360 résultats pour "ours"
P our la plupart d'entre nous, un revenu gagné est le
plus souvent trop rapidement dépensé.
• L'IMPÔT SUR LE REVENU ///////// 1.. Qu! doit produire une déclaration ///////// d '1mpot sur le revenu ? Toute personne imposable doit, chaque année, faire parvenir au service des impôts de son lieu d'imposition une déclaration annuelle de revenus. Les personnes qui ne sont pas imposables, faute d'un revenu suffisant, ne sont pas tenues de souscrire une déclaration de revenus. Elles peuvent toutefois avoir intérêt à produire volontaireme...
Fiche de préparation pour la séance n°3 de lutte : Situation de découverte.
2. On inverse les 2 équipes pour que chacun puisse vivre la situation avec les 2 rôles. Chasseurs :Vert et Jaune . Ours :Rouge et Bleu. 3. On va se faire affronter 2 équipes de chasseurs. Ce sont les chasseurs les plus rapides qui gagnent. Chasseurs Ours Rouge Bleu Vert Jaune 4. On inverse chasseurs et ours. Chasseurs Ours Bleu Rouge Jaune Vert Matériel : ✗ Délimitation de la tanière : des tapis. ✗ Matériel sonore pour signaler fin de partie et temps de transition, verbalisation. T...
Dans le but de
une association
L e problème des associations, de ces groupements de
personnes qui, dans les domaines les plus divers,
s'unissent p our poursuivre un objectif commun, est
un problème de société de grande importance e t q ui
se développe chaque jour.
170 / Les associations Il a bien voulu bâtir pour nous un résumé d'un tra vail beaucoup plus important qu'il a réalisé sur les associations. Nous le remercions bien vivement et bien amicalement de ce service. Des jeunes voudraient se réunir pour faire du sport, des parents d'enfants handicapés voudraient se regrouper pour s'entraider et promouvoir des métho des éducatives appropriées; comment faire? La loi du 1er juillet 1901 va nous do...
D u citoyen
o u qu'elle approuve en soi et qualifie bonne, une chose qu'elle
blâme et veut faire passer p our mauvaise en autrui.
Hobbes XVIII. Différence entre le péché d'infirmité et celui de malice. Cependant il n'y a rien de plus certain que l'on peut trans gresser les lois par infirmité humaine, quoique au fond on désire les observer; mais cela n'empêche pas qu'on ne blâme avec raison et qu'on ne nomme une offense une telle action comme contrevenante à la justice. Il y a des personnes qui méprisent les lois chaque fois qu'il y a apparence de gain et d'impunité,...
Principal Provisions of the Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was signed by King John of England in response to the complaints of his barons, and thus its emphasis is on the limits of royal authority and the proper
relationship between king and subject.
39. No free man shall be taken, or imprisoned, or dispossessed, or outlawed, or banished, or in any way injured, nor will we go upon him, nor send upon him, exceptby the legal judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land. 40. To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny or delay, right or justice. 41. All merchants shall be safe and secure in going out from England and coming into England, and in remaining and going through England, as well by land as bywater, for buying and selling, free...
débat sur les ours des Pyrénées
Atelier 10 : Débat Sujet : Faut-il protéger à tout prix l’ours de Pyrénées ? Présentation du sujet : L’ours des Pyrénées est une sous-espèce de l’ours brun. Histoire : En France, l'ours brun était commun en plaine et en montagne jusqu'au Moyen-Age. Il a été chassé jusqu'à disparaître des Alpes en 1937. La population des Pyrénées a très fortement régressé au cours du XXème siècle : de 70 individus en 1954, il restait une demi-douzaine d'ours à la fin des années 1990. Les lâchers de...
Franklin Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address
Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered this address on March 4, 1933.
such discipline no progress is made, no leadership becomes effective. We are, I know, ready and willing to submit our lives and property to such discipline, becauseit makes possible a leadership which aims at a larger good. This I propose to offer, pledging that the larger purposes will bind upon us all as a sacred obligation witha unity of duty hitherto evoked only in time of armed strife. With this pledge taken, I assume unhesitatingly the leadership of this great army of our people dedicated...
Common-sense ethics
mind, common to all human beings. Reid thought this showed that God meant it to guide our wills. It is both an intellectual and active power. As an intellectual power, it enables us to intuit directly the first principles of morality. Reid thought that moral reasoning, and indeed all reasoning, must start from self-evident first principles which we perceive immediately. If we had to figure out the basic principles of morality by a process of ratiocination, as Locke maintained, morality would not...
Human Nutrition.
is one of the most preventable types of cancer. Nutritionists caution that most Americans need to eat more complex carbohydrates. In the typical American diet, only 40 to 50 percent of total calories come fromcarbohydrates—a lower percentage than found in most of the world. To make matters worse, half of the carbohydrate calories consumed by the typical American comefrom processed foods filled with simple sugars. Experts recommend that these foods make up no more that 10 percent of our diet, bec...
descendant du roi d'Angleterre Henry VII Tudor, et il se trouve en effet être le plus proche héritier de la « Reine-Vierge » (The Virgin Queen). The King of Scotlandis a distant descendant of King Henry VII Tudor of England, and it is indeed be the nearest heir to the "Virgin Queen".Il est le fils de la cousine de la reine, MaryStuart (connu aussi sous le nom de Bloody Mary), qu'elle a fait décapiter, et de Henry Darnley, lui-même exécuté par Mary Stuart. He is the son of the cousin ofQueen Mary...
Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics
2) Hume, enquiry concerning the principles of morals self love vs public affection The second appendix is intended to clarify the meaning of the term self-love. Does this term connote only those actions which are selfish in the narrower sense of the word, or is it possible that it includes actions which are usually called altruistic? The question arises from the fact that moral sentiments are said to have their origin in the feelings. Whose feelings are referred to in this connection? Is it...
Perception (psychology).
A4 Closure According to the law of closure, we prefer complete forms to incomplete forms. Thus, in the drawing below, we mentally close the gaps and perceive a picture of a duck. This tendency allows us to perceive whole objects from incomplete and imperfect forms. A5 Common Fate The law of common fate leads us to group together objects that move in the same direction. In the following illustration, imagine that three of the balls are moving in one direction, and two of the balls are mo...
Lester Pearson.
a vacant seat. The by-election followed a major Liberal victory in September, and as a Liberal Party candidate, Pearson won by a comfortable margin in Algoma East,Ontario. He was reelected to the House of Commons in elections between 1949 and 1965. He was immediately made secretary of state for external affairs in the cabinetof Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent. In this post, Pearson set a new standard of frank exchange and cooperation that brought him respect and esteem. However, manyCanadians w...
Lester Pearson - Canadian History.
a vacant seat. The by-election followed a major Liberal victory in September, and as a Liberal Party candidate, Pearson won by a comfortable margin in Algoma East,Ontario. He was reelected to the House of Commons in elections between 1949 and 1965. He was immediately made secretary of state for external affairs in the cabinetof Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent. In this post, Pearson set a new standard of frank exchange and cooperation that brought him respect and esteem. However, manyCanadians w...
Excerpt from A Midsummer Night's Dream - anthology.
BOTTOM: Well, proceed. QUINCE: Robin Starveling, the tailor? STARVELING: Here, Peter Quince. QUINCE: Robin Starveling, you must play Thisbe’s mother. Tom Snout, the tinker? SNOUT: Here, Peter Quince. QUINCE: You, Pyramus’ father; myself, Thisbe’s father; Snug, the joiner, you the lion’s part; and I hope here is a play fitted. SNUG: Have you the lion’s part written? Pray you, if it be, give it me; for I am slow of study. QUINCE: You may do it extempore; for it is nothing but roaring. BOTTOM: Let...
to be human is to be in relation
experience that doesn't occur between the world and us but rather within ourselves (Buber p.56). In the I-It relationship, we are only distant observers and fail to be present and engage in relation with the world. The I-You relationship, in contrast, represents the entrance into relation. In this type of relationship, rather than being observers, we become active participants of the world. We no longer use or experience one another but rather get into relation with one another. This, in my op...
Introduction Through this company analysis, different aspects of DTE Energy Company will be cover in a financial viewpoint. I will firstly give a brief description of DTE Energy Company, after that analyze the industry in which it operates, describe its major market, analyze its financial statement with a spread sheet for the financial analysis, and finally I will determine if I will invest in this company or not. Company, Industr...
Astrobiology - astronomy.
water to help reactions along. American chemists Stanley Miller and Harold Urey tested part of Oparin and Haldane’s hypothesis in the early 1950s by simulating conditions of the early Earth. In whathas become known as the Miller-Urey experiment, the two scientists connected two flasks with a loop of glass tubing that allowed the gases to pass between the flasks.They filled the upper flask with methane, ammonia, and hydrogen—components thought to have been in the early atmosphere. They filled the...
Les animaux carnivores
et du Pacifique (mer de Bering, par exemple) où il fréquente les eaux peu profondes. Les morses seraient apparus il y a 25 millions d'années et seraient issus de carnivores proches des ours . La taille d'un morse est plus que respectable car les males peuvent peser plus d'une tonne et mesurer plus de 3 mètres ; les femelles sont nettement plus petites avec 800 kg au maximum. Cet animal est caracté risé par des canines supérieures très développé...
From Walden - anthology.
instant? We should live in all the ages of the world in an hour; ay, in all the worlds of the ages. History, Poetry, Mythology!—I know of no reading of another'sexperience so startling and informing as this would be. The greater part of what my neighbors call good I believe in my soul to be bad, and if I repent of any thing, it is very likely to be my good behavior. What demonpossessed me that I behaved so well? You may say the wisest thing you can old man,—you who have lived seventy years,...
Socrates suffered in the comedy of Aristophanes. Throughout history, opposition to comedy and laughter has been strongest in societies which emphasize physical restraint, decorum and conformity. Many medieval monastic orders had statutes forbidding laughter. The Puritan and Victorian eras saw many condemnations of comedy and laughter. The more authoritarian the regime, the greater its suppression of comedy. Hitler even set up ‘joke courts' to punish those who made fun of his regime - one Berl...
Churchill: "The Sinews of Peace"
On March 5, 1946, in a
safeguards to make it effective, these powers would naturally be confided to that world organisation. Now I come to the second danger of these two marauders which threatens the cottage, the home, and the ordinary people—namely, tyranny. We cannot be blind tothe fact that the liberties enjoyed by individual citizens throughout the British Empire are not valid in a considerable number of countries, some of which are verypowerful. In these States control is enforced upon the common people by variou...
Excerpt from Persuasion - anthology.
“Yes, dear ma'am,” said Mrs. Croft, “or an uncertain engagement, an engagement which may be long. To begin without knowing that at such a time there will be themeans of marrying, I hold to be very unsafe and unwise, and what I think all parents should prevent as far as they can.” Anne found an unexpected interest here. She felt its application to herself, felt it in a nervous thrill all over her; and at the same moment that her eyes instinctivelyglanced towards the distant table, Captain Wen...
voisine et pendant la même période, la température moyenne est en général de - 7 °C, en raison de courants océaniques relativement chauds. Le pôle Nord n’est pas lepoint le plus froid de l’Arctique, car le climat est tempéré par l’océan. Les régions les plus froides sont situées dans le nord-est de la Sibérie ; c’est Oymyakon qui détient lerecord de la température la plus basse, avec - 68 °C. En Amérique du Nord, la température la plus froide a été enregistrée à Snag, dans le territoire du Yukon...
Excerpt from Troilus and Cressida - anthology.
Enter Pandarus and Cressida, veiled PANDARUS. Come, come, what need you blush? Shame's a baby. ( To Troilus ) Here she is now: swear the oaths now to her that you have sworn to me. ( To Cressida ) What, are you gone again? You must be watched ere you be made tame, must you? Come your ways, come your ways; an you draw backward, we'll put you i'th'fills. ( To Troilus ) Why do you not speak to her? ( To Cressida ) Come, draw this curtain, and let's see your picture. Alas the day, how loath you are...
recherch method
2 Chapter I - Research Question Research consist to investigate a given problem in order to solve it. But before to investigate, we need t o find out the problem. Without issue, investigation is not able to take place. That’s why it is important to find out the issue, the true one . An d for that, we need to follow some steps to choose the appropriate one. The first step is the interest . Before to choose a research question, it is primordial to know what w...
"A Modest Proposal" - anthology.
I SHALL now therefore humbly propose my own Thoughts; which I hope will not be liable to the least Objection. I HAVE been assured by a very knowing American of my Acquaintance in London; that a young healthy Child, well nursed, is, at a Year old, a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome Food; whether Stewed, Roasted, Baked, or Boiled; and, I make no doubt, that it will equally serve in a Fricasie, or Ragoust. I DO therefore humbly offer it to publick Consideration, that of...
Sont passibles d 'un emprisonnement de 10 j ours à
/////////LE SURENDETTEMENT ///////// DES PARTICULIERS ET DES FAMILLES Une utilisation incontrôlée du crédit peut amener le consommateur à une situation de surendettement, sou vent insoluble. La loi du 31 décembre 1989 fixe les règles applicables au règlement des difficultés liées au surendettement des particuliers et des familles. Il !!~c?:~r~e;! ~::.:~c::~ ::s 1 :i:u 0 a~7:~: fi de surendettement ? Cette procédure s'applique aux personnes...
Bacteria - biology.
A2 b Bacterial Killers Some dramatic infectious diseases result from exposure to bacteria that are not part of our normal bacterial community. Cholera, one of the world’s deadliest diseasestoday, is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae . Cholera is spread in water and food contaminated with the bacteria, and by people who have the disease. After entering the body, the cholera bacteria grow in the intestines, often along the surface of the intestinal wall, where they secrete a toxin (poiso...
Sun - astronomy.
A The Sun’s Place in the Milky Way The Milky Way Galaxy contains about 400 billion stars. All of these stars, and the gas and dust between them, are rotating about a galactic center. Stars that arefarther away from the center move at slower speeds and take longer to go around it. The Sun is located in the outer part of the galaxy, at a distance of 2.6 × 10 17 km (1.6 × 10 17 mi) from the center. The Sun, which is moving around the center at a velocity of 220 km/s (140 mi/s), takes 250 million y...
Excerpt from Barnaby Rudge - anthology.
Mr. Dennis rolled lazily over upon his breast, and resting his chin upon his hand in imitation of the attitude in which Hugh lay, said, as he too looked towards thedoor: “ Ay, ay, you knew him, brother, you knew him. But who'd suppose to look at that chap now, that he could be the man he is! Isn't it a thousand cruel pities, brother,that instead of taking his nat'ral rest and qualifying himself for further exertions in this here honourable cause, he should be playing at soldiers like a boy?...
Social Psychology.
During the 1960s, American psychologist Stanley Milgram studied a form of social influence stronger than conformity: obedience to authority. In a famous series ofexperiments that attracted controversy about human research ethics, Milgram put each of 1,000 subjects into a situation in which they were ordered by anexperimenter to administer painful electric shocks to a confederate (who did not actually receive any shocks). The subjects in these studies were led to believe that theywere acting as '...
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Abstract objects
to be an abstract object; but while it is not located anywhere, it has not always existed, but was devised at acertain time. Other examples are natural languages, many if not all works of art, and words and letters in the type-as opposed to token-sense (roughly, the sense in which there are just six, not eight, distinct letters in the word'abstract') (see Type/token distinction ). Thus while the abstract-concrete distinction undoubtedly has much to do with spatiality and temporality, it does no...
IV NEO-CONFUCIANISM After centuries of intellectual and cultural dominance by Buddhism, China began to experience a revival of Confucian thought during the Tang dynasty ( AD 618-907). It was led by poet and essayist Han Yu (Han Yü). Han Yu attacked Buddhism and Daoism, which he believed had kept government officials from seeing how they couldhelp the people. To further public welfare, he urged them to study the way of the ancient sages through the Five Classics . Han Yu almost lost his life f...
Extrait du journal "Le Monde", du 17 décembre 2010, auteur : Catherine Vincent
D’après les critères morphologiques, physiologiques, comportementaux et écologiques, on peut clairement établir que le Grizzly et l’Ours polaire sont 2 espèces différentes. Puisque ces 2 espèces occupent des niches écologiques différentes, elles ne sont pas censées se rencontrer et se reproduire ensemble. Si on analyse les cartes des aires de répartition des espèces, on constate que le Pizzly a été retrouvé à la frontière de la banquise et des aires de répartitions géographiques de ses 2 «...
t erme désig ne un élément de la lang ue correspondant à un syntag me ou à un mot, parfois à un symbole, mais considéré comme
l'étiquette matérielle d'une notion ou d'un concept.
ad m et u n c o m plé m ent d ir e ct (tr a nsitif d ir e ct) o u p ré p ositio nnel (tr a nsitif in d ir e ct) . E m plo i tr a nsitif s e d it à p ro pos d 'u n v erb e in itia le m ent o u e sse ntie lle m ent in tr a nsitif , l o rs q u'i l s 'e m plo ie a v ec u n c o m plé m ent. Sens tr a nsitif : s e ns d 'u n v erb e e n e m plo i tr a nsitif . tra nslit té ra tio n ⇒ T RANSC RIP TIO N trilit tè re s e d it d es p rin cip ale s r a cin es d es l a ng ues s é m itiq ues...
of the catalyst, including selectivity for the case of more complex catalytic pathways. Figure 2B suggests the local regeneration of deactivated areas as one possible starting point for such a design. In the case of island- forming reactants, for which the reaction oc- curs at the perimeter of these islands (34,35), the generation of additional boundaries should enhance reaction rates. What are good feedback laws for these objectives, and how can they be implemented? Hierarchical con- trol schem...
Community and communitarianism
makes fundamental ethical criticism's of one's own community impossible. The success of communitarianism as a political theory depends upon whether it can be demonstrated that liberal political institutions cannot provide adequate conditions for the flourishing of community or secure appropriate support for persons' identities so far as their identities are determined by their membership in communities. 1 Community If I am a member of a community, I conceive of the goals and values I shar...
- La bataille de Grandson Un véritable piège à ours.
berrichon P arler g allo-roman d'oï l parlé dans le Berry.
ca lq ue s e d it d e l a tr a d uctio n o u d e l ’a d ap ta tio n e n f ra nçais d ’u n m ot o u d ’u n g ro up e d e m ots a p parte nant à u ne a utr e l a ng ue ( lib re -p ense ur, c alq ue d e l ’a ng la is fre eth in ker, b as-b le u, p our blu e s to ckin g , c e n ’e st p as m a ta sse d e th é, e tc .) . C ’e st u ne d es f o rm es de l ’e m pru nt* . Le c alq ue p eut a ffe cte r u ne c o nstr u ctio n; c ’e st a lo rs u ne tr a nsp ositio n d ’u ne l a ng ue à l ’a...
(18 390 km²), et le lac Onega (9 610 km²), tous deux d’origine glaciaire, situés au nord-ouest de la Russie d’Europe et dont le principal émissaire, la Neva, rejoint le golfede Finlande. 2.3 Climat Le territoire de la Russie est soumis, dans sa plus grande partie, à un climat continental rigoureux, avec des hivers longs et froids, des étés chauds mais courts, et dessaisons intermédiaires réduites. La majeure partie du pays connaît plus de cent vingt jours de gel par an. Plusieurs facteurs inter...
Radio Astronomy - astronomy.
equivalent to the apparent angular dimensions of a basketball at the distance of the moon. In 1984, the U.S. government appropriated funds for the construction of aninstallation called the very long baseline array (VLBA), a network of 10 radio antennas spread from the U.S.-Canadian border to Puerto Rico and from Hawaii to the U.S.Atlantic coast. The VLBA is expected to provide angular resolutions in the range of 200-millionths of an arc second. Canada and Australia are both planning similarprogr...
From Bush v.
legal requirements. This case has shown that punch card balloting machines can produce an unfortunate number of ballots which are not punched in a clean, complete way by the voter.After the current counting, it is likely legislative bodies nationwide will examine ways to improve the mechanisms and machinery for voting. B The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States unless and until the state legislature chooses astatewide...
Planetary Science - astronomy.
III ORIGINS AND COMPOSITIONS OF PLANETS Astronomers believe that planetary systems are formed of elemental materials that were created in the interiors of giant stars. Some of this material comes from giantstars that shed material into space as they age. Most of the matter to form planets, however, comes from stars that explode as supernovas and spread debris enrichedwith the heavier chemical elements into space. According to the currently accepted views, the most likely first stage in the evo...
mythes and heroes
and recognized. In sport, Respect is also important but athletes transmit others values. For instance, Mohammed Ali, heavyweight champion of the world, teaches the importance of the determination, the courage and the will through his fight. He shows us that we should never give up in front of the difficulty because the perseverance always pays. Also, some heroes are important because they protect us by serving their country. Some men and women are ready to put their life in danger and to sacrifi...
- Petit-panda: Ni un véritable panda, ni un ours, ni un raton.
Excerpt from Coriolanus - anthology.
For that, “Forgive our Romans.” O, a kissLong as my exile, sweet as my revenge!Now, by the jealous queen of heaven, that kissI carried from thee, dear, and my true lipHath virgined it e'er since. You gods! I pray,And the most noble mother of the worldLeave unsaluted. Sink my knee i'th'earth;He kneels Of thy deep duty more impression showThan that of common sons. VOLUMNIA. O, stand up blest!He rises Whilst with no softer cushion than the flintI kneel before thee, and unproperlyShow duty as mistak...
Descartes: “I think, therefore I am”
The first part is devoted to a detailed refutation of the belief that any of our knowledge is innate . The second part tries to answer the question :« How can we acquired knowledge ? Locke is looking for unprejudiced readers to go beyond innate knowledge/ ideas. First arguments : He claims that if the theory of innate ideas were true, our sensory faculties would be useless because knowledge would be imprinted on the mind. According to him, if we were born with the ...
Excerpt from Henry VI - anthology.
SON. Ill blows the wind that profits nobody.This man whom hand to hand I slew in fightMay be possessèd with some store of crowns;And I, that haply take them from him now,May yet ere night yield both my life and themTo some man else, as this dead man doth me.—Who's this? O God! It is my father's face,Whom in this conflict I, unwares, have killed.O, heavy times, begetting such events!From London by the King was I pressed forth;My father, being the Earl of Warwick's man,Came on the part of York, pr...