54 résultats pour "dalla"
La letteratura delle ma'abarot e la figura della donna nella produzione letteraria di Sami Michael
2 Indice Ringraziamenti 4/5/6 Premessa · Table immigrants n. 1 · Table immigrants n. 2 · Israelimages 7 12 13 14 Capitolo I Exile : La letteratura dellesilio 1.1 Introduzione al libro Exile from Exile : Israeli Writers from Iraq Nancy E.Berg. 15 1.2 Lesperienza della transizione 16 1.3 Scrittori Israeliani dallIraq 17 1.4 Conclusioni 20
Lyndon B.
A1 First Years in Office Johnson quickly made a two-fold reputation. He was a firm supporter of Roosevelt’s program, both domestic and foreign, and he was also a tireless worker on behalf ofthe voters he represented. Often the two activities coincided, as was the case when he helped to bring public power into Texas through the Rural ElectrificationAdministration and the Lower Colorado River Authority. He also secured funds for the building of dams, roads, and other public improvements in his di...
George Bush.
1986 it was folded into Harken Energy Corporation, another Texas petroleum company. Bush served as a consultant and a member of Harken’s board of directors. In 1987 Bush relocated his family to Washington, D.C., to assist his father in his bid to become president. He worked as a campaign adviser at his father’s nationalcampaign headquarters, serving as a liaison to the media and to conservative and Christian leaders. He was a trusted confidant of his father and mother, whosometimes dispatched Bu...
George Bush - USA History.
1986 it was folded into Harken Energy Corporation, another Texas petroleum company. Bush served as a consultant and a member of Harken’s board of directors. In 1987 Bush relocated his family to Washington, D.C., to assist his father in his bid to become president. He worked as a campaign adviser at his father’s nationalcampaign headquarters, serving as a liaison to the media and to conservative and Christian leaders. He was a trusted confidant of his father and mother, whosometimes dispatched Bu...