99 résultats pour "block"
James A.
Treasury John Sherman, another Ohioan. He went to the Republican national convention as head of his state's delegation and manager of the Sherman campaign. The Republican Party at that time was split into two factions, the Stalwarts, led by Roscoe Conkling, senator from New York, and the Half-Breeds, led by Blaine. The twogroups had few political differences, but disagreed over the division of appointments to federal positions, known as patronage. The Stalwarts wanted control of all federal ap...
Visual puzzles involve searching a picture to find hidden or disguised figures or answering a question about some part of a visual illusion. For instance, the popular 19th- century prints of American lithographic company Currier & Ives featured hidden people, animals, and other objects. A 16th-century painting from Bukhara, Uzbekistan,of a camel includes hidden figures of 17 people, 10 rabbits, a monkey, and a dragon (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City). B Mathematical Puzzles and Logic...
Moldawien - geographie.
auch Bekleidung, Baustoffe, Landwirtschaftsmaschinen und Kühlschränke. Wie in den meisten anderen ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken hat auch die Wirtschaft in Moldawienunter dem Abbruch von Handelsbeziehungen gelitten. Der wirtschaftliche Niedergang wurde außerdem stark vom Bürgerkrieg in der Trans-Dnjestr-Region beschleunigt.Allein 1992 verringerte sich die Produktion um 30 Prozent. Den größten Schaden nahm die Leichtindustrie, die sehr stark vom Außenhandel abhängig ist. WichtigsteExportgüter sind N...
Michelangelo (1475-1564), Italian painter, sculptor, architect, and poet whose artistic accomplishments exerted a tremendous influence on his contemporaries and on
subsequent European art.
(17 ft) tall, was carved from a block of stone that another sculptor had left unfinished. Michelangelo drew on the classical tradition in depicting David as a nude,standing with his weight on one leg, the other leg at rest ( see contrapposto). This pose suggests impending movement, and the entire sculpture shows tense waiting, as David sizes up his enemy and considers his course of action. While David reveals Michelangelo's expert knowledge of anatomy (he had been dissecting corpses for about...
(17 ft) tall, was carved from a block of stone that another sculptor had left unfinished. Michelangelo drew on the classical tradition in depicting David as a nude,standing with his weight on one leg, the other leg at rest ( see contrapposto). This pose suggests impending movement, and the entire sculpture shows tense waiting, as David sizes up his enemy and considers his course of action. While David reveals Michelangelo's expert knowledge of anatomy (he had been dissecting corpses for about...
United States Senate.
providing for military forces, and declaring war. Article I, Section 8, also gives Congress implied powers—to “make all laws which shall be necessary and proper” forcarrying out the enumerated powers, and to investigate and oversee the executive branch. The Senate also has the power to conduct impeachment trials against thepresident, federal judges, and other officials. The Senate can only impeach someone after the House brings charges, however. A two-thirds majority vote of thesenators in the c...
Albania - country.
Joining the international community in its concern over the degradation of the environment, Albania is party to international agreements concerning biodiversity, climatechange, and wetlands. III THE PEOPLE OF ALBANIA In 2008 Albania’s population estimate was 3,619,778, resulting in an average density of 132 persons per sq km (342 per sq mi). More and more people have left ruralareas for urban ones, particularly in the northern districts, such that in 2005 some 45 percent of the population live...
the vacuum of space, however, demonstrated that this belief was not true. In fact, rockets produce more thrust in the vacuum of space than on Earth. Air pressure andfriction with the air reduce a rocket’s thrust by about 10 percent on Earth as compared to the rocket’s performance in space. B Thrust and Efficiency Thrust is a measurement of the force of a rocket, or the amount of “push” exerted backward to move a rocket forward. Thrusts vary greatly from rocket to rocket.Engineers measure thrust...
Rocket - astronomy.
the vacuum of space, however, demonstrated that this belief was not true. In fact, rockets produce more thrust in the vacuum of space than on Earth. Air pressure andfriction with the air reduce a rocket’s thrust by about 10 percent on Earth as compared to the rocket’s performance in space. B Thrust and Efficiency Thrust is a measurement of the force of a rocket, or the amount of “push” exerted backward to move a rocket forward. Thrusts vary greatly from rocket to rocket.Engineers measure thrust...
Constitution of the United States.
chief executive should have the power to veto legislation, should be elected by Congress or the people, should be eligible to run for reelection, and should command thearmed forces. Some delegates even hoped for a limited monarchy. Not until September 8, more than three months after the convention started, did the final shape ofthe presidency emerge: a single leader, elected to a four-year term and eligible for reelection, with authority to veto bills enacted by Congress. The president was alsog...
Constitution of the United States - U.
chief executive should have the power to veto legislation, should be elected by Congress or the people, should be eligible to run for reelection, and should command thearmed forces. Some delegates even hoped for a limited monarchy. Not until September 8, more than three months after the convention started, did the final shape ofthe presidency emerge: a single leader, elected to a four-year term and eligible for reelection, with authority to veto bills enacted by Congress. The president was alsog...
math fonctions devoir
Sujet 1 b ) Étudier les variations de la fonction f 1 et dresser le tableau de variations de f 1. c) À l’aide du graphique, justifier que kest un entier supérieur ou égal à 2. 2. a)Démontrer que pour n> 1, toutes les courbes C n passent par le point O et un autre point dont on donnera les coordonnées. b) Vérifier que pour tout entier naturel nsupérieur ou égal à 2, et pour tout réel x: f ′ n ( x ) = xn − 1 (n − x)e − x . 3. Sur le graphique, la fonction f 3 semble admettre un maximum atteint pour...
2 © Bordas – Physique-chimie 2 de, Collec\bion E.S.P.A.C.E, 2010 à vide. La seconde est nettement plus rapide et plus efficace. 6. a. Le produit synthétisé n’est pas pur (deux taches = deux espèces chimiques)\b mais contient de l’aspirine puisqu’une tache a migré à la même hauteur que le témoin d’aspirine pure. b. R f = 0\b7. 3. b. Le chauffage à reflux permet d’augmenter la vitesse de la réaction de synthèse par chauffage sans perdre de matière par...
Arbeitdienst : service du travail, qui affectait les hommes dans les
Block : baraque où logeaient les détenus....
Lexique Arbeitdienst : service du travail, qui affectait les hommes dans les Kommandos. Block : baraque où logeaient les détenus. Blockaltester: chef de baraque choisi par les SS parmi les détenus. B/ockführer: chef SS d'une ou plusieurs baraques. Civils : dans le récit, désigne les travailleurs non détenus, Français, Allemands, Polonais ou Italiens, employés à la Buna. Crématoire : bâtiment comportant la chambre à gaz où étaient envoyés les détenus « sélectionnés » et le four crématoire où les...
espagnol devoir
Les cours du CNED sont strictement réservés à l’usage privé de leurs destinataires et ne sont pas destinés à une utilisation collective. Les personnes qui s’en serviraient pour d’autres usages, qui en feraient une reproduction intégrale ou partielle, une traduction sans le consentement du CNED, s’exposeraient à des poursuites judiciaires et aux sanctions pénales prévues par le Code de la propriété intellectuelle. Les reproductions par reprographie de livres et de périodiques protégés contenues d...
Renoir - Bal du moulin de la Galette
2 Introduction 3-4 Historique de l’oeuvre \b-7 Description de l’oeuvre 8 Analyse détaillée 9-1\b Conclusion 16 Sources 17-18 SomairaeIrmnta idamoauomdccd
les 10 petits negres resumes
Somm AIRE 1. Ré SU mé 4 2. é TU dE d ES p ERS onn AGES 7 Le juge Wargrave Vera Claythorne Le capitaine philip Lombard miss Emily Brent Le général macarthur dr Armstrong Anthony marston mr Blore mr et mrs Rogers 3. C LéS d E LECTURE 10 La comptine et la mise en abyme L’angoisse et la peur Le rythme de l’écriture 4. pISTES d E Réf LEXI on 12 5. Info RmATI on S Comp Lém EnTAIRES 13 off ERT !
Mieux accueillir les touristes étrangers
51t5 C01 – 2/5 \bossier 1 (8 points) Mise en place de deux actions pour « mieux accueillir les touristes étrangers ». 1.1. Pour que l’accueil au sein de votre office de tourisme soit plus performant et réponde à cet objectif, vous envisagez de mettre en pla\èce un certain nombre d’actio\èns. (5 points) R\bmarqu\b : 2,5 points par act\vion présentée. Actions possibles Au niveau interne : • Programm\br un séminair\b pour s\bnsibilis\br l’\bns\bmbl\b du p\brsonn\bl d’accu\bil d...
5 Les étoiles Récit d’un berger provençal. Isolé dans la montagne, le berger-narrateur profitait du passage du valet de ferme qui venait le ravitailler pour demander des nouvelle de la fille de ses maitres, Stéphanette . « J’avais vingt ans et cette Stéphanette était ce que j’avais vu de plus beau dans ma vie » (p. 48) dit-il. Mais c’était la fille de ses maitres et, pour cette raison, l’humble berger n’osait l’approcher . Un jour, le valet étant...
[ 82 ] Les références ici sont latines et germaniques, mais on ne peut pas s’empêc\ber de penser, en lisant ces paroles, à une vieille qualité juive, parfaitement décrite par un terme \bébreu et yiddis\b bien connu : la chutzpa, c’est-à-dire, en traduction française très approximative, le culot, l’insolence, le défi. Le rêve éveillé de l’utopie est au cœur de la réflexion de Bloc\b depuis ses premiers écrits, L’esprit de l’utopie de 1918 et Thomas Münzer, théologien de la...
Chapitre 18 correction exo physiques seconde
91 Chapitre 18 La gravitation universelle 2. a. La Lune exerce une action mécanique sur la Terre. Elle est modélisée par la force d’attraction gravitation- nelle exercée par la Lune. b. Même expression qu’en 1. a. c. Même résultat qu’en 1. c. 4 1. F m m d G Sole il Terre 2 , soit F ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ - 6 6 7 1 0 5 9 8 1 0 1 99 10 1 5 0 1 0 11 24 30 112 , , , ( , ) = 3,53 ¥ 1022 N. 2. Même réponse qu’en 1. 3. Les deux forces ont les mêmes i...
- corrigé physique chimie 2nd
5 Fruits et Légumes /jours _ commander la solution sur " http://www.juiceplus.com/+gall21439 "
Ch\bque jour \bu moins 5 portions* de fruits et de légumes * \bu moins 600 g Cette c\bmp\bgne d’inform\btion est soutenue mondi\blement p\br de nombreuses org\bnis\btions de l\b s\bnté : Qui le recomm\bnde ? • L’Org\bnis\btion mondi\ble \Jde l\b S\bnté (OMS) • Les Sociétés/Ligu\Jes contre le c\bncer d\bns le\J monde entier • Les diverses Sociétés de N\Jutrition : de Suisse (SSN), d’Allem\bgne (DGE), d’Autriche (ÖGE), de Fr\bnce etc. • Les Ministères de l\b S\bnté Plus la consommati\g...
Chapitre 5 : Médias et opinion publique en France de l'Affaire Dreyfus à nos jours.
© Magnard, 2012 – Histoire Terminales ES, L – Livre du professeur 64 Médias et opinion publique en France de l’Affaire dreyfus à nos jours chapitre 5 Commentaire du document iconographique (p. 129) Le Petit Journal illustre l’essor de la presse populaire à la fin du x i x e siècle. Fondé en 1863 par Moïse Millaud, il dépasse le million d’exemplaires vers 1884. Il propose à ses lecteurs un contenu fédérateur dans lequel les faits divers, abordés de man...
Deutscher Bundestag
Deutscher Bundestag, die Volksvertretung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit Sitz in Berlin (seit 1999, zuvor in Bonn).
Christlich Demokratische Union (CDU)/Christlich Soziale Union (CSU) 50,2 270 Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands(SPD) 31,8 169 Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP) 7,7 41 Deutsche Partei (DP) 3,4 17* Bayernpartei (BP) 0,5 Deutsche Zentrumspartei 0,3 Deutsche Reichspartei (DRP) 1,0 Gesamtdeutscher Block/Bund derHeimatvertriebenen und Entrechteten(GB/BHE) 4,6 Sonstige 0,5 Anzahl der Grundmandate: 494 * durch Alternativklausel an Mandatsverteilung beteiligt 1961 PARTEI ZWEITSTIMMEN (in %) MAND...
Basketball, Mannschaftssportart, bei der zwei gegnerische Teams zu je fünf Spielern versuchen, einen Ball in den Korb des Gegners zu werfen und so Punkte zu erzielen.
Wurftechnik und Ballbehandlung liegt das Hauptaugenmerk der meisten Power Forwards in der Defensivarbeit. Eine wichtige Offensivfunktion der Forwards und des Centersliegt jedoch darin, ihren Mitspielern als „Block” zu dienen, an dem sie ihre Gegenspieler abschütteln können, um in eine freie Wurfposition zu gelangen. Der blockendeSpieler muss bei dieser Aktion jedoch eine feste Position eingenommen haben, bevor der Verteidiger seinen Weg kreuzt. 4.5 Center Die größten Spieler einer Mannschaft we...
Programming Language.
Logic languages use logic as their mathematical base. A logic program consists of sets of facts and if-then rules, which specify how one set of facts may be deducedfrom others, for example: If the statement X is true, then the statement Y is false. In the execution of such a program, an input statement can be logically deduced from other statements in the program. Many artificial intelligence programs are writtenin such languages. IV LANGUAGE STRUCTURE AND COMPONENTS Programming languages use...
Ice Ages.
B Future Ice Ages The record of previous glacial activity is the best indicator for future ice ages. Scientists examine the evidence for the numerous 100,000-year glacial-interglacial cycleswithin the present ice age to attempt a forecast of future ice ages. Since all previous ice ages lasted tens of millions of years, our present ice age will likely continue fora considerable amount of time. Each glaciation begins slowly and may take 80,000 years or more to reach its maximum extent. A rapid me...
Temple (building)
Wat Phra Kaeo
Thailand has nearly 18,000 Buddhist temples, called wats, throughout the country.
colonnaded terraces connected by ramps. The surrounding area was planted with trees and flowers during Hatshepsut’sreign and for many years after.Gian Berto Vanni/Art Resource, NY In ancient Egypt, temples were grandiose, built of huge blocks and columns of stone. Often they were enlarged by successive rulers to form strung-out series of templeparts, as in the gigantic Temple of Amon (circa 1550-1070 BC) at Al Karnak. The Nile cliffs were used as settings for temples, such as the massive mortuar...
Denver - geography.
Denver is the center of professional sports in the Rocky Mountain region. Major league teams are the Denver Broncos (football), Colorado Rockies (baseball), DenverNuggets (basketball), and Colorado Avalanche (ice hockey). Coors Field (opened in 1995) is the home of the Colorado Rockies. The Broncos began play at the newlyconstructed Invesco Field at Mile High in 2001, and the Nuggets and Avalanche play at the Pepsi Center. The National Western Stock Show and Rodeo, one of thelargest such shows i...
- Primo Levi, Si c'est un homme
In the late 1960s a method was developed for “growing” diamonds by heating a diamond particle to a high temperature and subjecting it to methane gas. The gasdecomposes into carbon atoms, which adhere to the diamond crystal. The crystal structure of the enlarged diamond is identical to that of a natural diamond. Diamondsof about 1 carat (200 mg or 0.007 oz) have been produced by this method, but their cost is still considerably higher than that of naturally occurring diamonds. Sapphires are made...
Greek Mythology
Temple of Apollo at Didyma
The Greeks built the Temple of Apollo at Didyma, Turkey (about 300 bc).
A1 The Creation of the Gods According to Greek myths about creation, the god Chaos (Greek for “Gaping Void”) was the foundation of all things. From Chaos came Gaea (“Earth”); the bottomlessdepth of the underworld, known as Tartarus; and Eros (“Love”). Eros, the god of love, was needed to draw divinities together so they might produce offspring. Chaosproduced Night, while Gaea first bore Uranus, the god of the heavens, and after him produced the mountains, sea, and gods known as Titans. The Tita...
Health Care System in Canada.
With a few exceptions, provincial health plans cover all medically necessary services, so that patients need not pay directly for anything except so-called incidental costs.These incidental costs include items such as a patient’s private hospital room, unless it is specified by a physician, and transportation to the hospital. Provincial healthplans also do not cover some nonessential procedures, such as laser surgery for the eye, cosmetic surgery, procedures to reverse sterilization, and, in mos...
Observatory - astronomy.
Ultraviolet radiation, X rays, and gamma rays have shorter wavelengths than visible light has. These types of radiation tell astronomers about the hottest and mostviolent phenomena in the universe. Earth’s atmosphere blocks most of this radiation, so astronomers must send their observatories above the atmosphere aboardballoons, rockets, or satellites. Ultraviolet telescopes are much like visible light telescopes, but X-ray telescopes must have special nested cylindrical mirrors to prevent Xrays...
Nicaraguan Revolution.
Directorate. Within a year Robelo and Violeta Chamorro left the junta, and the Council of State was reorganized to guarantee an overwhelming Sandinista majority.Elections were postponed, restrictions were placed on the media, and relations with the Roman Catholic Church became increasingly tense. Two non-Sandinistasreplaced Robelo and Chamorro on the junta, but they had little power, and the government’s relations with opposition political parties and the private business sectordeteriorated. A D...
Asia - geography.
the Himalayas, the world’s highest mountain system. The Pacific Ocean plate drifted westward, scraping along the Eurasian plate and slipping under its coastal edge. This created the islands of Japan, Taiwan, the Kurils, theRyūky ūs, and the Philippines. Southeast Asia lies at the intersection of the Eurasian, Pacific Ocean, and Indian Ocean plates. Over time the contact between these platescreated the mountain ranges of mainland Southeast Asia. The continued slow movement of the plates causes fr...
Asia - history.
the Himalayas, the world’s highest mountain system. The Pacific Ocean plate drifted westward, scraping along the Eurasian plate and slipping under its coastal edge. This created the islands of Japan, Taiwan, the Kurils, theRyūky ūs, and the Philippines. Southeast Asia lies at the intersection of the Eurasian, Pacific Ocean, and Indian Ocean plates. Over time the contact between these platescreated the mountain ranges of mainland Southeast Asia. The continued slow movement of the plates causes fr...
Pyramids (Egypt) - history.
out, to the king’s burial chamber, which ideally was located directly underneath the pyramid’s center point. Sometimes, in addition to the burial chamber, there werestorage chambers within the pyramid. These chambers held objects used in burial rituals as well as items for the deceased to use in the afterlife. Some of these items werevaluable, and in later years people robbed many of the pyramids and stole the objects. Pyramid of Khafre at GizaThe pyramids at Giza in Egypt are among the best-kno...
Respiratory System.
rapidly, or laughs while swallowing, the swallowing reflex may not work, and food or fluid can enter the larynx. Food, fluid, or other substances in the larynx initiate acough reflex as the body attempts to clear the larynx of the obstruction. If the cough reflex does not work, a person can choke, a life-threatening situation. TheHeimlich maneuver is a technique used to clear a blocked larynx ( see First Aid). A surgical procedure called a tracheotomy is used to bypass the larynx and get air to...
Greek Mythology.
world in search of her; as a result, fertility left the earth. Zeus commanded Hades to release Persephone, but Hades had cunningly given her a pomegranate seed toeat. Having consumed food from the underworld, Persephone was obliged to return below the earth for part of each year. Her return from the underworld each yearmeant the revival of nature and the beginning of spring. This myth was told especially in connection with the Eleusinian Mysteries, sacred rituals observed in the Greektown of Ele...
censorship. Congress passed 20 obscenity laws between 1842 and 1956, most of which were variations of or amendments to the original Comstock Law. Later, Congress passed aseries of antipornography and anti-indecency laws dealing with new forms of technology and with the protection of children. The Protection of Children Against SexualExploitation Act of 1977 prohibits anyone from employing or inducing a minor to participate in sexual conduct or in the making of pornography. In 1988 Congresspassed...
Berlin - geography.
boroughs of Wedding and Tiergarten. Other important central areas include Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain, now united as the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg borough, andPrenzlauer Berg, now incorporated as a part of the Pankow borough. Tiergarten contains a large wooded park, a zoo, and a variety of public monuments as well as the large, modern Congress Hall and the Reichstag building, which wasbuilt from 1884 to 1894. The Reichstag and the surrounding area have undergone renovation to accommodate the Bun...
Electric motors have been used to power automobiles since the late 1800s. Electric power supplied by batteries runs the motor, which rotates a driveshaft, the shaftthat transmits engine power to the axles. Commercial electric car models for specialized purposes were available in the 1980s. General Motors Corporation introduced amass-production all-electric car in the mid-1990s. Automobiles that combine two or more types of engines are called hybrids. A typical hybrid is an electric motor with ba...
Earth (planet).
Milky Way to complete one revolution around the Galaxy’s center. Earth’s axis of rotation is inclined (tilted) 23.5° relative to its plane of revolution around the Sun. This inclination of the axis creates the seasons and causes the height of the Sun in the sky at noon to increase and decrease as the seasons change. The Northern Hemisphere receives the most energy from the Sun when it is tiltedtoward the Sun. This orientation corresponds to summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the S...
Earth (planet) - astronomy.
Milky Way to complete one revolution around the Galaxy’s center. Earth’s axis of rotation is inclined (tilted) 23.5° relative to its plane of revolution around the Sun. This inclination of the axis creates the seasons and causes the height of the Sun in the sky at noon to increase and decrease as the seasons change. The Northern Hemisphere receives the most energy from the Sun when it is tiltedtoward the Sun. This orientation corresponds to summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the S...
Bill Clinton.
When Arkansas governor David Pryor ran for the U.S. Senate in 1978, Clinton ran for governor. He promised to improve the state’s schools and highways and toimprove economic conditions so that more jobs would be created. At that time, the average income of people in Arkansas ranked 49th among the 50 states. Clinton woneasily, receiving 60 percent of the vote against four opponents in the Democratic primary election and 63 percent against the Republican candidate, Lynn Lowe, in thegeneral election...
Bill Clinton - USA History.
When Arkansas governor David Pryor ran for the U.S. Senate in 1978, Clinton ran for governor. He promised to improve the state’s schools and highways and toimprove economic conditions so that more jobs would be created. At that time, the average income of people in Arkansas ranked 49th among the 50 states. Clinton woneasily, receiving 60 percent of the vote against four opponents in the Democratic primary election and 63 percent against the Republican candidate, Lynn Lowe, in thegeneral election...
Astronomy - astronomy.
Telescopes may use either lenses or mirrors to gather visible light, permitting direct observation or photographic recording of distant objects. Those that use lenses arecalled refracting telescopes, since they use the property of refraction, or bending, of light ( see Optics: Reflection and Refraction ). The largest refracting telescope is the 40-in (1-m) telescope at the Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, founded in the late 19th century. Lenses bend different colors of light by d...