1612 résultats pour "mora"
Cita mors rait
Rapide la mort accourt
Il s'agit d'une variante d'un vers d'Horace (Satires. 1. 1, 8: Cita mors...
Cita mors rait Rapide la mort accourt Il s'agit d'une variante d'un vers d'Horace (Satires. 1. 1, 8: Cita mors i'enit aut victoria laeta, >) répertoriée par Walther (2766) et citée dans le Polythecon (S. 88). Mais l'expression iunctura cita mors est fréquemment utilisée par les auteurs : cf. Horace, Carm.• 2, 16, 29 ; mais aussi Draconce, De Dei /audibus, 3. 242; Alcuin, Carm., PL 101. 825b: Héric d'Auxerre, Vila S. Germani., Pl 124, 1198c ; Liutprand de Crémone,...
Geography essay: Why are some countries more developed than others ?
money just to pay off their debts, they are not able to constructs as many schools, hospitals, water supplies orwhat people people urgently need.LEDC's are generally situated where the environmental conditions are at of the Earth's extreme climates (e.g:equator very humid tornadoes, deserts famine and dry soil). The lack of money and technology enables them tocope with hazard such as hurricanes, such as the one that occurred in Haiti, and cause billions of dollars of damage.Countries st...
- MORS ET VITA. de Henry de Montherlant (résumé)
Mors de Malherbe et de Hugo. Commentaire comparé
Quelques souvenirs de ses promenades au bord de l'Orne, un sonnet oil it pleure son fils tue en duel, c'est a peu pres tout son lyrisme personnel. Il exprime didactiquement les idees de tout le monde sur des lieux communs. C'est ici le sujet mille fois traite de la mort, des remedes a la douleur pro- voquee par la disparition de ceux qu'on aimait. Le theme se peut ramener a ces propositions simples : Ia mort est impitoyable; nul n'est a l'abri de ses coups; la conformite a la volonte divine seul...
Mors de Victor Hugo, Les Contemplations (commentaire)
La logique de cette métamorphose, où chaque réalité humaine passe du tout au rien, présente tout de même uneexception : les enfants ne sont pas transformés en cadavres, mais « en oiseaux ». Il y a mutation, certes, mais nonopposition. Cela s'explique bien sûr par la délicatesse du poète, mais aussi par la pudeur de l'homme : il emploiera leverbe « s'envoler » à propos du décès de sa propre fille. Par ailleurs, l'enfant est si proche encore du ciel dont ilsemble venir qu'il n'a pas besoin, semble...
- Commentaire d’un extrait de “l’Utopie” de Thomas More
- MORS ET VITA de Charles Gounod - résumé, analyse
- Utopia de More
- La Morée franque
Utopie - Thomas More (extrait sur le mode de vie des Utopiens)
« non pour... » « mais afin que.. » l.7 → opposition entre gâchis (critique de la société contemporaine de l'auteur?) et et bénéfice. L'homme est félicité s'il préfère travailler (car il sert alors la communauté) Chacun choisit ce qui correspond le plus à sa forme d'esprit → harmonie. Troisième paragraphe Il montre les différents jeux des Utopiens. Ceux-ci sont éducatifs et ont pour but d'améliorer l'homme (=humanisme). Ils opposent vice et vertu, sous la forme d'un combat entre le...
- Mors (Death) Roman The goddess or personification of death.
- UTOPIE (L’), ou le Traité de la meilleure forme de gouvernement, Thomas More (saint)
- Morez, localité du département du Jura, au nord-est de Saint-Claude, qui s'allonge sur 2 km au fond de la vallée de la Bienne.
Ludovic le More
VALOIS Louis XII LE ROI CHEF DE GUERRE 8 avril 1500 Ludovic le More, le rival du duché de Milan Le 8 avril 1500 , Ludovic Sforza , dit le More , est fait prisonnier par les Français à Novare , en Lombardie . Louis Xli tient enfin à sa mer ci celui qui lui a disputé le duché de Milan pendant plus de vingt an s. L ouis XII a toujours rêvé du Milanais. Petit-fils de Valentine Visconti, il peut à bon droit revendiquer...
Where advertising reaches a mass audience, personal or direct selling focuses on one customer at a time. That kind of individual attention makes direct sellingexpensive, but it also makes it effective. As the costs of personal selling have risen, the utilization of salespeople has changed. Simple transactions are completed byclerks. Salespeople are now used primarily where the products are complex and require detailed explanation, customized application, or careful negotiation over priceand paym...
Collectibles and Collecting.
common blond and thus commands a higher price. If there are different variations to a collectible, the least common one is usually worth more. Often there areinteresting stories behind rarities, such as the highly sought-after 1909 Honus Wagner baseball card. At that time tobacco companies manufactured and distributedbaseball cards, and when the antitobacco Wagner complained, his card was pulled from production. Very few copies in good condition have ever been found. C Age Age is often an indic...
- L'Utopie de Thomas More
Giant Panda - biology.
In 2007 conservationists announced that a parasitic roundworm was responsible for a significant number of the panda deaths reported in the wild since 1990. Theparasite Baylisascaris schroederi causes the disease visceral larval migrans, which results in bleeding in the lungs, the liver, and the intestines, and can also affect the brain. It is not known if other recent pandas deaths were caused by the same parasite or by a different contagious disease. Loss of habitat from deforestation is forc...
Extrasolar Planets - astronomy.
When a planet passes in a front of the star it orbits—an event called a transit—it causes a small dip in the brightness of the star. Measuring the slight change in thebrightness can be used not only to directly detect a planet, but to determine its size and orbit. However, the planet needs to orbit in a plane that lies in a telescope’sline of sight on the star. Despite long odds, Earth-based telescopes have detected and studied a few exoplanets using this method. The first space telescope design...
Air Pollution.
Several pollutants attack the ozone layer. Chief among them is the class of chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), formerly used as refrigerants (notably in airconditioners), as agents in several manufacturing processes, and as propellants in spray cans. CFC molecules are virtually indestructible until they reach thestratosphere. Here, intense ultraviolet radiation breaks the CFC molecules apart, releasing the chlorine atoms they contain. These chlorine atoms begin reacting withozone, br...
In each of the first nine frames the bowler rolls one or two balls. If the bowler knocks down all ten pins with the first ball, he or she has rolled a strike, the best roll possible. An X is recorded on the scoresheet or screen, and the bowler receives ten points (the number of pins knocked down) plus a bonus of the number of pins thebowler knocks down in his or her next two bowls. The maximum possible score in a strike frame, therefore, is 30: the strike followed by two more strikes on subseq...
Dinosaur - biology.
The behavior of dinosaurs was governed by their metabolism and by their central nervous system. The dinosaurs’ metabolism—the internal activities that supply thebody’s energy needs—affected their activity level. It is unclear whether dinosaurs were purely endothermic (warm-blooded), like modern mammals, or ectothermic (cold-blooded), like modern reptiles. Endotherms regulate their body temperature internally by means of their metabolism, rather than by using the temperature oftheir surroundin...
Human Nutrition.
is one of the most preventable types of cancer. Nutritionists caution that most Americans need to eat more complex carbohydrates. In the typical American diet, only 40 to 50 percent of total calories come fromcarbohydrates—a lower percentage than found in most of the world. To make matters worse, half of the carbohydrate calories consumed by the typical American comefrom processed foods filled with simple sugars. Experts recommend that these foods make up no more that 10 percent of our diet, bec...
Hippopotamus - biology.
hippo backs up to its droppings and uses its tail as a paddle, flicking the dung through the air. This creates a pile that can become several meters wide over time. Male river hippos start to establish territories when they are in their early 20s, and they may eventually control more than 250 m (820 ft) of the water's edge.Subordinate males come and go freely, but a rival male will spark a confrontation if it tries to intrude. The territory owner and intruder face each other open-mouthedand, if...
Faut-il renoncer à l'utopie ?
a) K. Mannheim (Idéologie et utopie) a montré que l'utopie est un phénomène d'écart traduisant le désaccord del'homme avec la réalité. Il caractérise la « conscience fausse », celle qui ne peut s'accorder avec son milieuhistorique.— Mais cet écart n'est ni compensation ni évasion hors de l'histoire. Essentiellement projet, il marque une volonté detransformer la réalité historique.L'utopie est positive puisque ferment révolutionnaire et facteur de changement social. La disparition de l...
New York (city) - geography.
Concourse are particularly prized, because the apartment buildings are well kept and the public parks are easily accessible. City Island retains the charm of a small fishingvillage. Parts of the Bronx, however, fell victim to decay and abandonment, especially between 1970 and 1980, when the population of the borough fell by 20 percent. The low pointoccurred in 1976, when future U.S. president Jimmy Carter compared the South Bronx to the bombed-out German city of Dresden after World War II (1939-...
New York (city) - geography.
The Bronx is the fourth largest and the northernmost of the five boroughs, and the only one on the American mainland. Even so, it is surrounded by water on threesides: Long Island Sound on the east, the Harlem and East rivers on the south, and Hudson River on the west. Encompassing 109 sq km (42 sq mi), it had 1,332,650inhabitants in 2000. Largely residential, the Bronx includes dozens of vibrant neighborhoods. Fieldston is particularly elegant, with great stone houses set among spacious lawns a...
Quantum Theory
Quantum Theory, in physics, description of the particles that make up matter and how they interact with each other and with energy.
electron in the same way a particle with momentum would: It bumps the electron and changes the electron’s path. The light is also affected by the collision as though itwere a particle, in that its energy and momentum changes. Momentum is a quantity that can be defined for all particles. For light particles, or photons, momentum depends on the frequency, or color, of the photon, which in turndepends on the photon’s energy. The energy of a photon is equal to a constant number, called Planck’s cons...
C Lotteries Lotteries are another form of gambling. In a lottery, tickets are sold for a set amount and a share of the proceeds is returned to the winners, usually through a randomdraw. Most games allow players to pick their own numbers or let a computer randomly pick for them. Lotteries offer a wide variety of games, including weekly drawings,instant “scratch” tickets, daily games, and superlottos with prizes increasing until there is a winner. Large lottery prizes sometimes exceed $100 millio...
Invertebrate - biology.
animals with a five-pointed design. They live in the sea and move with the help of tiny fluid-filled feet—another feature found nowhere else in the animal world. Zoologists recognize several different groups of worms. The phylum known as flatworms contains the simplest animals possessing heads. Nerves and sense organs areconcentrated in the head. Most flatworms are paper-thin and live in a variety of wet or damp habitats, including the digestive systems of other animals. Roundwormsrepresent anot...
Invertebrate - biology.
animals with a five-pointed design. They live in the sea and move with the help of tiny fluid-filled feet—another feature found nowhere else in the animal world. Zoologists recognize several different groups of worms. The phylum known as flatworms contains the simplest animals possessing heads. Nerves and sense organs areconcentrated in the head. Most flatworms are paper-thin and live in a variety of wet or damp habitats, including the digestive systems of other animals. Roundwormsrepresent anot...
Guatemala - country.
C Climate The climate of Guatemala varies according to elevation, from hot coastal plains to cold mountain heights. Most of the population lives between 900 and 2,400 m (3,000and 8,000 ft) above sea level, where there are warm days and cool nights with average annual temperatures of 20°C (68°F). The coastal regions are hot and humid,with average annual temperatures of 28°C (83°F). A rainy season, from May through October, is sometimes called “winter” because it brings cloudy afternoons andlower...
Not all industries require the same degree of automation. Agriculture, sales, and some service industries are difficult to automate. The agriculture industry may becomemore mechanized, especially in the processing and packaging of foods; however, in many service industries such as supermarkets, for example, a checkout countermay be automated and the shelves or supply bins must still be stocked by hand. Similarly, doctors may consult a computer to assist in diagnosis, but they must makethe final...
Chemical Reaction - chemistry.
Many groups of elements occur so often as ions that they are given names: nitrate, NO 3-; sulfate, SO 42-; and phosphate, PO 43-. The suffix -ate usually indicates the presence of oxygen. The positive ion, NH 4+, is called ammonium, as in NH 4Cl, ammonium chloride, or (NH 4)3PO4, ammonium phosphate. Rules for naming more complicated compounds exist, but many compounds have been given trivial names—for example, Na 2B4O7·10 H 2O, borax—or proprietary names—F(CF 2)nF, Teflon. These nonsystemat...
Bill Clinton.
When Arkansas governor David Pryor ran for the U.S. Senate in 1978, Clinton ran for governor. He promised to improve the state’s schools and highways and toimprove economic conditions so that more jobs would be created. At that time, the average income of people in Arkansas ranked 49th among the 50 states. Clinton woneasily, receiving 60 percent of the vote against four opponents in the Democratic primary election and 63 percent against the Republican candidate, Lynn Lowe, in thegeneral election...
Bill Clinton - USA History.
When Arkansas governor David Pryor ran for the U.S. Senate in 1978, Clinton ran for governor. He promised to improve the state’s schools and highways and toimprove economic conditions so that more jobs would be created. At that time, the average income of people in Arkansas ranked 49th among the 50 states. Clinton woneasily, receiving 60 percent of the vote against four opponents in the Democratic primary election and 63 percent against the Republican candidate, Lynn Lowe, in thegeneral election...
Virus (computer).
how closely it resembles a virus. It relies on experience with previous viruses to predict the likelihood that a suspicious file is an as-yet unidentified or unclassified newvirus. Other types of antiviral software include monitoring software and integrity-shell software. Monitoring software is different from scanning software. It detects illegal orpotentially damaging viral activities such as overwriting computer files or reformatting the computer's hard drive. Integrity-shell software establis...
Global Warming.
some of the warming influence of increasing greenhouse gases. A1 Carbon Dioxide Carbon dioxide is the second most abundant greenhouse gas, after water vapor. Carbon dioxide constantly circulates in the environment through a variety of naturalprocesses known as the carbon cycle. It is released into the atmosphere from natural processes such as eruptions of volcanoes; the respiration of animals, whichbreathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide; and the burning or decay of plants and other organic...
Exhibitions and Expositions.
A Louisiana Purchase Exposition In 1904, St. Louis, Missouri, organized an exposition in celebration of the centennial of the Louisiana Purchase. The exposition, which cost about $20 million, attractedalmost 20 million persons and showed a profit of about $25 million. B Panama-Pacific International Exposition The Panama-Pacific International Exposition was held in San Francisco in 1915 to celebrate the construction and opening of the Panama Canal. More than $50 millionwas spent on this exposit...
United States Senate.
providing for military forces, and declaring war. Article I, Section 8, also gives Congress implied powers—to “make all laws which shall be necessary and proper” forcarrying out the enumerated powers, and to investigate and oversee the executive branch. The Senate also has the power to conduct impeachment trials against thepresident, federal judges, and other officials. The Senate can only impeach someone after the House brings charges, however. A two-thirds majority vote of thesenators in the c...
Castigat Riendo Mores
ajouter Elle s’appelait Sarah un roman récent qui retrace les événements du Vel d’Hiv. De plus la littérature permet de donner des leçons de vie. Dans le Coche et la mouche Jean de La Fontaine raconte l'histoire d'un coche dont les six chevaux qui le tirent n'arrivent pas à le sortir d'une situation difficile.C'est alors qu'intervient une mouche qui s'affaire de façon très désordonnée et qui, une fois que le véhicule estsorti de son mauvais pas, s'en attribue tout le mérite. A partir de c...
Sweden - country.
mi) and is Sweden’s second largest lake, after Vänern. The two lakes, together with several smaller lakes, rivers, and canals, form an internal water route called theGöta Canal. Built in the early 19th century, the Göta Canal extends for about 386 km (about 240 mi) and provides a scenic transportation link between the Baltic Sea,at Stockholm, and the Kattegat. Sweden’s other large lakes in the district include Mälaren, Hjälmaren, and the famously picturesque Siljan. D Climate Although one-seven...
Coronary Heart Disease.
when a patient is at rest may indicate that the blood supply of the heart is not normal, and the ECG can often detect damage from a previous heart attack. In anexercise stress test, an ECG is recorded while a patient is performing physical activity such as walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bicycle. As the intensity ofexercise increases, the doctor looks for specific changes in the ECG that indicate the heart is not getting enough oxygen. In cardiac catheterization, a long, thin, flex...
Planetary Science - astronomy.
III ORIGINS AND COMPOSITIONS OF PLANETS Astronomers believe that planetary systems are formed of elemental materials that were created in the interiors of giant stars. Some of this material comes from giantstars that shed material into space as they age. Most of the matter to form planets, however, comes from stars that explode as supernovas and spread debris enrichedwith the heavier chemical elements into space. According to the currently accepted views, the most likely first stage in the evo...
- L'Utopie de Thomas More
Molecule - chemistry.
attracted to the negatively charged electrons between them. The electrons belong to the molecule as a whole. However, each hydrogen atom now has a complete outershell of two electrons. The formula H 2 describes a hydrogen molecule, a discrete unit. When a molecule contains just two atoms, such as the hydrogen molecule does, it is called a diatomic molecule. Some atoms can form covalent bonds with more than one other atom and thus create a larger molecule. Atoms form molecules with covalent bo...
Tobacco - biology.
quality cigars are made entirely by hand, most cigars are manufactured by machine. Chewing tobaccos are generally made from thick grades of leaves to which binders and flavorings are added. Chewing tobacco is formed by pressing the tobacco intoblocks known as plugs. Snuff is made by grinding tobacco into fine powder, which is then allowed to ferment for a long period of time. Frequently, snuff is scented withspices, such as jasmine or cloves. V TOBACCO INDUSTRY Over 6 million tons of commercial...
Public Education in the United States.
opportunities for them to break out from whatever social or economic circumstances constrained their development. IV HIGHER EDUCATION During the 20th century participation in higher or postsecondary education in the United States increased as dramatically as it did in American high schools. At thebeginning of the century about 2 percent of Americans from the ages of 18 to 24 were enrolled in a college. There were fewer than 1,000 colleges then, with enrollmenttotaling about 157,000 students. N...
exploitation, ethnic discrimination, and religious persecution. Perceived inequities in the distribution of wealth and political power have led some terrorists to attempt tooverthrow democratically elected governments. To achieve a fairer society, they would replace these governments with socialist or communist regimes. Left-wingterrorist groups of the 1960s and 1970s with such aims included Germany’s Baader-Meinhof Gang, Italy’s Red Brigades, and the Weather Underground ( see Weathermen) in the...
Brazil - country.
occasional droughts. Brazil contains a wealth of mineral and plant resources that have not yet been fully explored. It possesses some of the world’s largest deposits of iron ore and containsrich deposits of many other minerals, including gold and copper. Brazil’s fossil fuel resources are modest, but this limitation is offset by the considerable hydroelectricpotential of the nation’s many rivers. Although Brazil is an important producer of tropical crops, areas of highly fertile land are limited...