99 résultats pour "block"
- Block, Adriaen Block, Adriaen (mort v.
Quark, smallest known building block of matter.
Constituents of MatterMatter is composed of tiny particles called quarks. Quarks come in six varieties: up (u), down (d), charm (c), strange (s),top (t), and bottom (b). Quarks also have antimatter counterparts called antiquarks (designated by a line over the lettersymbol). Quarks combine to form larger particles called baryons, and quarks and antiquarks combine to form mesons.Protons and neutrons, particles that form the nuclei of atoms, are examples of baryons. Positive and negative kaons aree...
- Le personnage de Block dans le Procès de Kafka
Proton, elementary particle that carries a positive electric charge and, along with the electron and the neutron, is one of the building blocks of all atoms.
Gordon FraserMicrosoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- Définition et usage du mot: BLOC(K)-NOTES, (BLOC-NOTES, BLOCK-NOTES) substantif masculin.
Frank Lloyd Wright
Robie House
The Frederick C.
Hills/DeCaro HouseAmerican architect Frank Lloyd Wright, a pioneer of modern architecture, lived and worked in the Chicago area during thelate 19th and early 20th centuries. He designed many single-family houses, known as prairie houses. The Hills/DeCarohouse in Oak Park, west of Chicago, is one of more than 20 houses Wright designed while living in the town between 1890and 1910.© 2007 Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / Photo: Mary Ann Hemphill/Photo Researc...
Les crises de la GF de 1947 à 1970 - Histoire
fonctionnaires du FBI de 1947 à 1953. Autre crise interne cette fois en France, la crise des époux Rosenberg. Ces derniers, accusées d’avoir livré à l’URSS les secrets de la technologie nucléaire américaine sont condamnés à mort et exécutés. Avant leur exécution, une véritable campagne internationale est menée afin de les soutenir, cette campagne principalement financée par les partis communistes. On assiste ainsi à un déchainement des médias et à un réel soutient d’une partie de la so...
Pyramids (Egypt) - geography.
limestone debris left over from the construction work. When the workers had completed the pyramid and installed the pyramidion, or cap stone, ramps still covered the surface of the pyramid. As the workers dismantled the ramps from the top down, they slowly exposed the pyramid’s stone surface, which stonemasons smoothed and polished. When the ramp was gone, the pyramid wasdisplayed in its full majesty. B Interior The interior of the Great Pyramid is complex, with a series of passages leading t...
Pyramids (Egypt) - History.
limestone debris left over from the construction work. When the workers had completed the pyramid and installed the pyramidion, or cap stone, ramps still covered the surface of the pyramid. As the workers dismantled the ramps from the top down, they slowly exposed the pyramid’s stone surface, which stonemasons smoothed and polished. When the ramp was gone, the pyramid wasdisplayed in its full majesty. B Interior The interior of the Great Pyramid is complex, with a series of passages leading t...
Frank Lloyd Wright.
C Usonian Houses Wright achieved his goal of low-cost, democratic American architecture with his Usonian houses of the 1930s. Usonia was Wright’s term for the United States of North America, with an i added for a pleasing sound. The Usonian house had a simple design, usually with an L-shaped floor plan. This plan separated the noisier living space on one leg of the L from the quieter bedroom space on the other leg. The floor was made of concrete slabs, typically in a square grid of 4 by 4...
Interstellar Matter - astronomy.
silhouette of a cloud of dust. At other times, it blocks only a percentage of the light from behind it, a process known by astronomers as extinction . The long, narrow dark lanes in the Milky Way as seen from Earth are examples of extinction. The amount of extinction is different for different wavelengths of light. A2 Reddening Starlight that does not get completely absorbed by interstellar dust can still be changed by the dust’s effects. As light passes through less dense patches of interstel...
Prints and Printmaking
Prints and Printmaking, pictorial images that can be inked onto paper, and the art of creating and reproducing them.
Bewick’s The SkylarkBritish engraver Thomas Bewick’s The Skylark is part of his History of British Birds (2 vols., 1797 and 1804). Bewick wasthe first artist to demonstrate the full potential of wood engraving and is renowned for his fine natural history illustrations.Each illustration shows some of the bird’s natural habitat.Folio Society, London/Bridgeman Art Library, London/New York Historically, the wood engraving was chiefly used for illustrations in magazines and books. It is similar to th...
Sydney (Australia) - geography.
blocks in the eastern suburbs and around railway stations elsewhere; and homes on large lots in the outer suburbs, especially those to the northwest. For publichousing, the state government built a number of high-rise apartment blocks in run-down inner suburbs after World War II (1939-1945). These housing projects weresoon deemed unsuccessful and were discontinued because they fostered crime and other social problems. More recently, public housing has taken the form of separateor semidetached ho...
C Special Teams Each team has players who enter the game during special plays such as kickoffs, field goals, punts, and returns. The kicker kicks off at the beginning of a game or half,and after his team has scored. The kicker also scores points for the offensive team by kicking the ball through the goalpost’s vertical posts, also known as the uprights;these scores are called field goals. When the offensive team must surrender the ball to the opponents, a punter comes in to kick the ball downfi...
lngmar Bergmann Dans Le septième sceau, � la Mort et le chevalier disputent à plusieurs reprises une partie d'échecs, dont l'issue débouchera sur le trépas de ce dernier. Cependant, aucune des œuvres réalisées jus qu'alors par Bergman ne prépare le public au choc que suscite Le sept ième sceau en 1957. Le titre est emprunté à l'Apocalypse. L'atmosphère de fin du monde qui règne dans c�tte œuvre aus tère (qui se déroule au Moyen Age dans une Suède...
Mille et un jours en prison a Berlin
Toutes mes malles, valises, colis, etc., etc., étaient prêts pour l'inspection, régulièrement alignés dans la petite gare de fortune construite à cet endroit. On avait été averti, ou on avait deviné, que j'étais un prisonnier de nationalité anglaiseoiseau rare en ces parages,car tous les inspecteurs des deux sexes s'étaient donné rendez-vous autour de mes bagages, et de ma personne. Il y avait des dames: d'ordinaire, on utilise leurs services discrets pour faire les perquisitions chez les pass...
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - Geschichte.
Partei und die einzige politische Kraft. Mit dem Gesetz zur Sicherung der Einheit von Partei und Staat vom 1. Dezember 1933 wurde die NSDAP als „Trägerin des deutschen Staatsgedankens und mit dem Staate unlösbar verbunden” definiert. Das Deutsche Reich war zum Einparteienstaat geworden. Anfang 1933 hatte die NSDAP 1,5 MillionenMitglieder, am Ende des Dritten Reiches waren es etwa 8,5 Millionen. Die NSDAP des Dritten Reiches war eine zentralistische Führerpartei mit Adolf Hitler als unumschränk...
Madrid - geography.
Madrid’s Plaza MayorBuilt in the early 17th century, the Plaza Mayor was used for a variety of activities, including bullfights, executions during theInquisition, and festivals. Today it is one of Madrid’s main tourist attractions.Cesar Lucas/The Image Bank The traditional heart of Madrid is an area 3.9 sq km (1.5 sq mi). In 1656 King Philip IV had a city wall built around the area. Over the next 200 years the city grew throughconstruction of taller buildings and the use of open land within the...
Except in mountainous terrain, rivers are almost always flanked by floodplains. Floodplains are flat wide deposits of alluvium, river-deposited sediment, on either side of the river channel. During floods, a river overflows its banks and spreads out the sediment near the river to form a floodplain. Floodplains of large rivers, such as thoseof the Mississippi River, can be flat areas tens of kilometers across. River channels migrate back and forth across their floodplains as alluvium is repeate...
Valley - Geography.
Except in mountainous terrain, rivers are almost always flanked by floodplains. Floodplains are flat wide deposits of alluvium, river-deposited sediment, on either side of the river channel. During floods, a river overflows its banks and spreads out the sediment near the river to form a floodplain. Floodplains of large rivers, such as thoseof the Mississippi River, can be flat areas tens of kilometers across. River channels migrate back and forth across their floodplains as alluvium is repeate...
Dominica - country.
Other crops are being promoted to diversify the economy away from reliance on bananas. They include coffee, cacao, mangoes, citrus fruit, and root vegetables. Pumice is quarried and exported on Dominica. Manufacturing is on a small scale and largely limited to the processing of farm products. The main manufactured goodsare fruit juices, alcoholic beverages, soap, and essential oils. The island also has electronic assembly plants, data-processing companies, and garment manufacturers. The governme...
Iranian Art and Architecture
Iranian Art and Architecture, the visual arts of Iran.
The first great development of ancient Persian architecture took place under the Achaemenid dynasty during the Persian Empire, from about 550 to 330 BC. Remains of Achaemenian architecture are numerous, the earliest being ruins at Pasargadae, the capital city of Cyrus the Great. These ruins include two palaces, a sacred precinct, acitadel, a tower, and the tomb of Cyrus. The palaces were set in walled gardens and contained central columnar halls, the largest of which was 37 m (111 ft) in length...
Machine, simple device that affects the force, or effort, needed to do a certain amount of work.
to decrease the amount of force needed to do work or to change the direction of the force. The wheel and axle and some levers can also be used to increase the speedof performance of a task, but doing so always increases the amount of force needed. A Inclined Plane NutsNuts are pieces of metal with a hole in the middle. They are screwed on the end of a bolt as a fastening. Nuts come invarying shapes, depending on their intended use.© Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Ramps and staircas...
covered. In spring the snow cover begins to melt in the lower reaches, exposing the ice surface. As temperatures increase, the melting moves up the glacier. Thesnowline is the highest position the melting reaches during the year. Firn is old granular snow. The firn limit may not exactly coincide with the annual snowline since insome years rapid melting leaves behind firn patches below the snowline. Some glaciers exhibit features called ice streams and icefalls. Ice streams are valley glaciers th...
Astrobiology - astronomy.
water to help reactions along. American chemists Stanley Miller and Harold Urey tested part of Oparin and Haldane’s hypothesis in the early 1950s by simulating conditions of the early Earth. In whathas become known as the Miller-Urey experiment, the two scientists connected two flasks with a loop of glass tubing that allowed the gases to pass between the flasks.They filled the upper flask with methane, ammonia, and hydrogen—components thought to have been in the early atmosphere. They filled the...
Supreme Court of the United States.
The Constitution does not specify formal qualifications for membership on the Supreme Court. From the beginning, though, justices have all been lawyers, and mostpursued legal and political careers before serving on the Court. Many justices served as members of Congress, governors, or members of the Cabinet. One president,William Howard Taft, was later appointed chief justice. Some justices came to the Court from private law practice, and others were appointed from positions as lawprofessors. Man...
- A former Eastern block country, which opposed Soviet power from the 1980s, in 1990 Poland moved to a market economy.
- A former Communist country of the Eastern block, Hungary committed itself to the path of democracy in 1989.
last long and is unlikely to be fatal. Infants and children are especially vulnerable to malaria because they have not yet built up immunity to the parasite. Some peoplehave genetic traits that help them resist malaria. Sickle-cell anemia and thalassemia, for example, are inherited blood disorders linked to malaria resistance. Travelers who lack immunity to malaria should take precautionary measures when visiting areas where the disease is prevalent. Such measures include using insectrepellents,...
Canadian Architecture
L'Anse aux Meadows
In around ad 1000 Norse Vikings sailed from Greenland to North America and set up a village on the tip of what is now
the island of Newfoundland's Great Northern Peninsula.
IglooSome Inuit peoples in the Arctic regions of Canada live in domed houses of snow, or igloos, which provide good insulationand protection from wind. The word igloo comes from the Inuit iglu, meaning “house.”George Holton/Photo Researchers, Inc. Canada’s original inhabitants are known as the First Nations. At the time of European arrival, about 40 nations were scattered across Canada. Many of them lived alongthe coasts, where they could fish. These nations can be classified into five major gro...
Rhode Island - geography.
C (73° F). Along the northern state line, the January mean temperature is about 1° C (about 2° F) colder than in Warwick in January. Along the ocean coast, theJanuary mean temperature is -1° C (30° F). Warm season temperatures are also influenced by the ocean and bay, so temperatures are usually cooler along the coastthan in the interior. The difference tends to be greatest in spring and early summer. Winter temperatures in Rhode Island are usually above -7° C (20° F), buttemperatures colder by...
Rhode Island - USA History.
C (73° F). Along the northern state line, the January mean temperature is about 1° C (about 2° F) colder than in Warwick in January. Along the ocean coast, theJanuary mean temperature is -1° C (30° F). Warm season temperatures are also influenced by the ocean and bay, so temperatures are usually cooler along the coastthan in the interior. The difference tends to be greatest in spring and early summer. Winter temperatures in Rhode Island are usually above -7° C (20° F), buttemperatures colder by...
Roman Art and Architecture - History.
Racecourses or circuses were also built in many cities for holding chariot races and horse races. Rome’s circus-shaped Piazza Navona occupies the site of one that wasbuilt during the reign ( AD 81-96) of the emperor Domitian. The largest circus in Rome, the Circus Maximus, held about 200,000 spectators. E Public Baths Large cities and small towns alike also had public baths ( thermae ); under the Republic they were generally made up of a suite of dressing rooms and bathing chambers with hot- ,...
Russische Revolution (1917) - Geschichte.
Befehl Nr. 1. Dieser Befehl wies die Soldaten und Matrosen an, sich in allen politischen Angelegenheiten dem Sowjet und seinen Ausschüssen unterzuordnen, nur die Befehle zu befolgen, die den Weisungen des Sowjets nicht widersprachen, und Ausschüsse zu wählen, die die ausschließliche Verfügungsgewalt über die Waffen hatten. DieDisziplin der Truppen sollte natürlich gewahrt werden; aber die bislang übliche harte und erniedrigende Behandlung der Mannschaften durch die Offiziere wurde verboten,die...
Track and Field.
VI RUNNING EVENTS Running events are competitions that test athletes’ quickness, speed, and endurance. Athletes win running races by completing the distance or course in the leastamount of time. A Sprints The shortest running events, called sprints or dashes, are the premier events at a track-and-field meet. The outdoor sprints consist of the 100-meter, 200-meter, and400-meter events. Sprints contested at indoor meets include the 50-meter, 60-meter, 200-meter, and 400-meter events. Past champ...
Comet - astronomy.
may exceed the planet Jupiter in size, however. Observations from telescopes on Earth and in space indicate that most of the gases in the coma and tail of a comet are fragmentary molecules, or radicals, of the mostcommon elements in space: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. The radicals, for example, of CH, NH, and OH may be broken away from the stable molecules CH 4 (methane), NH 3 (ammonia), and H 2O (water), which may exist as ices or more complex, very cold compounds in the nucleus. Al...
Congress of the United States.
senator, a person must be at least 30 years old, a citizen for nine years, and a resident of the state from which he or she is elected. Most members of Congress haveserved in state legislatures, city councils, or other elected bodies. See United States Senate: Campaigning for the Senate ; United States House of Representatives: Campaigning for the House. The 435 House seats are divided among the states in proportion to each state’s population. Every state is guaranteed at least one seat. State...
Le hip-hop
Le mot « rap » est courant dans l’argot des Noirs américains ; s’il est présent dans des expressions anglo- américaines telles que Dont’ Give Me This Rap (« arrête de me baratiner »), les racines du rap plongent toutefois dans la tradition orale de l’art des griots d’Afrique occidentale, qui insuffle au rap la notion d’improvisation — essentielle au jazz, autre influence décisive du hip -hop —, la forme du Call -and -Response (structure d’appel et de réponse), les...
Ice Hockey.
Each period begins with a face-off at the blue dot at center ice. During the face-off one player from each team lines up at the dot with the stick blade on the ice. After the referee drops the puck, the two players attempt to gain possession of it. Quick hands and strength are essential qualities for players participating in the face-off. Once the puck is dropped, it is in play until an official’s whistle stops it, a goal is scored, or time expires. The team on offense tries to move the puck f...
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
child transmission is particularly prevalent in Africa. D Misperceptions About HIV Transmission The routes of HIV transmission are well documented by scientists, but health officials continually grapple with people’s unfounded fears concerning the potential for HIVtransmission by other means. HIV differs from other infectious viruses in that it dies quickly if exposed to the environment. No evidence has linked HIV transmission tocasual contact with an infected person, such as a handshake, huggi...
Cell (biology) - biology.
proteins, or other proteins required by the cell. While relatively simple in construction, prokaryotic cells display extremely complex activity. They have a greater range of biochemical reactions than those found in theirlarger relatives, the eukaryotic cells. The extraordinary biochemical diversity of prokaryotic cells is manifested in the wide-ranging lifestyles of the archaebacteria andthe bacteria, whose habitats include polar ice, deserts, and hydrothermal vents—deep regions of the ocean un...
Madrid - geography.
stores and offices on the first one or two levels. While many people rent their apartments, most own them and participate in cooperatives that maintain the building.Because living spaces are small by American standards, madrileños do most of their socializing in the streets, bars, restaurants, and parks of their neighborhoods. Onlya few very wealthy areas north of the city have single family houses with gardens and yards similar to those in American suburbs. Many of the newest neighborhoodsare c...
Light - astronomy.
Each different frequency or wavelength of visible light causes our eye to see a slightly different color. The longest wavelength we can see is deep red at about 700 nm.The shortest wavelength humans can detect is deep blue or violet at about 400 nm. Most light sources do not radiate monochromatic light. What we call white light,such as light from the Sun, is a mixture of all the colors in the visible spectrum, with some represented more strongly than others. Human eyes respond best to greenlight...
Mille et un jours en prison a Berlin
Et je parlai d'autre chose, en particulier de sa maladie, puis je le quittai et m'empressai auprès de l'officier Block. Je lui expliquai simplement que lorsque les instructions avaient été lues trois mois auparavant, le sous-officier Hoch était absent. Eh! bien, dit-il, je ferai rapport en ce sens. Et nous attendîmes le résultat de cette explication pendant quatre jours, et durant tout ce temps le sous-officier Hoch était dans des transes terribles: il se voyait condamné au cachot pour quatre o...
Dictionnaire en ligne:
ÉCRIT1, -ITE, participe passé et adjectif.
Forme dérivée du verbe "écrire" écrire ÉCRIRE, verbe transitif. I.— [L'accent est mis sur l'action de tracer; l'objet désigne le signe graphique] A.— Tracer les signes graphiques qui représentent une langue. Lorsque nous tracions des caractères sur le papier, ils semblaient prendre les mouvements de la main qui écrivait pour des signes de magie (Voyage de la Pérouse autour du monde (MILET DE MUREAU) tome 3, 1797, page 70) : Ø 1. Il faut au contraire que l'écriture, ou plutôt la langue hiéroglyp...
Dictionnaire en ligne:
ÉCRIT2, substantif masculin.
1952, page 1, colonne 2 ). STATISTIQUES : Fréquence absolue littéraire : 1 039. Fréquence relative littéraire : XIXe. siècle : a) 1 554, b) 1 770; XXe. siècle : a) 1 265, b) 1 382. Forme dérivée du verbe "écrire" écrire ÉCRIRE, verbe transitif. I.— [L'accent est mis sur l'action de tracer; l'objet désigne le signe graphique] A.— Tracer les signes graphiques qui représentent une langue. Lorsque nous tracions des caractères sur le papier, ils semblaient prendre les mouvements de la main qui écriva...
Joyner-Kersee Wins Heptathlon.
With her knee throbbing once again, Joyner-Kersee taped up for the javelin throw. Her toss of 45.35 m (149 ft 9.5 in) was about 3 m (10 ft) short of her personalaverage, dropping her another 86 points off of the record pace. “It was disgusting,” she told Sports Illustrated. ”The knee was sore. I wasn't using the legs. I was just arming it.” One event remained: the 800 meters, the most demanding of the heptathlon's seven tests. It was also the event that had cost Joyner-Kersee the gold meda...
Charlottetown - Geography.
Royalty. In 1864 Charlottetown was the site of the Charlottetown Conference, a meeting between representatives of most of the British North American colonies to discussConfederation. The meeting was a success, and led eventually to the establishment of the Dominion of Canada in 1867. Charlottetown was incorporated in 1855, with a population of 6500. On July 16, 1866, the city experienced its worst of several fires. “The Great Fire” broke out in an oldbuilding near the waterfront. It was thought...
Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer
Fourteenth-century English poet and public servant Geoffrey Chaucer wrote verse renowned for its humor, understanding
of human character, and innovations in poetic vocabulary and meter.
Tale of the Wife of BathThe Canterbury Tales by English poet Geoffrey Chaucer contains 22 verse tales and 2 prose tales presumably told bypilgrims to pass the time on their way to visit a shrine in Canterbury, England. An excerpt from the tale of the Wife ofBath is heard here. The wife relates that she has been married and widowed five times but the church has recognized onlyone marriage. You can follow the Middle English text and modern translation as you listen to the audio excerpt.The Wife of...
Sleep - biology.
V FUNCTIONS OF SLEEP Although no one knows for sure why we sleep, there are a number of theories. Sleep may have evolved to protect animals from their predators by reducing theiractivity during the times when they are most vulnerable. Research has shown that REM and NREM sleep may serve specific biological functions. Sleep deprivation studies reveal that humans and other animals respond to sleeploss in the same way. When study subjects are deprived of REM sleep, they tend to spend longer period...