549 résultats pour "effectifs"
Together with dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants make up the team that provides dental care to patients. Hygienists record patient medical histories, suchas blood pressure and pulse. They clean teeth, apply sealants and fluoride treatments, teach patients sound oral hygiene practices, and often assist with X rays. Manyhygienists receive a two-year associate degree, while others may choose to enroll in a four-year program at a university or in a master’s degree program. There are25...
Thomas Edison.
While Edison was working on the electric light, he made a scientific discovery that would become important to future generations. Edison noticed that particles of carbonfrom the filament blackened the insides of his light bulbs. This effect was caused by the emission of electrons from the filament, although Edison made the discoverybefore he and other scientists knew the electron existed. Not until 1897 did British physicist J. J. Thomson prove that the blackening observed by Edison was caused b...
Thomas Edison - USA History.
While Edison was working on the electric light, he made a scientific discovery that would become important to future generations. Edison noticed that particles of carbonfrom the filament blackened the insides of his light bulbs. This effect was caused by the emission of electrons from the filament, although Edison made the discoverybefore he and other scientists knew the electron existed. Not until 1897 did British physicist J. J. Thomson prove that the blackening observed by Edison was caused b...
Scramble for Africa.
additional territorial grabs. The most significant of these rules stated that colonial powers were obligated to notify each other when they claimed African territory.Further, subsequent “effective occupation” of the claimed area was necessary for the claim to remain valid. Through it all, as Europeans negotiated their rights toAfrican territory, not a single African was present. Once the conference was over, it was clear that a European Scramble for African territories was underway. Southern Afr...
Art and morality
have a strong emotional effect, but which make it difficult for us to decide, on account of their complexity, howthey influence our outlook and thus our conduct. This lies at the centre of the long-lasting debate about the effectof tragedy (see Tragedy ). It seems strange that we should be unable to decide whether tragedies of great power, such as Oedipus the King , exalt, devastate, bewilder, affirm or question basic values, and so on. Yet all these positions are held and argued about with...
Grand oral du bac : Mathématiques LES STATISTIQUES
Les statistiques à pouvoir les interpréter facilement. On peut représenter la répartition des notes par un dia gramme en bâtons: à chaque valeur de la variable (note, notée x) est associé un bâton ver tical dont la longueur est proportionnelle au nombre de cas observés (nombre d'élèves) ou à la fréquence, notée �-Ainsi, on trace le graphique (voir figure 1) qui donne fi en fonction dexr Un graphique des fréquences cumulées (voir figure 2) représente...
l'évolution de la délinquance
2 même pas, en réalité, évaluer la part des mineurs dans la délinquance selo n cette source. On ignore en effet quelle est la part des mineurs dans la majorité des faits non élucidés, rien ne dit qu’elle so it équivalente à celle des fait s élucidés. C’est donc avec la plus extrême prudence int erprétative qu’il faut lire ces données. Tableau 1 : évolution du nombre de mineurs mis en caus e pour diverses infractions dans les statistiques de police, de 1994 à 2004 1994 2004 Effecti...
causes about 20 times the number of deaths in the United States than all other addictive drugs combined. Smoking cessation methods are plentiful, and many books and products are available to help an individual stop smoking. Many smokers turn to group help because ofthe support and understanding provided by other former smokers or people trying to quit. Most successful group-help techniques involve a challenge and rewardsystem that also bolsters the self-discipline of the former smoker. A number...
One of the greatest challenges caused by air pollution is global warming, an increase in Earth’s temperature due to the buildup of certain atmospheric gases such ascarbon dioxide. With the heavy use of fossil fuels in the 20th century, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have risen dramatically. Carbon dioxide and othergases, known as greenhouse gases, reduce the escape of heat from the planet without blocking radiation coming from the Sun. Because of this greenhouse effect,average glob...
Nuclear Weapons.
Regardless of the method used to attain a supercritical assembly, the chain reaction proceeds for about a millionth of a second, liberating vast amounts of heat energy.The extremely fast release of a very large amount of energy in a relatively small volume causes the temperature to rise to tens of millions of degrees. The resultingrapid expansion and vaporization of the bomb material causes a powerful explosion. VI PRODUCTION OF FISSILE MATERIAL Much experimentation was necessary to make the p...
Electricity, one of the basic forms of energy.
electrons in the neutral object are attracted to the positive object. Some of these electrons flow to the side of the neutral object that is nearest to the positive object.This side of the neutral object accumulates electrons and becomes negatively charged. Because electrons leave the far side of the neutral object while its protonsremain stationary, that side becomes positively charged. Since the negatively charged side of the neutral object is closest to the positive object, the attraction bet...
Gravitation, the force of attraction between all objects that tends to pull them toward one another.
precise observations possible, and Galileo was one of the first to use a telescope to study astronomy. In 1609 Galileo observed that moons orbited the planet Jupiter, afact that could not reasonably fit into an earth-centered model of the heavens. The new heliocentric theory changed scientists' views about the earth's place in the universe and opened the way for new ideas about the forces behind planetarymotion. However, it was not until the late 17th century that Isaac Newton developed a theory...
Gravitation - astronomy.
precise observations possible, and Galileo was one of the first to use a telescope to study astronomy. In 1609 Galileo observed that moons orbited the planet Jupiter, afact that could not reasonably fit into an earth-centered model of the heavens. The new heliocentric theory changed scientists' views about the earth's place in the universe and opened the way for new ideas about the forces behind planetarymotion. However, it was not until the late 17th century that Isaac Newton developed a theory...
Federal Reserve System.
and their powers were also expanded. For example, discount rates now had to be approved periodically by the board. Sales and purchases of governmentsecurities—the open-market operation that previously had been managed solely at the discretion of the presidents of the reserve banks—were centralized in the FederalOpen Market Committee (FOMC), consisting of the seven governors, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and four other reserve bank presidentsserving on a rotating basis....
C Offensive Techniques To be effective, boxers must have an assortment of punches that are coordinated with their footwork. Less powerful punches often serve the important role of settingup the fighter’s chief “weapons,” as boxing analysts sometimes call a boxer’s main offensive skills. C1 Feinting Moving the hands or head to confuse an opponent is called feinting. A smart boxer will first test the opponent by trying different feints, noting the reaction to each onebefore deciding which will b...
Cancer (medicine).
unable to repair the DNA damage, p53 instructs the cell to undergo programmed cell death, or apoptosis , putting a stop to runaway cell division before it starts. Programmed cell death is a normal part of cell life and is tightly controlled by many genes, primarily p53. In a cancerous cell, one or more mutations prevent these genes from doing their jobs. When mutated, p53 allows a cell to continue to divide, even with damaged DNA.This can lead to additional mutations in proto-oncogenes or tumor...
Thus, corporate income faces a higher tax burden than income earned by individuals or by other types of businesses. Tax legislation passed in 2003 in the United Statesattempted to address this issue by lowering the tax rate on dividends. Some economists have proposed abolishing the corporate income tax and instead taxing the owners of corporations (shareholders) through the personal income tax.Other students of the tax system see the corporate income tax as the price corporations pay in return f...
Republican Party.
the reaction to the depression that the Republican Party controlled Congress for only 4 of the 48 years between 1932 and 1980. The Republicans did win the presidencyfour times during that period—in 1952, 1956, 1968, and 1972—when the Democratic Party split or when some unusual combination of circumstances occurred. Fromthe 1930s through the 1970s, however, the Democratic Party was the dominant party in the United States. The response of the Republicans to this new situation was confusion, anger,...
Constitution of the United States.
chief executive should have the power to veto legislation, should be elected by Congress or the people, should be eligible to run for reelection, and should command thearmed forces. Some delegates even hoped for a limited monarchy. Not until September 8, more than three months after the convention started, did the final shape ofthe presidency emerge: a single leader, elected to a four-year term and eligible for reelection, with authority to veto bills enacted by Congress. The president was alsog...
Constitution of the United States - U.
chief executive should have the power to veto legislation, should be elected by Congress or the people, should be eligible to run for reelection, and should command thearmed forces. Some delegates even hoped for a limited monarchy. Not until September 8, more than three months after the convention started, did the final shape ofthe presidency emerge: a single leader, elected to a four-year term and eligible for reelection, with authority to veto bills enacted by Congress. The president was alsog...
L'égalité est-elle possible en société ?
société, sur le sens et la nature de son engagement dans la collectivité. Faut-il les comprendre sur le fond d'une sociabilité spontanée, voire de l'altruisme ? Ou nes'agit-il pour nous que du jeu de l'intérêt bien compris ? Voire de la satisfaction égoïste desbesoins, qui engendrent le conflit ? Quoi qu'il en soit, la société semble peser sur l'individu,hypothéquant sa liberté et l'empêchant d'être ce que bon lui semble. En tant que hiérarchisée, la société impose une structure, un ordr...
President of the United States.
Democrats and Republicans—select delegates to attend their party conventions. Primary voters and caucus participants choose delegates who will support their favoredcandidate at the convention. The party conventions, held in the summer before the November general election, formally nominate the winner of the primaries andcaucuses. Would-be candidates crisscross the states that hold the earliest primaries, especially New Hampshire, which holds the country’s first primary, usually in mid-February....
Labor Unions in the United States - U.
National Guard troops were used against the strikers, with the result that the strike was lost and the union that conducted it virtually destroyed. In 1894 a strike by theAmerican Railway Union against the Pullman Palace Car Company was defeated by an injunction issued under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, which made acombination or contract in restraint of trade illegal. Thereafter employers used injunctions with increasing frequency and effectiveness as an antistrike weapon. See also Hours...
Aging - biology.
Different theories have been proposed to explain how SF works. One theory is based on the assumption that aging, and diseases that occur more frequently withadvancing age, are caused by structural damage to cells. This damage accumulates in tiny amounts each time the cell divides, eventually preventing the cell fromcarrying out normal functions. One cause of this damage may be free radicals, which are chemical compounds found in the environment and also generated by normal chemical reactions in...
Albert Einstein
In 1905 German-born American physicist Albert Einstein published his first paper outlining the theory of relativity.
in calculating very large distances or very large aggregations of matter. As the quantum theory applies to the very small, so the relativity theory applies to the verylarge. Until 1887 no flaw had appeared in the rapidly developing body of classical physics. In that year, the Michelson-Morley experiment, named after the American physicistAlbert Michelson and the American chemist Edward Williams Morley, was performed. It was an attempt to determine the rate of the motion of the earth through t...
hours, and the snow can be much deeper in places where the wind piles it up in drifts. Extraordinarily deep snows sometimes accumulate on the upwind side ofmountain slopes during severe winter storms or on the downwind shores of large lakes during outbreaks of polar air. VI WIND Wind is the horizontal movement of air. It is named for the direction from which it comes—for example, a north wind comes from the north. In most places near theground, the wind speed averages from 8 to 24 km/h (from 5...
Slavery in Africa.
The spread of Islam from Arabia into Africa after the religion’s founding in the 7th century AD affected the practice of slavery and slave trading in West, Central, and East Africa. Arabs had practiced slave raiding and trading in Arabia for centuries prior to the founding of Islam, and slavery became a component of Islamic traditions.Both the Qur'an (Koran) (the sacred scripture of Islam) and Islamic religious law served to codify and justify the existence of slavery. As Muslim Arabs conquered...
Stress (psychology).
blood flow is diverted from the internal organs and skin to the brain and muscles. Breathing speeds up, the pupils dilate, and perspiration increases. This reaction issometimes called the fight-or-flight response because it energizes the body to either confront or flee from a threat. Another part of the stress response involves the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, parts of the brain that are important in regulating hormones and many otherbodily functions. In times of stress, the hypothal...
Venus (planet) - astronomy.
level winds circle the planet at 360 km/h (225 mph), making a complete rotation in only four days. These winds are said to super-rotate because they travel muchfaster than the rotation of the planet itself. These high-speed winds cover the planet completely, blowing toward the west at virtually every latitude from equator topole. The motions of descending probes, however, have shown that the bulk of Venus’s tremendously dense atmosphere, closer to the planet’s surface, is almoststagnant. From th...
organizations as the League of Nations in 1920 and the United Nations in 1945, and détente (suggested for scaling down the cold war). See Arms Control. Modern antiwar sentiment and organized peace movements are derived in large part from the beliefs of religious sects such as the Society of Friends and the MennoniteChurch. The first peace societies in history were established in the U.S. in 1815, and since then pacifists have actively opposed wars and conscription, and promoted thecause of con...
Social Psychology.
During the 1960s, American psychologist Stanley Milgram studied a form of social influence stronger than conformity: obedience to authority. In a famous series ofexperiments that attracted controversy about human research ethics, Milgram put each of 1,000 subjects into a situation in which they were ordered by anexperimenter to administer painful electric shocks to a confederate (who did not actually receive any shocks). The subjects in these studies were led to believe that theywere acting as '...
United Nations.
and programs to carry out its recommendations. It elects members to serve on certain agencies and programs, and it coordinates those programs through variouscommittees. B Security Council The Security Council is the most powerful body in the UN. It is responsible for maintaining international peace, and for restoring peace when conflicts arise. Its decisionsare binding on all UN members and have the force of international law. The Security Council has the power to define what is a threat to sec...
- Bison d'Amérique: Après avoir été presque totalement exterminé, il reforme ses effectifs.
Rapport de la CIA sur l'invasion de la baie des Cochons.
On informa en outre le Président qu’on pourrait probablement créer sur le territoire cubain dans un délai de deux mois une organisation efficace de renseignements etd’intervention dirigée par l’opposition en exil, et que les préparatifs nécessaires à la mise sur pied d’une force paramilitaire adaptée nécessiteraient « un minimum desix mois et probablement plus près de huit ». Discussions de politique […] Le projet destiné à renverser Castro était donc devenu une activité essentielle de l’Agence...
Brian Mulroney.
At the party convention Mulroney was one of the candidates who ran against Clark. This time Mulroney did not have to contend with a rival candidate from Québec. Healso had the support of the remnants of the Diefenbaker faction—who disliked Clark even more than they disliked Mulroney. Mulroney was also endorsed by asubstantial group of members of Parliament; this endorsement helped allay concerns about whether he could provide effective leadership in Parliament. Mulroney waselected leader of the...
Brian Mulroney - Canadian History.
At the party convention Mulroney was one of the candidates who ran against Clark. This time Mulroney did not have to contend with a rival candidate from Québec. Healso had the support of the remnants of the Diefenbaker faction—who disliked Clark even more than they disliked Mulroney. Mulroney was also endorsed by asubstantial group of members of Parliament; this endorsement helped allay concerns about whether he could provide effective leadership in Parliament. Mulroney waselected leader of the...
Metalwork, in the fine arts, objects of artistic, decorative, and utilitarian value made of one or more kinds of metal--from precious to base--fashioned by either casting,
hammering, or joining or a combination of these techniques.
Early Bronze DiskThis disk with the head of Acheloos, an Etruscan river god, was made of bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, sometime inthe early 5th century bc. It comes from the necropolis of Monte Quaglieri in Tarquinia. Alloys are made by smelting twodifferent metals together.Scala/Art Resource, NY Knowledge of smelting ultimately led to knowledge of mixing different ores together in the smelting process to produce simple alloys. This followed an intermediateperiod, about 3000 BC, when comp...
Renaissance Art and Architecture
Renaissance Composition
During the Renaissance (15th and 16th centuries) artists discovered new ways to help them create more realistic and
compelling images.
with reliefs, had been familiar for centuries. A Early Renaissance Sculpture Ghiberti’s Gates of ParadiseThe Gates of Paradise are bronze doors created by Italian Renaissance sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti between 1425 and 1452for the east entrance to the baptistery of the Florence Cathedral in Italy. This detail, showing Isaac and Esau, is from oneof the doors' ten panels, each of which illustrates a story from the Bible. Ghiberti endowed the scenes with volume, depth,and movement, and helped initi...
Accounting and Bookkeeping.
The proliferation of mandated notes that accompany financial statements is a particularly visible example. Such notes disclose information that is not already included inthe body of the financial statement. One of the very first notes identifies the accounting methods adopted when acceptable alternative methods also exist, or when theunique nature of the company's business justifies an otherwise unconventional approach. The notes also disclose information about lease commitments, contingent liab...
Animal Behavior - biology.
The first motor program analyzed in much detail was the egg-rolling response of geese. When a goose sees an egg outside its nest, it stares at the egg, stretches itsneck until its bill is just on the other side of the egg, and then gently rolls the egg back into the nest. At first glance this seems a thoughtful and intelligent piece ofbehavior, but it is a mechanical motor program; almost any smooth, rounded object (the sign stimulus) will release the response. Furthermore, removal of the egg on...
Prints and Printmaking
Prints and Printmaking, pictorial images that can be inked onto paper, and the art of creating and reproducing them.
Bewick’s The SkylarkBritish engraver Thomas Bewick’s The Skylark is part of his History of British Birds (2 vols., 1797 and 1804). Bewick wasthe first artist to demonstrate the full potential of wood engraving and is renowned for his fine natural history illustrations.Each illustration shows some of the bird’s natural habitat.Folio Society, London/Bridgeman Art Library, London/New York Historically, the wood engraving was chiefly used for illustrations in magazines and books. It is similar to th...
Shark - biology.
Sharks have two-chambered hearts that are relatively small compared to the rest of their bodies. Blood flows from the heart to the gills, where it collects oxygen fromwater and then distributes it to the other organs and tissues. The small heart produces weak blood pressure, and many sharks must swim continuously to create themuscular contractions needed to circulate blood throughout their bodies. Most sharks are cold-blooded—that is, they do not generate heat by digesting food. Instead, the bod...
loose soil in this region, known as the Fertile Crescent, was easily scratched for planting, and an abundance of trees was available for firewood. By 5000 BC, farming communities were established in areas known today as Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Greece, and the islands of Crete and Cyprus. Agricultural societies in these places constructed stone buildings, used the sickle to harvest grain, developed a primitive plowstick, and advanced their skills inmetalworking. Trade in flint al...
gathers the weak returning radar signals and converts them into an electric current. Because a radar antenna may both transmit and receive signals, the duplexerdetermines whether the antenna is connected to the receiver or the transmitter. The receiver determines whether the signal should be reported and often does furtheranalysis before sending the results to the display. The display conveys the results to the human operator through a visual display or an audible signal. B1 The Antenna The rec...
Star (astronomy) - astronomy.
absorbing the missing colors of light. For example, the set of dark lines made by hydrogen includes a dark red line, the set of dark lines made by sodium includes a pairof dark yellow lines, and the set of dark lines made by iron includes lines of nearly every color. Each element in the gaseous outer layer of a star produces its ownparticular pattern of dark spectrum lines, depending on the temperature and pressure of the gas. Astronomers have observed spectrum lines, or spectra, for hundredsof...
Ontario - Geography.
governed Ontario’s initial settlement and development. The province’s most important river is the St. Lawrence. Its route was much improved and enlarged by dredgingand canal building in the mid-20th century. This enabled large ocean-going vessels to reach Great Lake ports ( see St. Lawrence Seaway). The Ottawa River was an important early route to the interior for fur traders and timber merchants. The Niagara River, because of its falls, is a great center of hydroelectric power as well as aninte...
Ontario - Canadian History.
governed Ontario’s initial settlement and development. The province’s most important river is the St. Lawrence. Its route was much improved and enlarged by dredgingand canal building in the mid-20th century. This enabled large ocean-going vessels to reach Great Lake ports ( see St. Lawrence Seaway). The Ottawa River was an important early route to the interior for fur traders and timber merchants. The Niagara River, because of its falls, is a great center of hydroelectric power as well as aninte...
- La modernité radicale est aussi une lecture réductrice de la modernité faussant la compréhension du processus effectif qu'a été et est la modernité. Joseph Yvon Thériault, Critique de l'américanité
- MODELE DE COURRIER ( LE TRAVAIL): Refus de prise en compte d'une intervention comme travail effectif pendant une période d'astreinte.
Est-ce l'égalité des droits qui fonde l'égalité des hommes ?
n'y a de justice qu'en tant qu'il y a des justes, c'est-à-dire des hommes possédant et pratiquant la justiceà titre de vertu ; mais inversement, « c'est par la justice que les justes sont justes » (Platon, Hippiasmajeur, 287c) ; il n'y a d'hommes justes qu'éclairés par l'idée de justice, càd de conformité à la loi etd'équité. · Dès lors il apparaît que l'égalité des droits seule ne suffisent pas à rendre effective l'égalité des hommes, un autre principe, tout aussi fondamental,...