112 résultats pour "facilitaient"
Beaucoup d'institutions chargées d'assurer la coopération économique internationale relèvent des Nations unies. Le Conseil économique et social de l'Organisation des Nations unies est chargé de la coordination de toutes les activités internationales ayant pour objet le relèvement du niveau de vie, le développement économique du monde et la sauvegarde des droits sociaux. Il est responsable devant l'Assemblée générale. Il a beaucoup contribué à l'élaboration et à la mise en œuvre des program...
biotechnologies - sciences et techniques.
cours d’expérimentation comme celles ayant la propriété de sécréter naturellement leurs propres insecticides ou des gènes de qualité contrôlant la maturation et la conservation. Lorsque tous les gènes mis en jeu seront identifiés, les plantes transgéniques pourront peut-être résister au froid, au gel, à la sécheresse et à des sols salés. Pour justifier la dissémination des organismes transgéniques, les partisans des OGM brandissent l’argument selon lequel la population va croître davantage que l...
Le progrès technique
Jacquard numérique programmable par ordinateur. Cette innovation a eu des répercussions à plusieurs niveaux :- Du côté de la production, cela permet de rendre plusieurs métiers capables de fabriquer une même dentelle, etdonc de produire en temps donné une commande. Les services commerciaux parlent d'une plus grande réactivité.- Cela diminue le temps d'intervention sur une machine. Un montage de carton nécessite plusieurs jours, plus lesréglages. Le Jacquard numérique nécessite l'introduction d'u...
Seoul - geography.
higher learning in South Korea. All of South Korea’s top-ranked universities are in Seoul, including Chung-ang University (1918), Ewha Women’s University (1886),Korea University (1905), Seoul National University (1946), Sogang University (1960), Sung Kyun Kwan University (1938), and Yonsei University (1885). The National Museum features collections of Korean art and artifacts, and the National Science Museum showcases modern Korean technology. The National Library ofKorea, the country’s largest...
Jakarta - geography.
voluntary movement of families to Indonesia's less populated islands). Jakarta is a magnet for migrants from other areas of Indonesia; during the late 1980s an estimated 250 migrants arrived daily. Most were between the ages of 15 and39 years, many with six years of education or less. There is also a significant number of commuters and seasonal migrants who work in government, manufacturing,and services. In addition, many of these temporary residents are engaged in informal employment as drivers...
Les paradis fiscaux
nettoyer l'argent au sens propre du terme. Plus tard, dans les années 1920, une nouvelle génération de paradisfiscaux apparaît: des zones comme les Bahamas, la Suisse ou le Luxembourg commencent à développer deslégislations permettant notamment aux étrangers de venir déposer leurs capitaux pour échapper à l'impôt. Beaucoup de ces territoires, après la seconde guerre mondiale, appartiennent aux «oubliés du Plan Marshall». Pourfinancer leur développement, certains se spécialisent dans le...
Hazardous Wastes.
A Source Reduction The best way to eliminate hazardous wastes is not to generate them in the first place. For example, improvements have been made in the production of integratedcircuits: The toxic chlorinated hydrocarbons commonly used in the 1970s were replaced in the 1980s by less toxic glycol ethers and in the 1990s by low-toxicity estersand alcohols. B Recycling Recycling is the recovery or reuse of usable materials from waste. About 5 percent of hazardous waste in the United States is re...
Gabon - country.
government is engaged in preservation and reforestation programs. The fish catch in 2005 was 43,941 metric tons. C Mining Mining has developed rapidly since Gabon’s independence in 1960. Annual production of extremely high-grade manganese ore, from Moanda in the southeast, was1,090,000 metric tons in 2004. The rich deposits of iron ore located at Mekambo and Bélinga in the northeast have reserves estimated at more than 500 million metrictons. Exploitation of the iron ore has been hampered by th...
droit des affaires
usages adaptés au métier ; ces corporations mettent aussi en œuvre des règles qui régissent l’entrée d’un individu dans la profession. Résulte de ces corporations un encadrement strict et rigide de l’accès à la profession et de l’exercice de la profession . Apparaissent différents évènements : - Découverte du nouveau monde (continent américain) commerce qui s’intensifie, qui porte sur des objets nouveaux (mé...
Cleveland (Ohio) - geography.
Cleveland Children’s Museum. Also located in University Circle is Severance Hall, the home of the world-acclaimed Cleveland Orchestra. Nearby is the Cleveland PlayHouse, with three large, restored theaters and one of the largest non-profit professional theaters in the country. Downtown is Playhouse Square Center, with fourrecently restored theaters, home to the Cleveland Opera and the Great Lakes Theater Festival. On the waterfront is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum,opened in 1995 and...
days and disappear in seven to ten days. However, coughing and fatigue may persist for two or more weeks. Death from influenza itself is rare. But influenza can aggravate underlying medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease. Invading influenza viruses produceinflammation in the lining of the respiratory tract, damage that increases the risk that secondary infections will develop. Common complications include bronchitis,sinusitis, and bacterial pneumonia, occurring most frequently in olde...
Honolulu - geography.
of Brigham Young University. The state’s largest museum, the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, is located in Honolulu. It contains a large collection of Polynesian archaeological artifacts, as well asmany exhibits on Hawaiian history and culture. The museum also has an extensive entomological collection with more than 13 million specimens. Other importantmuseums include the Honolulu Academy of Arts, known for its extensive collection of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean art; the Contemporary Museum, wit...
Bhutan - country.
languages ( see Indo-Iranian Languages) and follow Hinduism. Nepalese people constitute a significant portion of Bhutan’s population. They are the most recent settlers, occupying south central and southwestern Bhutan. TheNepalese are mainly Rai, Gurung, and Limbu ethnic groups from the eastern mountains of Nepal. Nepalese immigration has been banned since 1959, when theBhutanese government feared the minority would become too populous. Nepalese are not permitted to live in the central Middle Hi...
Yemen - country.
port. Al Ḩudaydah (155,110), in the Tih āmah, is the second largest port. Ta‘izz, (178,043), in the highlands above Aden, is an important commercial and light industrialcenter. Among Yemen’s larger towns are Şa‘dah, far to the north; Dham ār, Yarim, and Ibb, in the middle region; Al Mukall ā, on the southern coast; and in Hadhramaut,the towns of Shib ām, Say‘ ūn, and Tar īm. C Language Nearly all Yemenis speak Arabic. However, the country’s extremely rugged terrain, widely separated population...
Madrid - geography.
stores and offices on the first one or two levels. While many people rent their apartments, most own them and participate in cooperatives that maintain the building.Because living spaces are small by American standards, madrileños do most of their socializing in the streets, bars, restaurants, and parks of their neighborhoods. Onlya few very wealthy areas north of the city have single family houses with gardens and yards similar to those in American suburbs. Many of the newest neighborhoodsare c...
Honduras - country.
A Principal Cities The capital and largest city of Honduras is Tegucigalpa (2006 estimate, 1,324,000), located in the south-central highlands region. The country’s second largest city isSan Pedro Sula (549,498). The principal city and commercial center in the north, it lies in the heart of the vast banana plantations on the Caribbean Sea. La Ceiba(127,590) and Puerto Cortés (90,161) are among the leading Caribbean ports. B Language and Religion Spanish is the official language and is spoken by...
Bangladesh - country.
F Environmental Issues Waterborne diseases such as cholera are a serious threat to public health in Bangladesh. Until the 1970s, many of Bangladesh’s people became sick from drinkingpolluted water drawn from surface rivers. Aid agencies such as the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) built shallow wells throughout the country to help provide asafe source of drinking water to Bangladesh’s poor. In the 1990s, however, it was discovered that many of these wells were contaminated by arsenic, a...
Belarus - country.
In the last complete census conducted in the Soviet Union in 1989, the population of Belarus was 10,151,806; a 2008 estimate was 9,685,768, giving the country apopulation density of 47 persons per sq km (121 per sq mi). The most notable demographic trend since the 1950s has been the steady migration of the population fromthe villages to urban centers, and the correspondent aging of the population remaining in the rural areas. In 1959 urban residents accounted for 31 percent of thepopulation; in...
Venezuela - country.
Venezuela has six navigable rivers. Of the thousand or more streams in the country, the majority flow into the Orinoco. The Orinoco flows east across central Venezuelaand drains approximately four-fifths of the total area of the country. With the tributaries—the Apure, Meta, and Negro rivers—it forms the outlet into the Atlantic Oceanfor the waters of much of the interior of Colombia, as well as of inland Venezuela. F Climate The climate of Venezuela is tropical on the Llanos and along the coas...
Albania - country.
Joining the international community in its concern over the degradation of the environment, Albania is party to international agreements concerning biodiversity, climatechange, and wetlands. III THE PEOPLE OF ALBANIA In 2008 Albania’s population estimate was 3,619,778, resulting in an average density of 132 persons per sq km (342 per sq mi). More and more people have left ruralareas for urban ones, particularly in the northern districts, such that in 2005 some 45 percent of the population live...
economic and demographic trends, and (7) welfare incentives. A Overpopulation Overpopulation, the situation of having large numbers of people with too few resources and too little space, is closely associated with poverty. It can result from highpopulation density (the ratio of people to land area, usually expressed as numbers of persons per square kilometer or square mile) or from low amounts of resources, or from both. Excessively high population densities put stress on available resources....
Évasion ou grands problèmes
« Que préférez-vous, la. littérature qui facilite l'évasion, le
rêve, ou au contraire une Httérature qui...
Évasion ou grands problèmes « Que préférez-vous, la. littérature qui facilite l'évasion, le rêve, ou au contraire une Httérature qui fait réfléchir sur les grands problèmes humains? » J�stifiez votre choix en• vous appuyant sur les œ.uvres que vous. connaissez par vos études ou vos lectures personnelles. (Baccalauréat marocain.juin 1981.) *** On a vu par la réflexion srir le roman que l'éva:sion � sans un retour sur soi (« en vous parlant des autres, il vous parle · de vous») et que dans uné l...
Différentes modalités de transport membranaire
ILLUSTRATIONS BIOLOGIE CELLULAIRE 2010-2011 Pr. MARCHETTI Différentes modalités de transport membranaire canal Diffusion simple transporteur transporteur Diffusion facilitée PASSIF ACTIF - chimio-osmotique (ATP) pompe ATPase - osmo-osmotique Co-transporteurs GLUT 1 > dimère 2% protéines de membrane hydrophobes chargés EXT 12 domaines TM > INT Cancer hypoxie - >300 AQP AQUAPORINES - Structure commune => Tétramère H20 H20 H20 H20 - Régulation (ADH: H. Anti Diurétique) - Rôl...
FACILITÉ, substantif féminin.
— En particulier. Facilités (de paiement). Conditions, délais accordé(e)s pour rendre le paiement d'une dette plus facile. Le propriétaire pourrait nous mettre à la porte et faire saisir le matériel. Il nous donne au contraire de grandes facilités (GEORGES DUHAMEL, Le Désert de Bièvres, 1937, page 243) : Ø 4. Si au moins j'avais fini de vendre mes villas et mes terrains! Mais il m'en reste plusieurs sur les bras (...); et comme de plus j'ai consenti pour les dernières que j'ai vendues des facil...
Définition et usage du mot:
BARBACANE, substantif féminin.
les murs de sout?nement en ma?onnerie au moyen de barbacanes,... CHARLES BRICKA, Cours de chemins de fer, tome 1, 1894, page 184. 2. " Ouverture ?troite en partie haute d'une cloison de cour pour faciliter l'a?ration entre caves " (Dictionnaire technique du b?timent et des travaux publics (MAURICE BARBIER, ROGER CADIERGUES) 1963). 3. " Fen?tre de hauteur normale mais tr?s ?troite " (Dictionnaire technique du b?timent et des travaux publics (MAURICE BARBIER, ROGER CADIERGUES) 1963)?: ? 5. Et...
Cours de 3ème en Histoire
A la fin du XIXème siècle de nombreuses découvertes scientifiques mais médicale aussi font leur apparition. Le développement de la radiographie et la création de vaccins permettent déjà, de prolonger l'espérance de vie car les vaccins protègent des maladies mais ne luttent pas. En 1921, il y a la conception du vaccin contre la tuberculose, l'invention des antibiotiques... Mais c'est grâce à la découverte de la pénicilline que les antibiotiques ont pu être inventer car, c'est en 1928 qu...
Les codes (droit)
LE CODE CIVIL Le Code civil, un temps appelé code Napoléon, est promulgué le 21 mars CODE Cl IL DE5 rRA:-I ÇAIS . 11'111lœi OfXl Hf lT Ut U OfTICtULL. 1804.11 comprend 2 281 articles, dont beaucoup sont encore en vigueur. S'il abroge le droit antérieur (les lois révolutionnaires, comme le droit romain, le droit coutumier et les ordonnances royales), il conserve la plupart des acquis de la Révolution (les citoyens sont égaux en droit, dis...
Chicago (city, Illinois) - geography.
The Chicago River divides the city into three broad sections, known traditionally as the North, West, and South sides. The North Side is largely residential, interspersed withindustry. The West Side generally is a lower-income residential area and contains numerous industrial, railroad, and wholesale-produce facilities. The South Side occupiesalmost half the city and contains diverse residential neighborhoods, ranging from decayed tenement districts to areas of modest detached houses. The South...
Kant: "Qu'Est Ce Que Les Lumières ?"
l'homme sont mises en place pour accentuer le constat. L'individu y est dévalorisé, considéré comme un animal, dubétail, enfermé dans un parc, arrêté dans son souci de liberté par les dangers menaçants « oser », « danger »,« menacer » et la peur de l'accident. Kant attire notre attention sur la gravité de la minorité à vouloir s'aliéner, êtreservile et se complaire dans sa minorité. Les ¾ du texte accusent l'homme. Cependant, l'auteur apporte des nuances et met l'accent sur la difficulté dupass...
Pierre Boucheron : Histoire du Monde au XVe siècle - Chapitre III : La Méditerranée. Rivalités nouvelles dans les marchés de l'Ancien Monde
sultan, Chypre, tributaire du Caire jusqu'en 1566, et la Crète vénitienne, qui résiste jusqu'au XVIIe siècle. La puissance navaleottomane est désormais évidente en Méditerranée orientale, et commence à s'affirmer également dans le bassin occidental.La poussée chrétienne contre l'Islam d'OccidentEn Méditerranée occidentale les pressions chrétiennes sur l'Islam se font plus fortes. Les projets de conquête au Maghreb sontanciens, et s'inscrivant dans le prolongement de la Reconquista en péninsule I...
La peinture est une manière de faire.
novatrice, notamment par les paysagistes anglais du XVIII e siècle. Complétez votre recherche en consultant : Les corrélats aquarelle Égypte - Arts - Beaux-arts - La peinture enluminure fresque - Les techniques gouache Johns Jasper pigment - 2.TECHNIQUE Royaume-Uni - Arts - Beaux-arts - Portrait et paysage La peinture à l'huile. Longtemps, une légende attribua l'invention de la peinture à l'huile à Van Eyck. Aujourd'hui, il est reconnu qu'elle existait avant le peintre flamand, qui...
Le plan de paix du G 8 pour le Kosovo
même but et se soutiennent mutuellement. 7. Autorise les Etats membres et les organisations internationales concernées à mettre en place la présence internationale desécurité au Kosovo comme indiqué, article 4 de l'annexe 2, en lui donnant tous les moyens nécessaires pour assumer sesresponsabilités conformément au paragraphe 9 figurant plus bas. 8. Stipule la nécessité d'un premier déploiement rapide des présences internationales civile et de sécurité au Kosovo, et exigeque les parties coo...
Computer Security.
might deny usage to legitimate users, and they ensure that information received from an outside source is expected and does not contain computer viruses. VII INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEMS Security software called intrusion detection systems may be used in computers to detect unusual and suspicious activity and, in some cases, stop a variety of harmfulactions by authorized or unauthorized persons. Abuse and misuse of sensitive system and application programs and data such as password, inventory,...
Inventée au XV e siècle, l'imprimerie n'a quasiment pas évolué pendant quatre siècles.
Gutenberg - le four servant à la fonte des poinçons, page 2287, volume 4 imprimerie - presse à bras en bois, vers 1520, page 2462, volume 5 imprimerie - une imprimerie au XVIe siècle, page 2462, volume 5 Les progrès techniques du XIX e siècle. Jusqu'au milieu du XIX e siècle, la composition resta entièrement manuelle : le compositeur prenait dans la casse (le compartiment où étaient placés les caractères) les caractères nécessaires et les alignait à l'envers dans le composteur qui contenai...
les biens
2. Étude des règles juridiques qui organisent les rapports entre les personnes à l’égard des biens. (Droit des biens = Biens Vs personne, Droit des obligations = Personne Vs Personne). 0.1.3 Sources du droit des biens 1. Livre quatrième du Code civil du Québec (C.C.Q art. 899 à 1370). Droit civil codifié et inspiré du droit français. 2. Le Code civil du Bas Canada ( à titre transitoire). Il permet de comprendre la...
Les oiseaux représentent, au sein des vertébrés, la classe la plus homogène et la plus
facile à identifier grâce à leur revêtement de plumes et d'écailles cornées, leurs mâchoires
édentées pourvues d'un bec, leur oviparité, leur température interne constante et élevée.
tubulaire des colibris ( Phaethornis pygmaeus ) pour pomper le miel. L'estomac comporte deux poches. La première, le ventricule succenturié, sécrète le suc gastrique et effectue la digestion chimique, tandis que la seconde, le gésier, joue un rôle mécanique en broyant les aliments entre ses parois musculeuses ; cette action est souvent facilitée par la présence de petites pierres, ingérées par l'oiseau. Le tube digestif se termine dans un cloaque, où aboutissent également les voies urinaires et...
Bangkok - geography.
the decline of the canal system that once so distinguished the city, Bangkok's famous floating market has had to move from the city to the western suburbs. Themarket features vendors selling their wares from boats in the early-morning hours. Since the 1960s, high-rise buildings have been erected all over the city. Typical housing in the core of the city now consists of apartments on the second through fourthfloors of a shophouse; the building’s only recreational space is the rooftop. In the subu...
San Diego - geography.
Qualcomm Stadium is the home of the San Diego Chargers, playing major league football. PETCO Park is the home of the San Diego Padres, playing major leaguebaseball. Major sporting events in the city include a professional golf tournament in February, hydroplane races on Mission Bay in late summer, and the Holiday Bowlpostseason college football game in December. VI ECONOMY The total value of all the goods and services produced in San Diego make it one of the most powerful economies in the worl...
Cairo (Egypt) - geography.
Prize-winning author and Cairo native Naguib Mahfouz, whose fiction has provided a chronicle of the city. VI POINTS OF INTEREST The pyramids of Egypt, which served as tombs for the ancient pharaohs, and the statue of the Sphinx, which dates from about 2500 BC and is probably the country's most famous monument, are located just west of Cairo in the suburb of Giza. Depite the desert background usually depicted in photographs, the pyramids areextremely close to Cairo and are likely to be affecte...
Throughout United States history many other groups have suffered racial or religious discrimination. Since Europeans first came to America, Native Americans havebeen forcibly deprived of their lands and denied civil rights. Congress enacted the Indian Civil Rights Act in 1968, and the federal courts have entertained a number ofsuits designed to restore to Native American tribes ancestral lands and hunting and fishing rights. Many religious groups, including Roman Catholics, Jews, and others,have...
Comoros - country.
Since 1981 the currency has been the Comorian franc. The Comorian franc had a fixed exchange rate with the French franc of 50 to 1 until 1994, when the rate was changed to 75 Comorian francs to 1 French franc. In 2006, the Comorian franc exchanged at an average of 392 to U.S.$1. Transport between the islands is mostly by air, and there is an international airport at Hahaia on Njazidja where jets can land. Road networks have been built betweenmost of the main island settlements, but the mountai...
Toronto - geography.
now a museum. In the far northeast side of the City is the Toronto Zoo, a modern zoo covering many acres and with well-designed animal displays. Originally known as the SkyDome, the Rogers Centre is a state-of-the-art stadium complex that opened in 1989. The stadium features a retractable roof that can openin 20 minutes to expose the playing field and most of the 50,000 seats to the open air. It is the home of the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League and theToronto Blue Jays of Majo...
Toronto - Geography.
now a museum. In the far northeast side of the City is the Toronto Zoo, a modern zoo covering many acres and with well-designed animal displays. Originally known as the SkyDome, the Rogers Centre is a state-of-the-art stadium complex that opened in 1989. The stadium features a retractable roof that can openin 20 minutes to expose the playing field and most of the 50,000 seats to the open air. It is the home of the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League and theToronto Blue Jays of Majo...
Central America - Geography.
F Animal Life Most of the animal life of Central America is similar to that of South America, but some animals have ties with North America. The marley and opossum have links withSouth America, as do the jaguar, ocelot, jaguarundi, and margay, which are members of the cat family. In contrast, the puma, gray fox, and coyote are of NorthAmerican origin. The armadillo, anteater, and sloth have ties to the south, deer to the north. The large manatee, an aquatic plant eater, survives in the isolated...
Montréal - geography.
percent), and Eastern Orthodox (2.8 percent) religions. Another 5.4 percent claim no religious affiliation. IV EDUCATION AND CULTURE Montréal has a large number of private schools, most of them partially funded by the province. Like the rest of Québec province, Montréal has two public schoolsystems, one for French speakers and one for English speakers. The Charter of the French Language (1977), known as Bill 101, restricts access to English-languageschools and requires children of immigrants t...
Montréal - Geography.
percent), and Eastern Orthodox (2.8 percent) religions. Another 5.4 percent claim no religious affiliation. IV EDUCATION AND CULTURE Montréal has a large number of private schools, most of them partially funded by the province. Like the rest of Québec province, Montréal has two public schoolsystems, one for French speakers and one for English speakers. The Charter of the French Language (1977), known as Bill 101, restricts access to English-languageschools and requires children of immigrants t...
White House - geography.
Each Thanksgiving, the pardoning of the turkey takes place in the Rose Garden. This ceremony of rescuing a turkey and sending it to a petting zoo began during HarryTruman’s term, although Abraham Lincoln is said to have set a precedent by sparing his son’s pet turkey from the oven. III INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE A large complex is needed for the many activities that take place at the White House. The White House has 132 rooms, 4 dining rooms, 35 bathrooms, 8 staircases, 3elevators, a clinic, a den...
Kansas City (Missouri) - geography.
Major institutions of higher education in Kansas City are a branch (established in 1929) of the University of Missouri, Avila College (1916), Rockhurst College (1910),DeVry Institute of Technology (Missouri) (1931), and the Kansas City Art Institute (1885). Schools in neighboring suburbs include Park University (1875), in Parkville,and William Jewell College (1849), in Liberty. Baptist, Nazarene, and Methodist theological schools are also located in the area. Midwest Research Institute, one of t...
Syria - country.
D Education Primary education is free and compulsory for all children aged 6 through 12. Some 78 percent of the adult Syrian population was estimated to be literate in 2005.Primary schools enrolled 2.8 million pupils in the 2000 school year, and 1.1 million students attended secondary schools and vocational institutes. In 1998, 94,110 Syrian students were enrolled in institutes of higher education. Syria has universities in Damascus, Ḩalab, Ḩim ş, and Al L ādhiq īyah. Also in Damascus isthe Ar...
Ethiopia - country.
constitute about 6 percent of the population. The Somali, who live in the east and southeast, notably in the Ogadēn region, are about equal in number to the Shangalla.The Denakil inhabit the semidesert plains east of the highlands. The nonindigenous population includes Yemenis, Indians, Armenians, and Greeks. B Political Divisions Ethiopia is divided into nine regions composed of specific ethnic groups. The regions, which have a significant degree of autonomy, are Tigray; Afar; Amhara; Oromia;S...