399 résultats pour "individualisme"
Max Stirner et l'individualisme ?
Vie Max Stirner (1806-1856), de son vrai nom Johann Caspar Schmidt, né à Bayreuth, suit les cours de Hegel àl'université de Berlin. Il fréquente, en 1842, la « Société des Affranchis », où il rencontre Marx et Engels, En 1845, il publie L'Unique et sa propriété. Il meurt en 1856 dans une totale misère. La fureur du Moi Stirner est allé à l'extrême limite de l'idée d'Individu. Seul compte le Moi, l'Unique, car rien ne lui est comparable.Certes, il existe quelques analogies, purement c...
In many traditional societies, marriage typically involved transfers of property from the parents to their marrying children or from one set of parents to the other. Thesecustoms persist in some places today and are part of the tradition of arranged marriages. For example, in some cultures the bride’s parents may give property (knownas a dowry) to the new couple. The practice of giving dowries has been common in countries such as Greece, Egypt, India, and China from ancient times until thepresen...
an input of nutrients exceeding the capability of the ecosystem to process them. Nutrients eroded and leached from agricultural lands, along with sewage and industrialwastes accumulated from urban areas, all drain into streams, rivers, lakes, and estuaries. These pollutants destroy plants and animals that cannot tolerate theirpresence or the changed environmental conditions caused by them; at the same time they favor a few organisms more tolerant to changed conditions. Thus,precipitation filled...
Ecology - biology.
an input of nutrients exceeding the capability of the ecosystem to process them. Nutrients eroded and leached from agricultural lands, along with sewage and industrialwastes accumulated from urban areas, all drain into streams, rivers, lakes, and estuaries. These pollutants destroy plants and animals that cannot tolerate theirpresence or the changed environmental conditions caused by them; at the same time they favor a few organisms more tolerant to changed conditions. Thus,precipitation filled...
The most common form of ownership is a sole proprietorship —that is, a business owned by one individual. At the beginning of the 21st century, there were more than 17 million sole proprietorships in the United States. These businesses have the advantage of being easy to set up and to dissolve because few laws exist to regulatethem. Proprietors, as owners, also maintain direct control of their businesses and own all their profits. On the other hand, owners of proprietorships are personallyrespon...
Evolution - biology.
genetic diversity to extinction. Sexual reproduction ensures that the genes in a population are rearranged in each generation, a process termed recombination. Although the combinations of genes inindividuals change with each new generation, the gene frequency, or ratio of different alleles in the entire population, remains relatively constant if no evolutionaryforces act on the population. One such force is the introduction of new genes into the genetic material of the population, or gene pool...
Race - biology.
distributed as a cline, generally varying along a north-south line. Skin color is lightest in northern Europeans, especially in those who live around the Baltic Sea, andbecomes gradually darker as one moves toward southern Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and into northern Africa and northern subtropical Africa. Skin isdarkest in people who live in the tropical regions of Africa. The lack of clear-cut discontinuities makes any racial boundary based on skin color totally arbitrary. Sim...
United States Government.
Article II establishes an executive department headed by a president and vice president. The article further describes the powers of the offices, the manner of election,and the qualifications for office. Of special significance is the president’s constitutional role as commander of the nation’s armed forces, which assures civilian controlover the military. Because the president is the head of the armed forces and only Congress can declare war, the authority of the military is diffused and its po...
Aristotle (384-322
Greek philosopher and scientist, who shares with Plato and Socrates the distinction of being the most famous of ancient philosophers.
succession of individuals. These processes are therefore intermediate between the changeless circles of the heavens and the simple linear movements of the terrestrialelements. The species form a scale from simple (worms and flies at the bottom) to complex (human beings at the top), but evolution is not possible. C Aristotelian Psychology For Aristotle, psychology was a study of the soul. Insisting that form (the essence, or unchanging characteristic element in an object) and matter (the commonu...
succession of individuals. These processes are therefore intermediate between the changeless circles of the heavens and the simple linear movements of the terrestrialelements. The species form a scale from simple (worms and flies at the bottom) to complex (human beings at the top), but evolution is not possible. C Aristotelian Psychology For Aristotle, psychology was a study of the soul. Insisting that form (the essence, or unchanging characteristic element in an object) and matter (the commonu...
Clinical psychology is dedicated to the study, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illnesses and other emotional or behavioral disorders. More psychologists work in this field than in any other branch of psychology. In hospitals, community clinics, schools, and in private practice, they use interviews and tests to diagnose depression,anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and other mental illnesses. People with these psychological disorders often suffer terribly. They experience disturbing symptoms t...
Ice Skating.
cold climate. Competitors for these events are chosen from the best skaters in each participating country, usually through preliminary national competitions. Speedskaters also compete on a World Cup circuit, which pits the world’s best skaters against one another during the year. A Figure Skating The major types of competitive figure skating are individual men’s and women’s competitions, pairs skating, ice dancing, and precision skating. In individualcompetitions a single skater performs requir...
Sigmund Freud.
reminiscences from the past and about her daydreams. Remarkably, as her narrative revisited memories from the past, which were associated with the onset of aparticular symptom, each symptom disappeared when accompanied by an emotional outburst. Breuer made use of this discovery to eliminate her symptoms one at atime. He called the treatment the cathartic technique (from the Greek katharsis meaning “purgation”). The treatment was time consuming and required considerable effort to reach dimly re...
Canadian Parliament.
government’s legislative program. Members of Commons can also present a motion in response to the Budget Speech, which reviews the government’s economicrecord, taxation, and expenditure plans, and to Supply Motions, which concern budgets for individual departments. If a majority of MPs support a no-confidence motion,the government must resign. Also, if Parliament rejects a significant government proposal, the government is expected to resign and request the governor-general to call an election....
Thus, corporate income faces a higher tax burden than income earned by individuals or by other types of businesses. Tax legislation passed in 2003 in the United Statesattempted to address this issue by lowering the tax rate on dividends. Some economists have proposed abolishing the corporate income tax and instead taxing the owners of corporations (shareholders) through the personal income tax.Other students of the tax system see the corporate income tax as the price corporations pay in return f...
usually pays a fixed monthly fee for a dedicated connection. In exchange, the company providing the connection agrees to relay data between the user’s computer andthe Internet. Dial-up is the least expensive access technology, but it is also the least convenient. To use dial-up access, a subscriber must have a telephone modem, a device thatconnects a computer to the telephone system and is capable of converting data into sounds and sounds back into data. The user’s ISP provides software that con...
Plato (428?
one of the individuals escapes from the cave into the light of day. With the aid of the sun, that person sees for the first time the real world and returns to the cave withthe message that the only things they have seen heretofore are shadows and appearances and that the real world awaits them if they are willing to struggle free oftheir bonds. The shadowy environment of the cave symbolizes for Plato the physical world of appearances. Escape into the sun-filled setting outside the cave symbolize...
one of the individuals escapes from the cave into the light of day. With the aid of the sun, that person sees for the first time the real world and returns to the cave withthe message that the only things they have seen heretofore are shadows and appearances and that the real world awaits them if they are willing to struggle free oftheir bonds. The shadowy environment of the cave symbolizes for Plato the physical world of appearances. Escape into the sun-filled setting outside the cave symbolize...
First Aid.
IV SEVERE BLEEDING The presence of blood over a considerable area of a person’s body does not always indicate severe bleeding. The blood may ooze from multiple small wounds or besmeared, giving the appearance of more blood than is actually present. The rate at which blood is lost from a wound depends on the size and kind of blood vesselruptured. Bright red, spurting blood indicates injury to an artery while welling or steadily flowing, dark red blood indicates injury to a vein. Welling or spur...
collection of many different books. The Old Testament is by no means a unified book in terms of authorship, date of composition, or literary type; it is instead a veritablelibrary. Generally speaking, the books of the Old Testament and their component parts may be identified as narratives, poetic works, prophetic works, law, or apocalypses.Most of these are broad categories that include various distinct types or genres of literature and oral tradition. None of these categories is limited to the...
Diabetes Mellitus.
Once diabetes is diagnosed, treatment consists of controlling the amount of glucose in the blood and preventing complications. Depending on the type of diabetes, thiscan be accomplished through regular physical exercise, a carefully controlled diet, and medication. Individuals with Type 1 diabetes must receive insulin, often two to four times a day, to provide the body with the hormone it does not produce. Insulin cannot be takenorally, because it is destroyed in the digestive system. Consequent...
Native American Architecture
Native American Architecture, traditional architecture of the peoples of who lived in North America before Europeans arrived.
Mound Builders who resided in the area.John Elk III/Bruce Coleman, Inc. Another mound building culture, named Hopewell, also appears to have originated in Ohio but expanded west to Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma, south to Louisiana,Mississippi, and Alabama, east to Georgia and the Appalachian Mountains, and north to Wisconsin, Michigan, and lower Ontario in Canada. The Hopewell culture lastedfrom about 200 BC to 400 AD. Hopewell people built large, linear mounds to create enclosures in geometrical...
Law, body of official rules and regulations, generally found in
their rules are reviewable by the courts. U.S. constitutional law is the most extensive and pervasive of any country in the world. It is embodied in the Constitution and in the opinions of the U.S. Supreme Courtrendered over time. Through its power of judicial review, the Supreme Court may invalidate any legislation or other governmental actions that it finds to be in violationof the Constitution. Constitutional courts in some civil-law countries have similar powers. In the United Kingdom no equ...
commonly referred to as wireless communications, use technologies such as cordless telephones, cellular radio telephones, pagers, and satellites. Wirelesscommunications offer increased mobility and flexibility. In the future some experts believe that wireless devices will also offer high-speed Internet access. C Wires and Cables Wires and cables were the original medium for telecommunications and are still the primary means for telephone connections. Wireline transmission evolved fromtelegraph...
ever-finer method of reducing material to the nanoscale size. Instead, nanostructures would be assembled atom by atom and molecule by molecule, from the atomiclevel up, just as occurs in nature. However, assembly at this scale has its own challenges. In school, children learn about some of these challenges when they study the random Brownian motion seen in particles suspended in liquids such as water. Theparticles themselves are not moving. Rather, the water molecules that surround the particles...
harmoniously with the equipment to perform a graceful and error-free routine. There are also two team events in which five competitors perform together. At thehighest international levels, rhythmic gymnastics is judged on a 30-point scale rather than with the traditional 10-point scoring system. IV TRAMPOLINE Trampoline first appeared in the Olympics as a medal sport at the 2000 Games in Sydney, Australia, with a men’s individual event and a women’s individual event.Contestants bounce up and d...
Le « M anifesle du Parti communiste , Tout ce que dénon çait ainsi, ·dramatiquement, Tocqueville : cette mise en question du droit de propriété ; ces doctrines singulières s'attaquant à la société elle-même jusque dans ses fondements économiques ; ces idées ambit ieuses ou folles visant à c hange r le monde -tout cela tenait en un mot, effrayant pour les uns, magique et chargé d'espoir pour les autres : sociali•me. Une variante du socialisme portai...
Literary Criticism
Literary Criticism, discussion of literature, including description, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of literary works.
IV THE 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES The climate of criticism changed with the arrival on the literary scene of such giants as Miguel de Cervantes, Lope de Vega, and Pedro Calderòn in Spain; WilliamShakespeare, Ben Jonson, and John Milton in England; and Pierre Corneille, Jean Baptiste Racine, and Molière in France. Most of these writers specialized or excelled indrama, and consequently the so-called battle of the ancients and moderns—the critical comparison of Greek and Roman authors with more rece...
Richard Wagner.
which took place in August 1876. Wagner completed his final opera, Parsifal (which he called a 'festival drama of dedication' for the Festspielhaus), in 1882, and it premiered that July. In September Wagner moved to Venice, where in February 1883, after a heated argument with Cosima, he suffered a fatal heart attack. He was buried in Bayreuth. III MUSIC AND THOUGHT In the early 19th century, an opera was structured as a succession of conventional self-contained forms such as aria (a vocal so...
Dissertation Churchill
Advantages and disadvantages follow after these two systems. Democratic system will relying on citizens, individuals get right to vote, involvements in passing the laws and private market system. Although, democratic system brings individuals rights, the thoughts behind citizens is not always fairly represented. Dictatorship does not care about citizens voice, its only the government whoâs important. Even though, citizens does not get their rights as much as democratic system citizens;...
Le libéralisme est-il un individualisme égoïste?
On peut être libéral et penser aux autres ·~[·]:• Une société bien ordonnée est juste lorsque ses institutions sont conçues pour apporter la plus grande somme de satisfac· tions à l'ensemble de ses membres. Le souci du bonheur indi· viduel n'exclut pas la préoccupation de la réussite collective. L'individualisme n'est pas l'égoïsme S i le respect des liber tés individuelles s'impose, c'est parce qu'il est une condition du bonheur,...
Political Parties.
In both Britain and the United States, competition between political parties undermined traditional conceptions of politics rooted in classical and Christian notions ofvirtue and public service. According to this tradition, political leaders should act according to a model of virtue that involved placing the common good above theinterests of a fraction of the society. Leaders acting to benefit only themselves or a narrow portion of the society were considered corrupt. However, party competitionr...
Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner (1813-1883), German composer, conductor, and essayist, one of the most influential cultural figures of the 19th century.
May 1864 he was summoned to Munich by the 18-year-old King Ludwig II of Bavaria, who settled Wagner's debts, paid him a generous allowance, and provided himwith housing. Wagner was soon joined in his new home by Cosima von Bülow, Liszt’s daughter and the wife of German conductor and pianist Hans von Bülow. Wagnerand Cosima began a relationship that produced three children before the dissolution of the Bülows' marriage in 1870. Mounting hostility toward Wagner by members ofLudwig’s court resulted...
Ronald Reagan.
deposed shah of Iran to enter the United States for medical treatment, a group of Iranian revolutionaries stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehrān and held 53 Americansas hostages. United States media publicized the plight of the hostages and Carter’s failure to win their release. They were eventually released in January 1981, on theday of Reagan’s inauguration. The contrast between the television personalities of the two candidates was also very important. Carter’s stiff, nervous manner had never bee...
Ronald Reagan - USA History.
deposed shah of Iran to enter the United States for medical treatment, a group of Iranian revolutionaries stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehrān and held 53 Americansas hostages. United States media publicized the plight of the hostages and Carter’s failure to win their release. They were eventually released in January 1981, on theday of Reagan’s inauguration. The contrast between the television personalities of the two candidates was also very important. Carter’s stiff, nervous manner had never bee...
International Criminal Court.
only exercise its jurisdiction when a national court is unwilling or unable to carry out the investigation or prosecution. For example, the ICC might intervene when agovernment’s judicial system has collapsed or is actively shielding a person from criminal responsibility. The court may hold accountable any person aged 18 or older at the time of the crime without regard to the individual’s official duties or functions. Therefore, heads ofstate, legislators, and other high-ranking government offic...
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), English playwright and poet, recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists.
Shakespeare’s reputation today is, however, based primarily on the 38 plays that he wrote, modified, or collaborated on. Records of Shakespeare’s plays begin toappear in 1594, when the theaters reopened with the passing of the plague that had closed them for 21 months. In December of 1594 his play The Comedy of Errors was performed in London during the Christmas revels at Gray’s Inn, one of the London law schools. In March of the following year he received payment for two playsthat had been per...
William Shakespeare.
Shakespeare’s reputation today is, however, based primarily on the 38 plays that he wrote, modified, or collaborated on. Records of Shakespeare’s plays begin toappear in 1594, when the theaters reopened with the passing of the plague that had closed them for 21 months. In December of 1594 his play The Comedy of Errors was performed in London during the Christmas revels at Gray’s Inn, one of the London law schools. In March of the following year he received payment for two playsthat had been per...
english history
He was a Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economics. Smith studied social philosophy at the University of Glasgow and the University of Oxford. Smith obtained a professorship at Glasgow teaching moral philosophy. Smith returned home and spent the ten years writing The Wealth of Nations , publishing it in 1776. He became famous for this book, which had a profound influence on modern economics and concepts of individual free...
He was a Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economics. Smith studied social philosophy at the University of Glasgow and the University of Oxford. Smith obtained a professorship at Glasgow teaching moral philosophy. Smith returned home and spent the ten years writing The Wealth of Nations , publishing it in 1776. He became famous for this book, which had a profound influence on modern economics and concepts of individual free...
Not all industries require the same degree of automation. Agriculture, sales, and some service industries are difficult to automate. The agriculture industry may becomemore mechanized, especially in the processing and packaging of foods; however, in many service industries such as supermarkets, for example, a checkout countermay be automated and the shelves or supply bins must still be stocked by hand. Similarly, doctors may consult a computer to assist in diagnosis, but they must makethe final...
broad, and most studies suggest a positive relationship between physical fitness and mental achievement. The relationship between regular aerobic exercise and cardiovascular health and longevity is well established. Regular exercise leads to a reduction in the risk ofcoronary heart disease, in which fatty deposits (plaque) form in blood vessels supplying the muscular wall of the heart, compromising oxygen delivery to the heartmuscle. In addition, with regular exercise the efficiency of the heart...
C Sociological Theories Most social scientists believe that a society’s structure and values can influence suicide rates. French sociologist Émile Durkheim argued that suicide rates are related tosocial integration —that is, the degree to which an individual feels part of a larger group. Durkheim found suicide was more likely when a person lacked social bonds or had relationships disrupted through a sudden change in status, such as unemployment. As one example of the significance of social bond...
Virus (life science) - biology.
RNA into DNA earned them their name because this process is the reverse of the usual transfer of genetic information, from DNA to RNA.) The DNA form of theretrovirus genome is then integrated into the cellular DNA and is referred to as the provirus. The viral genome is replicated every time the host cell replicates its DNA and is thus passed on to daughter cells. Hepatitis B virus can also transcribe RNA to DNA, but this virus packages the DNA version of its genome into virus particles. Unlike...
L'UNIQUE CONTRE LE COLLECTIF A la différence de nombreux termes décrivant des courants philosophiques ou des comportements humains, le terme d'• individualisme • est polysémique, c'est-à-
HEGEL: esprit et conscience de soi
La philosophie de Georg Hegel est dialectique. La dialectique est l'histoire des contradictions de la pensée. SelonHegel, la dialectique est constitutive du devenir de la pensée et de la réalité. C'est pourquoi il intègre saphénoménologie de l'Esprit dans une philosophie de l'histoire.La Raison dans l'histoire est le texte important de la philosophie de l'histoire de Hegel. Texte-clé qui livre l'idée selon laquelle l'histoire est la matière de la raison en tant que la conscience ne s'él...
Health Insurance.
needs services. Essentially, individuals make regular payments to the plan rather than having to pay especially large sums at any one time in the event of sudden illnessor injury. In this way, the group as a whole funds expensive treatments for those few who need them. Many people believe that in addition to providing financial stability, health insurance can promote good health. Supporters of this idea claim that by lowering thepersonal cost of services, insurance induces individuals to seek he...
Criminal Punishment.
In the United States and Canada, younger offenders may be sentenced to highly regimented, military-style correctional programs known as boot camps. Generally,offenders volunteer to participate in boot camp programs to avoid other types of incarceration. At boot camps, officials subject offenders to strict discipline and physicaltraining. They also provide educational or vocational programs. Boot camps serve as an alternative to traditional, long-term incarceration and attempt to train offenderst...
Sleep - biology.
V FUNCTIONS OF SLEEP Although no one knows for sure why we sleep, there are a number of theories. Sleep may have evolved to protect animals from their predators by reducing theiractivity during the times when they are most vulnerable. Research has shown that REM and NREM sleep may serve specific biological functions. Sleep deprivation studies reveal that humans and other animals respond to sleeploss in the same way. When study subjects are deprived of REM sleep, they tend to spend longer period...
Mental Illness.
note that under this definition, political dissidents could be considered mentally ill for refusing to accept the dictates of their government. VI PREVALENCE Mental illness affects people of all ages, races, cultures, and socioeconomic classes. The prevalence of mental illness refers to how many people experience a mentalillness during a specified time period. A United States and Worldwide In the United States, researchers estimate that about 24 percent of people 18 or older, or about 44 mill...