310 résultats pour "bornée"
- Jerry Lewis (entertainer) Jerry Lewis (entertainer), born in 1926, American motion-picture actor and director, known for his screwball comedies.
- Rudolph Valentino Rudolph Valentino (1895-1926), Italian-born motion-picture actor, considered the archetypal screen lover, idolized by female fans of the 1920s.
- Spike Lee Spike Lee, born in 1957, American motion-picture maker, whose works examine race relations in the United States.
- Robert De Niro Robert De Niro, born in 1943, American motion-picture actor, often hailed as one of the most brilliant of his generation.
- George Lucas George Lucas, born in 1944, American motion-picture director and producer, the guiding force behind the Star Wars movie series.
- Jodie Foster Jodie Foster, born in 1962, American motion-picture actor, director, and Academy Award winner, who began her career as a child actor.
- Robert Redford Robert Redford, born in 1936, American actor, director, and producer, known for his intelligence, striking appearance, and commercial success.
- Robin Williams Robin Williams, born in 1952, American comedian and actor, who has gradually transitioned from strictly comic roles to more serious performances.
- Mia Hamm Mia Hamm, born in 1972, American soccer player, one of the greatest female players in the history of the sport.
- Michelle Kwan Michelle Kwan, born in 1980, American figure skater, one of the world's dominant skaters in the 1990s and early 2000s.
- Larry Bird Larry Bird, born in 1956, American basketball player and coach, one of the greatest all-around performers in the sport's history.
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali, born in 1942, American boxer, one of the greatest fighters in the history of the sport.
In 1984 Ali was first diagnosed with Parkinson syndrome, a medical condition closely related to Parkinson disease. Symptoms include body tremors, slurred or difficultspeech, rigid limbs, facial immobilization, and other neurological problems. The disorder sometimes develops in boxers, because of the repeated blows to the head theysuffer over a long career. As the former champion coped with the condition, he became a strong advocate for more research money for Parkinson disease and relatedconditi...
- Shirley Temple Shirley Temple, born in 1928, American motion-picture actor, considered one of the most successful child stars in the history of film.
- Bob Dylan Bob Dylan, born in 1941, American musician and songwriter, one of the most important figures in contemporary folk music and rock music.
- Alfred Hitchcock I INTRODUCTION Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980), British-born American motion-picture director and producer, noted for his technically innovative and psychologically complex thrillers.
- Rod Laver Rod Laver, born in 1938, Australian tennis player, the only player to win the grand slam of tennis twice (as an amateur in 1962 and as a professional in 1969).
- Paul Newman Paul Newman, born in 1925, American actor, entrepreneur, and philanthropist who won an Academy Award for his role in The Color of Money (1986).
- Denzel Washington Denzel Washington, born in 1954, American motion-picture, theater, and television actor, one of the major African American actors of the late 20th century.
- Tom Hanks Tom Hanks, born in 1956, American motion-picture actor, a two-time Academy Award winner who is acclaimed for both his comic and dramatic performances.
- Si, selon Rey : « Etre homme, c'est se sentir comme un réservoir de possibilités, comme une multiplicité d'êtres virtuels ; être artiste, c'est amener ce possible et ce virtuel à l'existence », même si d'après Thibaudet : « C'est toujours un dur métier d'écrire un livre, (car) on est toujours tenté de se borner à le rêver ».
- Maya Angelou Maya Angelou, born in 1928, American author, poet, performer, and civil rights activist, best known for portrayals of strong African American women in her writings.
- Cynthia Cooper Cynthia Cooper, born in 1963, American professional basketball player who was one of the stars of the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) from 1997 to 2000.
- Magic Johnson Magic Johnson, born in 1959, American professional basketball player, who helped the Los Angeles Lakers become one of the dominating professional basketball teams of the 1980s.
- Hank Aaron Hank Aaron, born in 1934, American baseball player, nicknamed Hammerin' Hank, whose 755 home runs broke the all-time record previously held by Babe Ruth.
- Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela, born in 1918, South African activist, winner of the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize, and the first black president of South Africa (1994-1999).
- Jack Nicholson Jack Nicholson, born in 1937, American motion-picture actor, writer, director, and producer, known for his enigmatic, faintly menacing grin and his skill in portraying nonconformist loners.
- Randy Johnson Randy Johnson, born in 1963, American professional baseball player, a left-handed pitcher who has won five Cy Young Awards and ranks among the greatest strikeout artists ever.
- Woody Allen Woody Allen, born in 1935, American motion-picture director, actor, and writer, many of whose films are humorous depictions of neurotic characters preoccupied with love and death.
- Jackie Joyner-Kersee Jackie Joyner-Kersee, born in 1962, American track-and-field athlete, who won the heptathlon event (an all-around event) at the Olympic Games in 1988 and 1992.
- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar I INTRODUCTION Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, born in 1947, American professional basketball player, a dominant competitor who holds the record for most points in National Basketball Association (NBA) history.
- Barry Bonds Barry Bonds, born in 1964, American professional baseball player, one of the greatest hitters of all time but who was indicted on criminal charges relating to performance-enhancing drugs.
- Martin Scorsese Martin Scorsese, born in 1942, American motion-picture director, whose best films have reflected the Italian American experience of his childhood in New York City's Little Italy neighborhood.
- Audrey Hepburn Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993), Belgian-born actor and humanitarian, who became one of Hollywood's best-known stars with her leading roles in films such as Roman Holiday (1953), Funny Face (1957), and Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961).
Rock Music
Carlos Santana
Mexican-born guitarist Carlos Santana became a superstar in the late 1960s with a string of hits and an appearance at the
famous Woodstock rock festival in 1969.
point (a single pitch sustained through a progression of chords), and the parallel movement of chords, derived from a technique on the electric guitar known as bar-chording. Many elements of African American music have been a continuing source of influence on rock music. These characteristics include riffs (repeated patterns), backbeats (emphasizing the second and fourth beats of each measure; see Musical Rhythm: Pulse and Meter ), call-and-response patterns, blue notes (the use of certain...
- Lance Armstrong Lance Armstrong, born in 1971, American cyclist, a record seven-time winner of the Tour de France, the most prestigious cycling race in the world and one of the most grueling contests in all of sports.
- Diana Ross Diana Ross, born in 1944, American popular singer, one of the most influential recording artists of the Motown era (1960s) and the disco period of rhythm-and-blues (R&B) music (late 1970s to early 1980s).
- Carl Lewis Carl Lewis, born in 1961, American track-and-field athlete, who won a total of nine gold medals at the Olympic Games in 1984, 1988, 1992, and 1996, including four straight gold medal performances in the long jump.
- Maria Callas Maria Callas (1923-1977), American-born Greek operatic soprano, the preeminent prima donna (lead female opera singer) of her day, and the first modern soprano to revive forgotten operas of the 19th-century bel canto repertoire.
Wayne Gretzky
Wayne Gretzky, born in 1961, Canadian professional ice hockey player, nicknamed The Great One, who is the National Hockey League (NHL) career leader in goals,
assists, and points (goals and assists combined).
and 1991. He was captain of the national team for the 1996 World Cup and made his first Olympic Games appearance as a member of Canada’s ice hockey team duringthe 1998 Winter Games in Nagano, Japan. In 1999, just a few months after his retirement from the NHL, Gretzky was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame. The board of directors of the Hall of Fame waived thenormal three-year waiting period as a way of honoring Gretzky for all his contributions to the sport of hockey. Gretzky remained active...
- Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, born in 1945, leader of the nonviolent movement for human rights and the restoration of democracy in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.
- JORN Asger : Sans bornes.
- Bertran de Born - encyclopédie.
Slavery in the United States - U.
tripled, from about 1.2 million to almost 4 million in 1860. The natural growth of the slave population meant that slavery could survive without new slave imports. Natural population growth also hastened the transition from an African to an African American slave population. By the 1770s, only about 20 percent of slaves in thecolonies were African-born, although the concentration of Africans remained higher in South Carolina and Georgia. After 1808 the proportion of African-born slavesbecame tin...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau dans "Julie ou la Nouvelle Héloïse": Le désir comme essence de l'homme
rétrospectivement, il nous affirme que le vrai bonheur a été celui de l'attente. Alors : Jean-Jacques est-il un éternel insatisfait oubien serait-il vrai que le véritable bonheur est dans le désir et non dans la réalisation du désir?Dernière remarque &il s'avère que le vrai bonheur est dans le désir et non dans sa réalisation, ceci semble tellement aller àl'encontre du sens commun que ce ne sera une vérité que pour ceux qui l'auront éprouvée, c'est-à-dire pour ceux qui aurontvraiment expérimenté...
Malheur Qui N'A Plus Rien Désirer : Rousseau - La Nouvelle Héloïse
question il a bien fallu que son expérience se soit soldée par un résultat qu'il a jugé. Il a obtenu ce qu'il désirait,donc son désir a été exaucé au moins une fois dans sa vie (Jean-Jacques n'est pas un homme absolument frustré...): mais cette concrétisation a-t-elle été une bonne on une mauvaise expérience ? Ce fut une bonne expérience(logiquement parlant) au sens où ce fia le réalisation de son désir, mais ce M peut-être une mauvaise expériencepuisque. rétrospectivement, il nous affirme que...
1.2 Propriété fondamentale de R: borne supérieure et borne inférieure Théorème et dénitions 1. Pour toute partie non vide et majorée Ade R, il existe un unique réel qui est le plus petit des majorants de A ; ce réel s'appelle la borne supérieurede A et on notesup (A). Il est donc caractérisé par la conjonction des deux propriétés : 8x 2 A; x (1) 8 " > 0;9 y 2 A; " < y (2) La propriété (1)traduit le fait que est un majorant de Aet la propriété (2)indique que si un réel est stricteme...
Electricité Choisir une bonne association générateur/récepteur : pour de bonnes conditions de fonctionnement, la tension aux bornes du générateur doit être voisi ne de la tension nominale ou tension dusage du récepteur. Les caractéristiques nominales du récept eur doivent être adaptées au générateur. 3) Quelques symboles électriques Pile Lampe Interrupteur ouvert Interrupteur fermé Moteur Diode Haut parleur vibreur...
- Bertran de Born Troubadour périgourdin (?
JORN Asger : Sans bornes
JORN As ger Sans bornes Né à Vejruro, Danemark, 1914 Mort à Aarhus, 1973 C'est surtout après la guerre que Jorn attira l'at tention, au moment où l'expressionnisme abs trait se développait aux États-Unis et l'abstrac tion lyrique en France. Jorn se montrait très proche des options défendues par les artistes nordiques du groupe Cobra. Alechinsky l'a d'ailleurs reconnu comme un maître. Dans un tableau tel que Sans bornes, on n...