that if, as has been more than once the case and is not unlikely to be so again, the colored race should become the dominant power inth...
Excerpt from Sense and Sensibility - anthology.
was just arrived, and quitted not his hold till he had seated her in a chair in the parlour. Elinor and her mother rose up in amazement at their entrance, and while the eyes of both were fixed on him with an evident wonder and a secret admiration whichequally sprung from his appearance, he apologised for his intrusion by relating its cause, in a manner so frank and so graceful, that his person, which wasuncommonly handsome, received additional charms from his voice and expression. Had he bee...
Drug Dependence.
these drugs develops rapidly, no withdrawal syndrome is apparent when they are discontinued. Phencyclidine, or PCP, known popularly by such names as “angel dust” and “rocket fuel,” has no medical purpose for humans but is occasionally used by veterinarians asan anesthetic and sedative for animals. It became a common drug of abuse in the late 1970s, and is considered a menace because it can easily be synthesized. Itseffects differ from those of other hallucinogens. LSD, for example, produces deta...
IV DIAGNOSIS The symptoms typical of a stroke can also be caused by other conditions, including brain tumors, various infections, and overdoses of certain drugs. A patient that hasstrokelike symptoms may undergo a battery of imaging techniques to rule out other medical problems and confirm that a stroke has occurred. The key imagingtechnique used in diagnosing strokes is computed tomography (also known as CT or CAT scanning), which employs X rays to obtain images of the internal structures oft...
Eye, light-sensitive organ of vision in animals. The eyes of
Several structures, not parts of the eyeball, contribute to the protection of the eye. The most important of these are the eyelids, two folds of skin and tissue, upper andlower, that can be closed by means of muscles to form a protective covering over the eyeball against excessive light and mechanical injury. The eyelashes, a fringe ofshort hairs growing on the edge of either eyelid, act as a screen to keep dust particles and insects out of the eyes when the eyelids are partly closed. Inside the...
From Bush v.
legal requirements. This case has shown that punch card balloting machines can produce an unfortunate number of ballots which are not punched in a clean, complete way by the voter.After the current counting, it is likely legislative bodies nationwide will examine ways to improve the mechanisms and machinery for voting. B The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States unless and until the state legislature chooses astatewide...