160 résultats pour "mississippi"
Kentucky - USA History.
The climate of Kentucky is characterized by warm or hot summers and cool winters. Throughout the year, temperatures do not vary greatly from place to place,although they are generally slightly lower in the Appalachian Plateaus region than elsewhere in the state. Average July temperatures are usually from 24° to 27°C (76°to 80°F) in the central and western areas and from 23° to 24°C (74° to 76°F) in the east. January averages range from below 1°C (34°F) in the northern Bluegrassregion to more tha...
William Faulkner
William Faulkner
Twentieth-century American novelist William Faulkner wrote novels that explored the tensions between the old and the
new in the American South.
Faulkner’s “powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel.” He also wrote numerous short stories, many of the best of which werepublished in book form in Go Down, Moses (1942) and The Collected Stories (1950; Pulitzer Prize, 1951). In-between his fiction works, which until late in his career did not always pay well, Faulkner wrote screenplays for Hollywood; two of his more prominent scripts were for the motion pictures To Have and Have Not (1944) and The Big S...
Appalaches Coast Ranges Grands Lacs Madre (sierra) McKinley (mont) Mexique (golfe du) Mississippi Nevada (Sierra) Prairie (la) Rocheuses (montagnes) Les livres carte géologique, page 196, volume 1 Amérique du Nord - le Grand Canyon, page 197, volume 1 Amérique du Nord - le mont McKinley (6 194 m), page 202, volume 1 Les milieux climatiques et végétaux. L'Amérique du Nord se situe dans les zones froides, tempérées et subtropicales, mais la répartition zonale est fortement modifié...
Native American Architecture
Native American Architecture, traditional architecture of the peoples of who lived in North America before Europeans arrived.
Mound Builders who resided in the area.John Elk III/Bruce Coleman, Inc. Another mound building culture, named Hopewell, also appears to have originated in Ohio but expanded west to Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma, south to Louisiana,Mississippi, and Alabama, east to Georgia and the Appalachian Mountains, and north to Wisconsin, Michigan, and lower Ontario in Canada. The Hopewell culture lastedfrom about 200 BC to 400 AD. Hopewell people built large, linear mounds to create enclosures in geometrical...
St. Louis (city) - geography.
Skyline of St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis,
The metropolitan counties to the east of the Mississippi River in Illinois are home to both industry and fertile farmlands. The only heavily urbanized sections lie close to theriver in St. Clair County, site of East Saint Louis, and Madison County. The economy of East Saint Louis has been depressed since the 1960s, and the city is plagued bycrime, deteriorated housing, and declining property values. Several small cities have split off from East Saint Louis, taking large factories and much of the...
James Madison.
In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly, and won. He served nearly three years there, pursuing the same objectives he had foughtfor in Congress. He advocated strengthening the federal government, which was an unpopular position in Virginia, as it was in most of the states. He consistentlysupported measures, at both state and national levels, that would best safeguard the rights of the individual. Madison also continued to oppose any connection betweenchurch...
James Madison
In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly, and won. He served nearly three years there, pursuing the same objectives he had foughtfor in Congress. He advocated strengthening the federal government, which was an unpopular position in Virginia, as it was in most of the states. He consistentlysupported measures, at both state and national levels, that would best safeguard the rights of the individual. Madison also continued to oppose any connection betweenchurch...
James Madison - USA History.
In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly, and won. He served nearly three years there, pursuing the same objectives he had foughtfor in Congress. He advocated strengthening the federal government, which was an unpopular position in Virginia, as it was in most of the states. He consistentlysupported measures, at both state and national levels, that would best safeguard the rights of the individual. Madison also continued to oppose any connection betweenchurch...
History of Colonial America - U.
Despite the lack of settlement, New France prospered as a vast fur-trading enterprise. French explorers traveled deep into the North American continent seeking newsupplies of deerskins and beaver pelts. In 1673 French missionary Jacques Marquette reached the Mississippi River in present-day Wisconsin. In 1681 explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, traveled down the majestic Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. He honored the reign of King Louis XIV (1643-1715) by creating the newcolony...
- Wright Richard, 1908-1960, né à Natchez (Mississippi), écrivain américain.
- Price Leontyne, née en 1927 à Laurel (Mississippi), artiste lyrique américaine.
- Johnson Robert , 1911-1938, né à Hazlehurst (Mississippi), chanteur et guitariste américain.
- Young Lester Willis, 1909-1959, né à Woodville (Mississippi), saxophoniste américain.
1929: Faulkner, génie épique, raconte sa terre natale
L'écrivain américain William Faulkner au travail Faulkner, génie épique, raconte sa terre natale Prix Nobel de littérature en 1949, Faulkner- de son vrai nom William Harrison Falkner - a créé plus qu'une comédie humaine : l'alliance du réalisme et de l'imaginaire enrichit les réactions des hommes de toujours devant les grands problèmes de la vie. L a famille Falkner est établie à Oxford, Mississippi. L'écri vain est l'arrière-petit-fils du colone...
Grand oral du bac : LA GUERRE DE SÉCESSION
La guerre de Sécession L'UNION •• LA CONFÉDÉRATION écession avant Fort Sumter . écession après Fort Sumter • • • 'États non esclavagistes --ttats esclavagistes e Principales batailles naissance du Kansas comme État: les Sudistes font triompher le principe de libre choix des nouveaux États, ouvrant ainsi les terres de l'Ouest à la coloni sation des planteurs esclavagistes mais provoquant la grande colère des abolitionnistes et des fermiers...
Duck - biology.
from water. When ducks feed they push their tongue against the top of their mouth to squeeze water through the lamellae, leaving the food behind. Mergansers arefish-eating ducks with slender bills that are notched on the edges like the blade of a saw. These saw-toothed beaks help the ducks catch and hold their slippery prey. VI COURTSHIP AND REPRODUCTION Ducks form pairs long enough to mate, but most species find new mates each year. In a few species, including buffleheads and whistling ducks,...
Except in mountainous terrain, rivers are almost always flanked by floodplains. Floodplains are flat wide deposits of alluvium, river-deposited sediment, on either side of the river channel. During floods, a river overflows its banks and spreads out the sediment near the river to form a floodplain. Floodplains of large rivers, such as thoseof the Mississippi River, can be flat areas tens of kilometers across. River channels migrate back and forth across their floodplains as alluvium is repeate...
Valley - Geography.
Except in mountainous terrain, rivers are almost always flanked by floodplains. Floodplains are flat wide deposits of alluvium, river-deposited sediment, on either side of the river channel. During floods, a river overflows its banks and spreads out the sediment near the river to form a floodplain. Floodplains of large rivers, such as thoseof the Mississippi River, can be flat areas tens of kilometers across. River channels migrate back and forth across their floodplains as alluvium is repeate...
- Presley Elvis, surnommé The King, 1 935-1977, né à Tupelo (Mississippi), chanteur de rock américain.
- Faulkner ( William Harrison Falkner, dit William ), 1897-1962, né à New Albany (Mississippi), écrivain américain.
- Prairie (la) ou les Prairies, nom donné aux grandes plaines qui s'étendent, aux États-Unis et au Canada, du Mississippi et des Grands Lacs à l'est aux montagnes Rocheuses à l'ouest.
- Cedar Rapids 1 PRÉSENTATION Cedar Rapids, ville des États-Unis, située sur les rives de la Cedar River -- affluent du Mississippi --, dans l'est de l'Iowa.
Alligatoren - Tiere.
von der Sonne ausgebrütet, aber das Weibchen hält sich in der Nähe seines Geleges auf, um es zu bewachen. Das Geschlecht der Jungen hängt von der Bruttemperatur ab:Bei höheren Temperaturen (je nach Art oberhalb von etwa 32 bis 33 °C) schlüpfen Männchen, bei niedrigeren (unterhalb von etwa 28 bis 30 °C) Weibchen, bei mittlerensowohl Männchen als auch Weibchen. Die Jungen schlüpfen nach ungefähr 60 Tagen; das Weibchen begleitet und beschützt sie bis zum darauf folgenden Frühjahr und trägtsie zeitw...
College Football Bowl Games.
1995 Alabama 24Ohio State 17 1996 Tennessee 20Ohio State 14 1997 Tennessee 48Northwestern 28 1998 Florida 21Penn State 6 1999 Michigan 45Arkansas 31 2000 Michigan 37Florida 34 2001 1 Michigan 31Auburn 28 2002 Tennessee 45Michigan 17 2003 Auburn 13Penn State 9 2004 Georgia 34Purdue 27 2005 Iowa 30Louisiana State 25 2006 Wisconsin 24Auburn 10 2007 Wisconsin 17Arkansas 14 2008 Michigan 41Florida 35 1. In 2001 its name was changed from Citrus Bowl to Capital One Bowl. . Champs Sports Bowl.Year Winn...
Civil Rights Movement in the United States - U.
The Great Depression of the 1930s increased black protests against discrimination, especially in Northern cities. Blacks protested the refusal of white-owned businessesin all-black neighborhoods to hire black salespersons. Using the slogan “Don't Buy Where You Can't Work,” these campaigns persuaded blacks to boycott thosebusinesses and revealed a new militancy. During the same years, blacks organized school boycotts in Northern cities to protest discriminatory treatment of blackchildren. The bla...
St. Louis (city) - geography.
St. Louis (city) or Saint Louis,
Between 1940 and 1990 the black population in metropolitan St. Louis nearly tripled. Blacks are most heavily concentrated in three areas in the St. Louis metropolitanregion: East Saint Louis, the North Side close to downtown, and an east-west belt extending from the waterfront to beyond Forest Park. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, areas to the north and south of the central business district were settled by immigrant working families from Germany, Ireland,and many Eastern European countrie...
Minnesota - geography.
C Climate Minnesota’s climate is classified as humid continental because normally there is a sufficient amount of precipitation to provide at least some surplus for runoff, andbecause Minnesota’s temperature conditions are largely controlled by its location in the interior of the large landmass of North America. The result is extreme seasonaltemperature variations. The average January temperature is about -18°C (about 0°F) in the northwest and about -10°C (about 14°F) in the south, but thetherm...
Minnesota - USA History.
C Climate Minnesota’s climate is classified as humid continental because normally there is a sufficient amount of precipitation to provide at least some surplus for runoff, andbecause Minnesota’s temperature conditions are largely controlled by its location in the interior of the large landmass of North America. The result is extreme seasonaltemperature variations. The average January temperature is about -18°C (about 0°F) in the northwest and about -10°C (about 14°F) in the south, but thetherm...
Précocement indépendants, nés des courants migratoires les
plus variés fondus grâce au melting-pot, épris de libertés
démocratiques, persuadés de la supériorité du capitalisme libéral,
dotés de ressources abondantes, les États-Unis conservent leur
rôle de superpuissance.
suprême s'appelle la « Court of Appeals », les cours d'appel prennent le nom de « Appelate Courts » et les tribunaux de première instance, celui de « Supreme Courts ». Il n'existe pas de vraie hiérarchie entre les tribunaux fédéraux et les tribunaux des États de l'Union. Toutefois, en cas de divergence profonde sur un point de droit important entre les différents États, la Cour suprême des États-Unis peut accepter de juger une affaire sur pourvoi contre une décision de Cour suprême d'un...
Alabama (state) - geography.
indentations along the coast are measured, the state’s shoreline is 977 km (607 mi) long. It includes the shores of Mobile Bay, an inlet 56 km (35 mi) long at the mouthof the Mobile River. Barrier beaches partly block the entrance to the bay, leaving narrow openings on either side of Dauphin Island. Dauphin and other islands alongAlabama’s coast west of Mobile Bay are separated from the mainland by Mississippi Sound. D Climate Alabama has a humid subtropical climate, with short, relatively mild...
Alabama (state) - USA History.
indentations along the coast are measured, the state’s shoreline is 977 km (607 mi) long. It includes the shores of Mobile Bay, an inlet 56 km (35 mi) long at the mouthof the Mobile River. Barrier beaches partly block the entrance to the bay, leaving narrow openings on either side of Dauphin Island. Dauphin and other islands alongAlabama’s coast west of Mobile Bay are separated from the mainland by Mississippi Sound. D Climate Alabama has a humid subtropical climate, with short, relatively mild...
Wisconsin (state) - geography.
-6° C (22° F) in the southeast, along the Lake Michigan shore. During winter extremely cold weather persists for several weeks at a time. C2 Precipitation Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 to 800 mm (28 to 32 in). Rainfall is generally heaviest during the spring and summer, and snowfall is generally moderatein the south, but can be quite heavy in the north. Thunderstorms, sometimes accompanied by devastating tornadoes, are common in spring and summer, particularly inthe southern part...
Wisconsin (state) - USA History.
-6° C (22° F) in the southeast, along the Lake Michigan shore. During winter extremely cold weather persists for several weeks at a time. C2 Precipitation Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 to 800 mm (28 to 32 in). Rainfall is generally heaviest during the spring and summer, and snowfall is generally moderatein the south, but can be quite heavy in the north. Thunderstorms, sometimes accompanied by devastating tornadoes, are common in spring and summer, particularly inthe southern part...
African American History - U.
In their day-to-day lives, slaves and servants shared similar grievances and frequently formed alliances. Advertisements seeking the return of slaves and servants whohad run away together filled colonial newspapers. When a slave named Charles escaped in 1740, the Pennsylvania Gazette reported that two white servants, a 'Scotch man' and an Englishman, escaped with him. Sometimes interracial alliances involved violence. During Bacon's Rebellion in 1676, slaves and servants took up armsagainst Na...
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika - geographie.
Zu den bekanntesten Säugetierarten der Vereinigten Staaten gehören Bisons, Wapitis (amerikanische Rothirsche), Elche, Braunbären (mit den Unterarten Grizzlybär undKodiakbär), Schwarzbären, Pumas, Wölfe, Kojoten und Nordamerikanische Biber; in den Prärien sind Präriehunde verbreitet. Lebten um 1800 noch rund 40 Millionen Bisonsin den Prärien Nordamerikas, waren es 100 Jahre später nur noch etwa 1 000. Heute hat sich der Bestand aufgrund strenger Schutzvorschriften erholt und liegt bei etwa200 000...
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika - geographie.
Zu den bekanntesten Säugetierarten der Vereinigten Staaten gehören Bisons, Wapitis (amerikanische Rothirsche), Elche, Braunbären (mit den Unterarten Grizzlybär undKodiakbär), Schwarzbären, Pumas, Wölfe, Kojoten und Nordamerikanische Biber; in den Prärien sind Präriehunde verbreitet. Lebten um 1800 noch rund 40 Millionen Bisonsin den Prärien Nordamerikas, waren es 100 Jahre später nur noch etwa 1 000. Heute hat sich der Bestand aufgrund strenger Schutzvorschriften erholt und liegt bei etwa200 000...
Georgia (state) - geography.
B Rivers and Lakes Most of the rivers of Georgia drain eastward to the Atlantic Ocean proper or southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Only a few flow northward to the Tennessee River, which isa major tributary of the Mississippi River. Most of the rivers flowing to the coasts are navigable by barges and small craft as far upstream as the Fall Line. The major river flowing to the Atlantic is the Savannah River, which, with the Tugaloo River, one of its headwaters, forms most of the state’s eastern bo...
Georgia (state) - USA History.
B Rivers and Lakes Most of the rivers of Georgia drain eastward to the Atlantic Ocean proper or southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Only a few flow northward to the Tennessee River, which isa major tributary of the Mississippi River. Most of the rivers flowing to the coasts are navigable by barges and small craft as far upstream as the Fall Line. The major river flowing to the Atlantic is the Savannah River, which, with the Tugaloo River, one of its headwaters, forms most of the state’s eastern bo...
Flood Control.
When scientific research into the causes of floods showed that the construction of levees was insufficient as a method of control, the first steps were made to provide forreforestation and soil conservation. The Clarke-McNary Act of 1924, the Mississippi Flood Control Act of 1928, and the McSweeney-McNary Act of 1928 were all directedtoward that end. In 1935 the Soil Conservation Service was established by the Congress of the United States under an act declaring a policy of permanent provision f...
Ohio - geography.
conflict with modified Gulf air and causing frontal or cyclonic storms. Gulf air is dominant in summer. In fall, polar air passing over Lake Erie is modified, delaying thekilling frost along the adjacent shoreline. C1 Temperatures The mean annual temperatures for the state range from 9° C (48° F) in the northeast to 13° C (55° F) in the south. Average January temperatures range from -4° C(24° F) in the west to 2° C (35° F) in the south. July averages are 24° C (76° F) in the south and 23° C (73...
Ohio - USA History.
conflict with modified Gulf air and causing frontal or cyclonic storms. Gulf air is dominant in summer. In fall, polar air passing over Lake Erie is modified, delaying thekilling frost along the adjacent shoreline. C1 Temperatures The mean annual temperatures for the state range from 9° C (48° F) in the northeast to 13° C (55° F) in the south. Average January temperatures range from -4° C(24° F) in the west to 2° C (35° F) in the south. July averages are 24° C (76° F) in the south and 23° C (73...
La Guerre de Sécession (Travaux Personnels Encadrés – HISTOIRE & CIVILISATION)
Commandés par le généra l Josep h E. Johnston , 40 000 sudistes attaquent par surprise 37 000 soldats de l'Union qui campent au bord de la rivière Tennessee, le 6 avril1862 a u matin. Des combats d'une rare férocité font rage toute la journée. Après l'arrivée des renforts nordistes du général Don Carlos Bluell, les confédé rés battent enfin en retraite le soir. par ce carnage : " On aura it pu traverser la clairière dans n 'importe quel sens en marc...
Commentary The adeventures of Huck Finn
same hundrun is emphasized by the use of the modals « would », « could » and the verbal form « used to ». So, this everyday life is depicted by the narrator as « lovely ». The child describes his habits as sacred ones. The way it is depicted seems mechanical : everything has a time to be done and is done by the time the children are allowing it. For instance, they are eating first, then having a nap, then shaving « soon as it was night ». The actions are ennumerated, which emphasize the idea o...
IV RIVER PATTERNS River patterns, or general shapes, depend on the geologic zone and the climate of the location. There are four river patterns: meandering, braided, anastomosing, andstraight. A meandering pattern follows a winding, turning course. A braided pattern has connected channels that resemble a hair braid. An anastomosing river patterncombines features of the meandering and braided patterns. Some river patterns are simply straight channels. Meandering and braided are the most common...
River - Geography.
IV RIVER PATTERNS River patterns, or general shapes, depend on the geologic zone and the climate of the location. There are four river patterns: meandering, braided, anastomosing, andstraight. A meandering pattern follows a winding, turning course. A braided pattern has connected channels that resemble a hair braid. An anastomosing river patterncombines features of the meandering and braided patterns. Some river patterns are simply straight channels. Meandering and braided are the most common...
Native American Architecture.
B Relationship to the Universe and Nature A more profound difference between European American and Native American perceptions lay in how human beings saw themselves in relationship to the universe andin what they believed their responsibilities were to the natural world and to each other. Most European Americans saw themselves as separate from creation andadversaries of nature, ever struggling to conquer and subdue nature and force it to yield to their will. Native Americans saw themselves as...
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th president of the United States (1861-1865) and one of the great leaders in American history.
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...
Abraham Lincoln.
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...
Abraham Lincoln
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...
Abraham Lincoln - USA History.
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...