2538 résultats pour "area"
Ocean and Oceanography - geography.
gravity, so the level of the ocean will be lower over valleys. Using this method, a complete survey of the ocean floor was accomplished in less than two years. Maps madefrom data on the level of the ocean surface have been compared with maps made with direct depth measurements and the two types have corresponded well. Using sonar, depth measurements are made by measuring the time for a sound wave to travel from the surface of the ocean to the ocean floor, and to return ( see Sounding). Often sev...
Himalayas - geography.
result of deforestation the habitat of most of the wildlife has been destroyed. They are now restricted to special protected areas such as the Jaldapara and Kazirangasanctuaries in India ( see Kaziranga National Park) and the Chitawan preserve in Nepal. There are few animals in the Middle Himalayas because of extensive deforestation. In the Great Himalayas musk deer, wild goats, sheep, wolves, and snow leopards are found. The existence of the Abominable Snowman or Yeti has beenreported by highla...
Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics
2) Hume, enquiry concerning the principles of morals self love vs public affection The second appendix is intended to clarify the meaning of the term self-love. Does this term connote only those actions which are selfish in the narrower sense of the word, or is it possible that it includes actions which are usually called altruistic? The question arises from the fact that moral sentiments are said to have their origin in the feelings. Whose feelings are referred to in this connection? Is it...
Monkey (animal) - biology.
traveling in troops, often take turns acting as sentinel, making specific alarm calls to alert their companions to approaching danger. In trees, monkeys have other waysof outwitting their enemies. Capuchins, for example, sometimes fend off inquisitive predators by urinating on them from high above or by jumping up and down tomake dead branches fall on the predators. Most monkeys can breed at any time of the year, so their troops often contain young of many different ages. Courtship is typically...
Colorado - geography.
Although the rivers of Colorado are navigable only by small boats, they are important as a source of irrigation water for use in Colorado and adjoining states. However,the water level of the rivers fluctuates seasonally and from year to year. The level is generally low in winter and high in spring and summer, during the runoff of meltedsnow from the mountains. Colorado has no large lakes of natural origin, but there are numerous small lakes in the mountains. The largest bodies of water in Colora...
Colorado - USA History.
Although the rivers of Colorado are navigable only by small boats, they are important as a source of irrigation water for use in Colorado and adjoining states. However,the water level of the rivers fluctuates seasonally and from year to year. The level is generally low in winter and high in spring and summer, during the runoff of meltedsnow from the mountains. Colorado has no large lakes of natural origin, but there are numerous small lakes in the mountains. The largest bodies of water in Colora...
Fruit - biology.
from a flower with several pistils. The ovary may have a single compartment, or carpel, which houses the ovule or ovules. Or the ovary may consist of two or morecarpels, each of which may contain one or more ovules. A drupe develops from an ovary with a single carpel and is characterized by an edible exocarp and mesocarp and an inedible, hard endocarp, or pit that encloses asingle seed. Cherries, peaches, apricots, and plums are examples of drupes. Almonds also are classified as drupes, but in a...
Dog Family - biology.
muzzles, long and bushy tails, and large ears. Many foxes hunt by stalking prey and then leaping on it with a distinctive, stiff-legged pounce. Once thought to besolitary animals, foxes are now known to live in groups of up to six individuals. The remaining canids are each highly distinctive. Raccoon dogs and bush dogs are the least doglike canids in appearance. Raccoon dogs, found in eastern Asia, havestubby legs, a stout body, short ears, shaggy fur, and a black face mask that resembles a racc...
Jaguar (animal) - biology.
scientists have speculated that the jaguar’s robust canine teeth and enormously powerful bite developed specifically to pierce the armor of these reptiles. After killing a large animal, a jaguar will usually drag the carcass into dense cover before beginning to eat. If the kill is made in an open area, jaguars often drag theirprey for considerable distances. On one occasion, a jaguar killed a cow on the edge of a river and swam 790 m (2,600 ft) across the river carrying the cow. Unlike the other...
Bridge (game).
IV DUPLICATE BRIDGE Duplicate bridge is a variety of contract bridge in which the element of luck affecting the final score is greatly decreased and the factor of skill is correspondinglyincreased. Duplicate is virtually the only game now played in championship bridge tournaments and matches. Duplicate bridge can be played by any number of players divided into pairs or teams. Each pair competes against all (or in some duplicate tournaments against half) theother pairs. The cards are all dealt...
Giraffe - biology.
One of the most striking elements of giraffe behavior is the duel between males fighting for mating privileges. Giraffe duels are among the most extraordinary in theanimal kingdom. They start when two males approach each other and begin to rub and intertwine their necks. This behavior—known as necking—allows the opponentsto assess each other’s size and strength. Often, necking alone is enough to establish seniority. If not, the rivals begin to exchange blows with their heads. Each giraffebraces...
Kansas City (Missouri) - geography.
vicinity of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church is where many Italian immigrants settled. The West Side, bordering the Armourdale industrial district, is a Hispanic area. Blackneighborhoods comprise a large area south of downtown, and the neighborhoods east of the central business district have been mainly black for generations. An extensivearea of black and mixed race neighborhoods borders the central business district of Kansas City, Kansas. Many neighborhoods in northeastern Kansas City are inhab...
In some species of bacteria the cell wall consists primarily of a thick layer of peptidoglycan. Other species have a much thinner layer of peptidoglycan and an outer aswell as an inner membrane. When bacteria are subjected to Gram's stain, these differences in structure affect the differential staining of the bacteria with a dye calledgentian violet. The differences in staining coloration (gram-positive bacteria appear purple and gram-negative bacteria appear colorless or reddish, depending on t...
hours, and the snow can be much deeper in places where the wind piles it up in drifts. Extraordinarily deep snows sometimes accumulate on the upwind side ofmountain slopes during severe winter storms or on the downwind shores of large lakes during outbreaks of polar air. VI WIND Wind is the horizontal movement of air. It is named for the direction from which it comes—for example, a north wind comes from the north. In most places near theground, the wind speed averages from 8 to 24 km/h (from 5...
Other plants and animals have special adaptations suited for living in a wet environment. Most emergent plants have air spaces in their stems that enable oxygen to betransported to roots that grow in sediments with no oxygen. Some of the trees that grow in swamps form a set of roots above the soil surface or above the water thatallows them to get oxygen to the lower roots. In saltwater wetlands, specialized cells can limit the amount of salt that enters a plant, or specialized organs can excrete...
Rain Forest.
dropped into the heart of the forest by helicopters. Suspended from the crane’s long, movable arm is a large gondola that functions as a mobile treetop laboratory.Moving from tree to tree, forest researchers collect specimens, conduct experiments, and observe life in the canopy frontier. The highest stratum of the rain forest is made up of the emergent trees, those individuals that stick up above the forest canopy. Emergents, which do not form acontinuous layer, are usually the giants of the for...
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Aesthetic attitude
there are some features that everyone with normal eyes, ears and intelligence perceives - shape or loudness, forexample. But there are also features that are perceived only by people with a special sensitivity - balance or unity,for example. These latter people are the ones who have taste. If a vase is gracefully curved, either one sees thegracefulness or one does not. Sibley believes that this explains why aesthetic concepts are not condition-governed.That is, no list of non-aesthetic features...
Idaho - geography.
Idaho-Montana state line in the southern part of the Bitterroot Mountains. Consequently, nearly all the rivers in the state drain toward the Pacific. Most of Idaho lieswithin the drainage basin of the Columbia River system. The Snake River, which is the chief river in southern and central Idaho, follows a crescent-shaped course forabout 790 km (about 490 mi) across southern Idaho. It then swings northward along the Idaho state line and joins the Columbia River in Washington. Major tributariesof...
Idaho - USA History.
Idaho-Montana state line in the southern part of the Bitterroot Mountains. Consequently, nearly all the rivers in the state drain toward the Pacific. Most of Idaho lieswithin the drainage basin of the Columbia River system. The Snake River, which is the chief river in southern and central Idaho, follows a crescent-shaped course forabout 790 km (about 490 mi) across southern Idaho. It then swings northward along the Idaho state line and joins the Columbia River in Washington. Major tributariesof...
Geometry, branch of mathematics that deals with shapes and sizes.
Conic sections, a commonly studied topic of geometry, are two-dimensional curves created by slicing a plane through a three-dimensional hollow cone. A Euclid’s Postulates Euclid, who lived about 300 BC, realized that only a small number of postulates underlay the various geometric theorems known at the time. He determined that these theorems could be deduced from just five postulates. 1. A straight line may be drawn through any two given points. 2. A straight line may be drawn infinitely or be...
Safety is very important to all skiers, and all Alpine resorts have a ski patrol. The ski patrol’s responsibility is to take care of injured skiers, to mark hazardous spots ontrails, to make sure that trails are in good condition before opening them, and, at times, to act as traffic police in congested areas. Skiers are also responsible for takingtheir own safety into consideration, as well as that of others. Anyone who participates in the sport should be aware of the Skier’s Responsibility Code...
Kolkata - geography.
area, and trains have north-south lines with a few east-west connections. There are two major train terminals: Sealdah in the east central part of Kolkata and Hāoraacross the river from the Central Business District. Electric trams operate in Kolkata proper. The aging buses, trains, and tram cars suffer from overloading, creatinguncomfortable rides. Subway construction started in 1972 and became operational with 7 km (4.3 mi) of line in 1984. By 1995 all of the subway’s 16.4-km (10.2-mi)route fr...
Owl - biology.
Among the largest species of typical owls are the eagle owls. They have tufts of feathers on their heads that are called “ears.” The great horned owl is the only eagleowl found in the Americas. It is about 60 cm (25 in) in length with a wingspan of 1.4 m (60 in). Numerous species of eagle owls inhabit Europe, Africa, and Asia. Mostwidely distributed is the northern eagle owl, found from Scandinavia and Spain to Japan. It is about 71 cm (28 in) long with a wingspan of about 2m (72 in). Nearly asl...
South Dakota - geography.
C1 Temperatures Average January temperatures are everywhere less than -4° C (24° F) and decrease to less than -12° C (10° F) in some northern sections. The January temperaturesin Sioux Falls range from -16° to -4° C (3° to 24° F). Nightime lows of -29° C (-20° F) occur during most winters. July averages are in the low and middle 20°s C (lowand middle 70°s F) throughout most of the state, and are somewhat lower in the Black Hills. The average temperature range in Sioux Falls in July is 17° to 30...
South Dakota - USA History.
C1 Temperatures Average January temperatures are everywhere less than -4° C (24° F) and decrease to less than -12° C (10° F) in some northern sections. The January temperaturesin Sioux Falls range from -16° to -4° C (3° to 24° F). Nightime lows of -29° C (-20° F) occur during most winters. July averages are in the low and middle 20°s C (lowand middle 70°s F) throughout most of the state, and are somewhat lower in the Black Hills. The average temperature range in Sioux Falls in July is 17° to 30...
Utah - geography.
Temperatures decrease from the south to the north in the state. In the mountains the average temperature drops about 0.5°C (about 1°F) for every about 300 m(about 1,000 ft) rise in elevation. Average July temperatures range from less than 16°C (60°F) in the mountains to more than 27°C (80°F) in a few locations insouthern Utah. At Salt Lake City average July temperatures range from a low of 18°C (64°F) to a high of 33°C (92°F). There is a great variation between daytime andnighttime temperatures,...
Utah - USA History.
Temperatures decrease from the south to the north in the state. In the mountains the average temperature drops about 0.5°C (about 1°F) for every about 300 m(about 1,000 ft) rise in elevation. Average July temperatures range from less than 16°C (60°F) in the mountains to more than 27°C (80°F) in a few locations insouthern Utah. At Salt Lake City average July temperatures range from a low of 18°C (64°F) to a high of 33°C (92°F). There is a great variation between daytime andnighttime temperatures,...
Indiana - geography.
Michigan in Michigan. There are about 1,000 small natural lakes in Indiana, chiefly in the northern part of the state. The largest is Lake Wawasee, which covers almost 13 sq km (5 sq mi). Inthe central part of the state there are several lakes that were created behind dams on a number of smaller streams. They include Monroe Lake, near Bloomington; Geistand Eagle Creek reservoirs, northeast and northwest of Indianapolis; and Mississinewa and Huntington reservoirs, north of Marion. C Climate Most...
Indiana - USA History.
Michigan in Michigan. There are about 1,000 small natural lakes in Indiana, chiefly in the northern part of the state. The largest is Lake Wawasee, which covers almost 13 sq km (5 sq mi). Inthe central part of the state there are several lakes that were created behind dams on a number of smaller streams. They include Monroe Lake, near Bloomington; Geistand Eagle Creek reservoirs, northeast and northwest of Indianapolis; and Mississinewa and Huntington reservoirs, north of Marion. C Climate Most...
VI POTTERY Ceramic objects can be molded completely by hand or thrown (shaped) on a potter's wheel, a device with a rotating horizontal disk. When the clay hardens, it is fired ina high-temperature oven, or kiln, to strengthen it. To make the object waterproof, glazes may then be applied and the piece fired again. Although hand construction iseasy to master, throwing on the potter's wheel requires practice. Several simple tools are used by potters, including sponges, trimming tools, wooden sha...
Fungus - biology.
Many fungi can reproduce by the fragmentation of their hyphae. Each fragment develops into a new individual. Yeast, a small, single-celled fungus, reproduces bybudding, in which a bump forms on the yeast cell, eventually partitioning from the cell and growing into a new yeast cell. V CLASSIFICATION OF FUNGI Scientists have long disagreed about how to classify fungi, and the classification systems are still developing. The first description of fungi was published in 1729 byItalian botanist Pier...
Flower - biology.
insects. The sepals unfurl as the flower opens and often resemble small green leaves at the flower’s base. In some flowers, the sepals are colorful and work with thepetals to attract pollinators. E Variations in Structure Like virtually all forms in nature, flowers display many variations in their structure. Most flowers have all four whorls—pistil, stamens, petals, and sepals. Botanists callthese complete flowers. But some flowers are incomplete, meaning they lack one or more whorls. Incomplet...
Bat - biology.
tomb bat has rather small ears. The shapes of bat ears are extremely varied. The wide ears of the Australian false vampire bat meet above the head and are fused.Many bats are able to turn their ears in the direction of faint noises. Bat hearing and its use in echolocation are highly developed. Some bats have large, conspicuous eyes, while others may have small beady eyes. This variation suggests that vision plays different roles in the lives of various species.Despite the familiar expression, 'b...
Turtles use their jaws to cut and handle food. Instead of teeth, a turtle’s upper and lower jaws are covered by horny ridges, similar to a bird’s beak. Meat-eating turtlescommonly have knife-sharp ridges for slicing through their prey. Plant-eating turtles often have ridges with serrated edges that help them cut through tough plants.Turtles use their tongues in swallowing food, but unlike many other reptiles, such as chameleons, they cannot stick out their tongues to capture food. C Limb Structu...
Turtle - biology.
Turtles use their jaws to cut and handle food. Instead of teeth, a turtle’s upper and lower jaws are covered by horny ridges, similar to a bird’s beak. Meat-eating turtlescommonly have knife-sharp ridges for slicing through their prey. Plant-eating turtles often have ridges with serrated edges that help them cut through tough plants.Turtles use their tongues in swallowing food, but unlike many other reptiles, such as chameleons, they cannot stick out their tongues to capture food. C Limb Structu...
Kolkata - geography.
Other places of interest in Kolkata are the fashionable Jawaharlal Nehru (formerly Chowringhee) Road, the city’s main thoroughfare; the Raj Bhavan (1802; formerly calledthe Government House), the state governor’s residence; the Indian Museum (1875), which contains noted displays on archaeology and natural history; and the BirlaIndustrial and Technological Museum. The Botanical Gardens (1786) in Hāora (or Howrah), Kolkata’s twin city, features many tropical plants in addition to a famous banyantr...
Mumbai - geography.
number of people employed by them increased from 7,000 in the 1860s to 73,000 in 1900. Mumbai also prospered as an international port with the 1869 opening ofthe Suez Canal, which shortened the shipping route to Europe. Today most of India’s cotton continues to be grown in the Mumbai hinterland on a fertile, lava-based soilknown as black cotton soil. Textiles remain the dominant industry, employing more than half the workforce. Other important products of Mumbai include refined oil,petrochemical...
Pollination - biology.
rapidly as in cross-pollination, because one plant with a beneficial gene can transmit it only to its own offspring and not to other plants. Self-pollination evolved laterthan cross-pollination, and may have developed as a survival mechanism in harsh environments where pollinators were scarce. IV POLLEN TRANSFER Unlike animals, plants are literally rooted to the spot, and so cannot move to combine sex cells from different plants; for this reason, species have evolved effectivestrategies for ac...
Cobra (snake) - biology.
Most cobras prey on small rodents or other small mammals. They also eat birds, snakes, lizards, frogs, toads, insects, and even eggs. Water cobras catch fish and kingcobras specialize in eating other snakes. Similar to other venomous snakes, cobras use venom to subdue their prey before swallowing it whole, generally head first. Thevenom may contain substances that also break down the prey for digestion. Despite their potent venom and dramatic threat displays, cobras are hunted and eaten by a num...
São Paulo (city) - geography.
The city is home to the São Paulo Museum of Art, which houses the best collection of Western art in Latin America, including originals of Rembrandt, Claude Monet, VincentVan Gogh, and Pablo Picasso. The São Paulo State Museum specializes in Brazilian art, while the Sacred Art Museum focuses on religious art and artifacts. Other importantmuseums include the Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Aeronautics Museum, the Folklore Museum, and the House of the Bandeirante. The SãoP...
Organic Chemistry - chemistry.
B Alkenes and Alkynes Isomeric with the cyclanes, or cycloalkanes as they are sometimes called, is the family of alkenes, also represented by the general formula C nH2n. This family of hydrocarbons is characterized by one or more double bonds between carbon atoms. Propene and cyclopropane, for example, are isomers, as are 1,3-dimethylcyclohexane and 3,4-dimethyl-2-hexene. (The location of the double bond is indicated by the 2-hexene part of the name.) Double bonds may also occur incyclic compou...
At the beginning of the film, there are a back-to-school day of the the academic school of Welton: It’s a ceremony which remind the principles of the school like the four pillars: Tradition, Honor, Discipline, Excellence.
rhyme and figures of speech of poestry. The teacher want the dtudents think for themselves. The childrens had to savor the words and the language. We write poestry because we are human. During a dinner in the school. Another teacher say that MR Keating do a mistake: the students aren't shakespeare or Mozard and there haven't a free spirit. For mr Keating the teacher is cynic. A student find the annual when the teacher was student in the school: he was a student in a Dead poet society. The teache...
Folk Dance
Traditional Irish Dancing
Irish dancing comprises mainly reels and jigs and may be accompanied by lively folk music played on the fiddle, harp, or
Highland Games and DancesHighland dances are part of the Highland Games, a series of events held annually in various parts of Scotland, Canada,and the United States. Dance historians point out that warriors from the Scottish Highlands once went into battle dancingand playing the bagpipes. Highland dances, performed to music played on bagpipes or fiddles, remain an important part ofScottish culture.Courtesy of BBC Worldwide Americas. All Rights Reserved. Folk dances are usually thought to be simp...
Chemical Reaction - chemistry.
Many groups of elements occur so often as ions that they are given names: nitrate, NO 3-; sulfate, SO 42-; and phosphate, PO 43-. The suffix -ate usually indicates the presence of oxygen. The positive ion, NH 4+, is called ammonium, as in NH 4Cl, ammonium chloride, or (NH 4)3PO4, ammonium phosphate. Rules for naming more complicated compounds exist, but many compounds have been given trivial names—for example, Na 2B4O7·10 H 2O, borax—or proprietary names—F(CF 2)nF, Teflon. These nonsystemat...
Nova Scotia - Geography.
summer. Nova Scotia receives an average of more than 1,140 mm (45 in) of rain annually, with the Atlantic shore receiving 1,400 mm (55 in) or more. Most of the provincereceives about 1,900 mm (about 70 in) of snow, and considerable winter precipitation comes in the form of rain or ice storms. The average temperature in January, thecoldest month, is generally about -4°C (about 25°F) near the coast and somewhat colder toward the interior. The average temperature in July, the hottest month, isabout...
Nova Scotia - Canadian History.
summer. Nova Scotia receives an average of more than 1,140 mm (45 in) of rain annually, with the Atlantic shore receiving 1,400 mm (55 in) or more. Most of the provincereceives about 1,900 mm (about 70 in) of snow, and considerable winter precipitation comes in the form of rain or ice storms. The average temperature in January, thecoldest month, is generally about -4°C (about 25°F) near the coast and somewhat colder toward the interior. The average temperature in July, the hottest month, isabout...
Toronto - geography.
to arrive in the Toronto CMA, most conspicuously from Hong Kong. People of Chinese origin accounted for over 9 percent of the city’s population at the 2001 census.Foreign-born residents constitute 44 percent of the population, the highest metropolitan percentage on the North American continent. The ethnic breakdown of metropolitanToronto in the 2001 census included Canadian, 18.5 percent; English, 16.9 percent; Scottish, 11.1 percent; Irish, 10.5 percent; Chinese, 9.4 percent; Italian, 9.2 perce...
Yellowstone National Park Trip Planner
1 Explore Yellowstone safely You must stay on boardwalks and designated trails around hydrothermal features. Delicate formations and crust surrounding them is thin and breaks easily, and often overlies scalding water. Visitors have died in them. • To x i c gases exist at dangerous levels in some areas. If you feel sick, leave immediately. • Pets are prohibited in hydrothermal areas. • Swimming is prohibited where water f lows entirely from a hydrothermal spring or pool. Wher...
Detroit - geography.
Automobile industrialist Henry Ford was born near Dearborn, Michigan, in 1863. Ford built his first automobile in 1893 and establishedhis own manufacturing company ten years later. The Ford Company headquarters are in Dearborn, as is the Henry Ford Museum,shown here, which tells of the transition of the United States from an agricultural to an industrial society, a change in which Fordplayed a central part.Townsend P. Dickinson/Photo Researchers, Inc. The Detroit city center also houses one of t...
Jakarta - geography.
voluntary movement of families to Indonesia's less populated islands). Jakarta is a magnet for migrants from other areas of Indonesia; during the late 1980s an estimated 250 migrants arrived daily. Most were between the ages of 15 and39 years, many with six years of education or less. There is also a significant number of commuters and seasonal migrants who work in government, manufacturing,and services. In addition, many of these temporary residents are engaged in informal employment as drivers...