102 résultats pour "andrews"
: Andrew Foster
: 105 Cheriton Road, Dorchester, Dorest DY4
Interests & Activities Playing the piano and harpsichord ; playing renaissance music on authentic instruments ; instrument making, (particularly keyboard instruments); chess ; European literature and philosophy ; cross-country walking ; horticulture ; active member of Ecology Party. Personal Details Married 1978 Two children, born 1982 and 1986 References Dr Bryan Tunniwell, Bartington Hall, London Mr Richard Raine, Headmaster, Grove Middle School, Dorchester, Dorset
- Andy Warhol 1928-1987 Peintre américain, de son vrai nom Andrew Warhola, il est né à Forest City et mort à New York.
- Johnson Andrew, 1808-1875, né à Raleigh (Caroline du Nord), homme d'État américain, dix-septième président des États-Unis d'Amérique (1865-1869).
descendant du roi d'Angleterre Henry VII Tudor, et il se trouve en effet être le plus proche héritier de la « Reine-Vierge » (The Virgin Queen). The King of Scotlandis a distant descendant of King Henry VII Tudor of England, and it is indeed be the nearest heir to the "Virgin Queen".Il est le fils de la cousine de la reine, MaryStuart (connu aussi sous le nom de Bloody Mary), qu'elle a fait décapiter, et de Henry Darnley, lui-même exécuté par Mary Stuart. He is the son of the cousin ofQueen Mary...
Prix Nobel de médecine
1950 : Philipp Hench, Edward Kendall Tadeus Reichstein1951 : Max Theiler1952 : Selman Waksman1953 : sir Hans Krebs Fritz Albert Lipmann1954 : John Enders, Frederick Robbins, Thomas Weller1955 : Axel Theorell1956 : André Cournand, Werner Forssmann, Dickinson Richards1957 : Daniel Bovet1958 : George Beadle Joshua Lederberg, Edward Tatum1959 : Arthur Kornberg, Severo Ochoa1960 : sir Frank Burnet, sir Peter Brian Medawar1961 : Georg von Bekesy1962 : Francis H. Crick, James Dewey Watson, Maurice Hugh...
L'ile des escalves - marivaux
Le premier, tué par les mangemorts. La seconde, oublietée, foutu ministère. Le troisième, devenu lui même un mangemort. Ou du moins, une de leurs marionnettes. Il ne lui en voulait même pas au final, mais plutôt à lui même. Andrew lui avait promis de le protéger de toutes ces histoires, mais cette dernière, fut brisée, alors qu'il n'était âgé que de onze ans. Après cela, c'est rongé par les remords, que son mangemort de père, qu'il haïssait et qu'il hait toujours, l'envoya à Poudlard. Et le...
Etats-Unis : chefs d'Etat
L'ÉLECTION DU PRESIDENT AMERICAIN • Les États-Uni s comptent à ce jour 43 présidents , élus au suffrage universel indirect pour quatre ans et rééligibles une seule fois. Ainsi , les Américains n'élisent pas le candidat (démocrate ou républicain ) de leur choi x, mais des grands électeurs censés refléter leur préférence . Cette pratique s'explique en partie par le fait que le pays est une fédération de 50 États , dotés chacun de pouvoirs importants . •...
Schwimmen (Frauen): Medaillengewinnerinnen der Olympischen Sommerspiele.
1968 Debbie Meyer, USA 9:24,0 Pamela Kruse, USA 9:35,7 Maria Teresa Ramirez,MEX 9:38,5 1972 Keena Rothhammer, USA 8:53,68 Shane Gould, AUS 8:56,39 Novella Calligaris, ITA 8:57,46 1976 Petra Thümer, GDR 8:37,14 Shirley Babashoff, USA 8:37,59 Wendy Weinberg, USA 8:42,60 1980 Michelle Fond, AUS 8:28,90 Ines Diers, GDR 8:32,55 Heike Dähne, GDR 8:33,48 1984 Tiffany Cohen, USA 8:24,95 Michele Richardson,USA 8:30,73 Sarah Hardcastle, GBR 8:32,60 1988 Janet Evans, USA 8:20,20 Astrid Strauß, GDR 8:22,0...
War of 1812 - History.
the thorough training they received in handling guns was far ahead of contemporary British standards. As hostilities loomed, Congress authorized a regular army of 35,000 men, but when the United States officially declared war in June 1812, the actual land force was lessthan 10,000 and nearly half of these soldiers were raw recruits. The existing troops were also widely scattered in small garrisons. The government planned tosupplement this regular force with 50,000 volunteers and 100,000 militiam...
War of 1812 - U.
the thorough training they received in handling guns was far ahead of contemporary British standards. As hostilities loomed, Congress authorized a regular army of 35,000 men, but when the United States officially declared war in June 1812, the actual land force was lessthan 10,000 and nearly half of these soldiers were raw recruits. The existing troops were also widely scattered in small garrisons. The government planned tosupplement this regular force with 50,000 volunteers and 100,000 militiam...
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th president of the United States (1861-1865) and one of the great leaders in American history.
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...
Abraham Lincoln.
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...
Abraham Lincoln
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...
Abraham Lincoln - USA History.
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...
satire - littérature.
Mais à l'âge classique, ce sont les Satires de Boileau (1666-1705), inspirées de celles d'Horace et de Juvénal, qui illustrent le genre proprement dit. Ces Satires sont dirigées contre des auteurs contemporains, Quinault, Pradon, Mlle de Scudéry, et elles ridiculisent la poésie épique de l'académicien Chapelain. Boileau affirme plaisamment que la postérité ne retiendra le nom d'un autre académicien, Charles Cotin (auteur de poèmes précieux dont Molière aurait fait le modèle de Trissotin dan...
Natation (hommes) : palmarès JO - sport.
1900 Frederick Lane(Australie) 2'25'2 Zoltan vonHalmay(Hongrie) 2'31'4 Karl Ruberl(Autriche) 2'32'0 1904 Charles Daniels(États-Unis) 2'44'2 Francis Gailey(États-Unis) 2'46'0 Emil Rausch(Allemagne) 2'56'0 1968 Mike Wenden(Australie) 1'55'2 Don Schollander(États-Unis) 1'55'8 John Nelson(États-Unis) 1'58'1 1972 Mark Spitz(États-Unis) 1'52'78 Steven Genter(États-Unis) 1'53'73 Werner Lampe(Allemagne del'Ouest) 1'53'99 1976 Bruce Furniss(États-Unis) 1'50'29 John Naber(États-Unis) 1'50'50 Jim Mon...
In February 1868 the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution of impeachment against President Andrew Johnson and appointed a committee to preparearticles of impeachment. The House passed 11 articles of impeachment against Johnson in March 1868. Ten of the articles concerned the president’s alleged violation ofthe Tenure of Office Act, an 1867 statute that required the president to seek congressional approval before dismissing officials confirmed by the Senate. The othercharge against J...
James Polk.
1824. Jackson had won a plurality of the popular and electoral votes. But because he lacked a majority of the electoral votes, the House of Representatives had todecide the election among the three candidates with the highest number of electoral votes. When Henry Clay, the candidate who had come in fourth, swung his supportto Adams, Adams won the election. Polk, with his firm belief in democratic rule, held that the election of Adams was a violation of the people's will. In his first speech befo...
James Polk
1824. Jackson had won a plurality of the popular and electoral votes. But because he lacked a majority of the electoral votes, the House of Representatives had todecide the election among the three candidates with the highest number of electoral votes. When Henry Clay, the candidate who had come in fourth, swung his supportto Adams, Adams won the election. Polk, with his firm belief in democratic rule, held that the election of Adams was a violation of the people's will. In his first speech befo...
Roman (Sprache & Litteratur).
4 17. JAHRHUNDERT: DER BEGINN DES MODERNEN ROMANS Ursprünglich als Parodie auf die grassierende Mode der Ritterbücher verfasst, markiert Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quijote de la Mancha (1605 und 1612) den eigentlichen Beginn des modernen Romans. Rein vordergründig ein Abenteuerroman über einen Landedelmann, der durch exzessive Lektüre der Ritterbücher und Identifikation mitderen Helden zusehends in eine Traumwelt und in Konflikt mit der Wirklichkeit gerät, gelang dem Autor hier ein Werk von eno...
Martin Van Buren.
political ambitions. The Clintonians cited as one example of Van Buren's unscrupulous methods his support of a convention in 1821 to revise the state's constitution. Van Buren and hisBucktails said they wanted to make the constitution more democratic. The Clintonians retorted that the real aim was to oust them from office. Both sides were right. Therevised constitution introduced a needed extension of voting rights and improved the operation of the state government. However, it also removed many...
Martin Van Buren
political ambitions. The Clintonians cited as one example of Van Buren's unscrupulous methods his support of a convention in 1821 to revise the state's constitution. Van Buren and hisBucktails said they wanted to make the constitution more democratic. The Clintonians retorted that the real aim was to oust them from office. Both sides were right. Therevised constitution introduced a needed extension of voting rights and improved the operation of the state government. However, it also removed many...
John Quincy Adams.
man of my whole country.” When President Thomas Jefferson requested Senate approval of his treaty for the purchase of the French colony of Louisiana, Adams was the only New EnglandFederalist to vote in favor of it. He realized that the power and influence of his own New England would be reduced if the vast territory were added to the nation, but hewas convinced that the national interest would best be served by the purchase of Louisiana ( see Louisiana Purchase). Adams again broke with his New...
John Quincy Adams
man of my whole country.” When President Thomas Jefferson requested Senate approval of his treaty for the purchase of the French colony of Louisiana, Adams was the only New EnglandFederalist to vote in favor of it. He realized that the power and influence of his own New England would be reduced if the vast territory were added to the nation, but hewas convinced that the national interest would best be served by the purchase of Louisiana ( see Louisiana Purchase). Adams again broke with his New...
Supreme Court of the United States.
The Constitution does not specify formal qualifications for membership on the Supreme Court. From the beginning, though, justices have all been lawyers, and mostpursued legal and political careers before serving on the Court. Many justices served as members of Congress, governors, or members of the Cabinet. One president,William Howard Taft, was later appointed chief justice. Some justices came to the Court from private law practice, and others were appointed from positions as lawprofessors. Man...
Florida - USA History.
accidentally introduced into the region in the 1880s, and it spread with alarming rapidity throughout the upper reaches of the river. The plant is very difficult toeradicate, and it has also clogged the channels of other Florida rivers. To increase drainage of the Everglades, which drain naturally to Florida Bay and the Gulf ofMexico, a number of drainage channels and canals have been built across southern Florida. Among the rivers flowing from the peninsula to the Gulf of Mexico are the Suwanne...
- Carnegie, Andrew
- Cunningham, Andrew
- Johnson, Andrew
- Holmes Andrew
- Andrews Michele
Warhol (Andrew Warhola, dit Andy) Peintre et cinéaste américain
Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Andy Warhol 1928-1987 Peintre américain, de son vrai nom Andrew Warhola, il est né à Forest City et mort à New York. Star médiatique toutes catégories confondues, le phénomène “ Warhol ” — l'homme et son œ uvre — déborde le seul domaine de l'art. Son image, devenue aussi célèbre que celle des stars qu'il a peintes, incarne le New York des années 1960-1980. Illustrateur doué et designer célèbre, Warhol réalise en 1960 ses premiers travaux d'après bande dessinée, e...
Salomon (1991-1992)
La vie politique en 1991-1992 a été marquée par la démission, en 1991, d'Andrew
Nori de son poste...
Salomon (1991-1992) La vie politique en 1991-1992 a été marquée par la démission, en 1991, d'Andrew Nori de son poste de leader de l'opposition, après son échec...
Warhol (Andrew Warhola, dit Andy)
Peintre et cinéaste américain
* 6.8.1928, Pittsburgh
+ 22.2.1987, New York
Il est l'artiste le...
Warhol (Andrew Warhola, dit Andy) Peintre et cinéaste américain * 6.8.1928, Pittsburgh + 22.2.1987, New York Il est l'artiste le plus connu du pop art dont il fut l'un des représentants les plus versatiles. Après des études de design, Warhol est d'abord dessinateur publicitaire, puis commence à la fin des années 50 à intégrer dans ses tableaux des réclames réalisées la plupart du temps à l'acrylique. Dans les années soixante, il choisit des articles de consommation courante (boîte de soupe, bout...
La vie de Frederick Douglass,esclave américain,écrite par lui-même Résumé : Frederick Douglass est né à Tuckahoe, près de Hillsborough.
longtemps à ce poste parce qu'il n'était pas assez méchant et laissa place à M. Gore qui à un jour tué un esclave comme exemple. Frederick Douglass avait beaucoup de temps libre car il n'était pas en âge de travailler dans les champs, la plupart du temps, il aidait Daniel Lloyd à retrouver les oiseaux qu'il avait chassé. Après deux ans passé chez son maître, il est loué au frère du genre de son maître qui vivait à Baltimore, il découvrit que la vie d'esclave en ville est moins pénible qu'à la ca...
parfaitement stable. Complétez votre recherche en consultant : Les corrélats accélérateur de particules - Introduction accélérateur de particules - Types d'accélérateurs - Les anneaux de stockage atome - Les atomes dans l'Univers - Les nouveaux atomes atome - Les électrons - Émission de rayonnement et spectroscopie atome - Les électrons - La classification périodique atome - Les électrons - Structure en couches et nombres quantiques atome - Un long parcours scientifique Bohr Niels Bro...
Excerpt from Twelfth Night - anthology.
OLIVIA. What mean'st thou by that, Malvolio? MALVOLIO. “Some are born great—” OLIVIA. Ha? MALVOLIO. “Some achieve greatness—” OLIVIA. What sayst thou? MALVOLIO. “And some have greatness thrust upon them.” OLIVIA. Heaven restore thee! MALVOLIO. “Remember who commended thy yellow stockings—” OLIVIA. Thy yellow stockings? MALVOLIO. “—and wished to see thee cross-gartered.” OLIVIA. Cross-gartered? MALVOLIO. “Go to, thou art made if thou desir'st to be so.” OLIVIA. Am I maid! MALVOLIO. “If not, let m...
Grand oral du bac : L'OSTEOPATHIE
L'INTERDÉPENDANCE STRUCTURE-FONCTION • Selon les principes ostéopathiques, la structure et la fonction sont étroitement liées : toute perturbation d'une articulation, par exemple, se répercute sur son fonctionnement et engendre douleurs, diminution du mouvement. .. • Si l'interdépendance existe, c'est que la réciproque est également valable : toute immobilisation prolongée d'une articulation provoque une raideur de cette articulation et des tissus péria...
Article de presse: Diana, du mariage de "conte de fées" aux révélations qui ébranlèrent Buckingham
d'embrasser longuement sur la bouche un officier du régiment des dragons à la sortie d'une soirée. S'effondrant en larmes, elle sefait remettre la pellicule. " Je me suis fait avoir par son charme. Quand je lui ai donné la bobine, comme par enchantement, elle acessé de pleurer ", se souvient le paparazzi. Malgré le parfum de scandale qui flotte subrepticement dans son sillage, les braves gens continuent de l'aimer et de la respecter.Ils lui savent gré d'être moins distante qu'Elizabeth II, m...
Jacksonville (Florida) - geography.
and southern sections and avoiding the downtown bottleneck where Interstate 95 crosses the Saint Johns River at the Fuller Warren Bridge. In addition to being a regional highway crossroads, the city is a railway hub, with Amtrak passenger service and several freight routes. The city’s expanding airport,located in northern Jacksonville, was the nation’s fastest growing in passenger volume in the mid-1990s. V GOVERNMENT Jacksonville has a mayor-council form of municipal government. The mayor and...
Canadian Pacific Railway - Canadian History.
roads constructed inland from the lakeshore. However, this changed with the outbreak in Saskatchewan of the Northwest Rebellion by Louis Riel and his supportersagainst the authority of the Canadian government in March 1885. Despite the fact that the railway was not completed, a contingent of troops was able to reachWinnipeg from Montréal in only seven days, much faster than they could have gone overland, and get from there to Saskatchewan in time to successfully put down therebellion. This actio...
"Little Red Riding Hood"
The popular children's story "Little Red Riding
seemed important to them. Thus, the Grimms postulated a common Indo-European origin for folktales, and the German philologist Theodor Benfey as well as theScottish writer William Clouston believed that stories diffused by way of travelers migrating east and west from India. Such theories, however, have proven incompleteand inadequate. Nevertheless, the research of these and other scholars greatly stimulated interest in folklore and folktales. The German scholar Max Muller held thatmyths originat...
Apollo, programme - astronomie.
3 LES MISSIONS APOLLO La technique de rendez-vous orbital utilisée pour les missions Apollo comporte plusieurs étapes : lancement du vaisseau spatial sur une orbite terrestre stable ; envoi versla Lune ; mise en orbite autour de la Lune ; alunissage du Lem ; décollage du Lem de la Lune et mise en orbite lunaire ; jonction et amarrage avec le CSM ; et enfin retourdu vaisseau spatial sur Terre. Au cours du retour vers la Terre, le vaisseau spatial est freiné par la résistance de l’air à l’entrée...
Calvin Coolidge.
By 1923 President Harding was faced with a number of difficulties. A business depression, which had begun in 1922, continued. In addition, the Republican majorities inboth houses of Congress were reduced in the election of 1922, and a discontented farm bloc of Western Republican senators threatened to destroy the Senate majorityby allying with the Democrats. Finally, it was rumored that major scandals involving Harding's friends were about to break. The rumors were soon proved accurate. The dire...
Calvin Coolidge
By 1923 President Harding was faced with a number of difficulties. A business depression, which had begun in 1922, continued. In addition, the Republican majorities inboth houses of Congress were reduced in the election of 1922, and a discontented farm bloc of Western Republican senators threatened to destroy the Senate majorityby allying with the Democrats. Finally, it was rumored that major scandals involving Harding's friends were about to break. The rumors were soon proved accurate. The dire...
Franklin Pierce.
At the end of the war, Pierce returned home to his wife and six-year-old son. His law partnership had been dissolved, and he took a new partner. The new firm, like theold one, was highly successful. D Elder Statesman Pierce was by nature a politician. Although still in his early forties, as a retired U.S. senator he became New Hampshire's elder statesman and head of a group of lawyer-politicians called the Concord Clique, or the Regency. The group controlled the state's Democratic Party. Pierce...
Franklin Pierce
At the end of the war, Pierce returned home to his wife and six-year-old son. His law partnership had been dissolved, and he took a new partner. The new firm, like theold one, was highly successful. D Elder Statesman Pierce was by nature a politician. Although still in his early forties, as a retired U.S. senator he became New Hampshire's elder statesman and head of a group of lawyer-politicians called the Concord Clique, or the Regency. The group controlled the state's Democratic Party. Pierce...
anglaise, littérature.
3. 1 L’allégorie Dans le Nord et l’Ouest, les poèmes sont encore écrits dans des formes très proches des vers du vieil anglais, avec leurs allitérations et leurs quatre accents. Ainsi, les poètes de cour John Gower (1330-1408), John Lydgate (1370-1450) et surtout William Langland ( Pierre le Laboureur, 1362 pour la première version) dressent un tableau satirique de la société de leur temps et adoptent une conception chrétienne de la vie en union avec Dieu, et la conduite d’une Église pure. Aut...
White House - geography.
Each Thanksgiving, the pardoning of the turkey takes place in the Rose Garden. This ceremony of rescuing a turkey and sending it to a petting zoo began during HarryTruman’s term, although Abraham Lincoln is said to have set a precedent by sparing his son’s pet turkey from the oven. III INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE A large complex is needed for the many activities that take place at the White House. The White House has 132 rooms, 4 dining rooms, 35 bathrooms, 8 staircases, 3elevators, a clinic, a den...