Ukraine Position Paper
Publié le 15/12/2022
Extrait du document
Position paper of The Republic of Ukraine
United Nation Security Council
Topic: The DRC situation
The current situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo refers to the conflict between
the Congolese army, UN peacekeepers and the M23 rebellion .In early 2012, M23 rebels
began infiltrating the DRC near the Rwandan border.
With increasing numbers of troops at
the time, the rebels captured Goma, the capital of North Kivu province, in November of the
same year.
During a tumultuous time in Goma's history, the city was defenceless as
government forces withdrew from the city and UN peacekeepers stood by and did nothing to
stop the advancing rebels.
Nevertheless, after M23 withdrew, government forces overran the
city on 1 December 2012.
After this shocking episode, the UN brought more peacekeepers to
his DRC with more offensive missions.
Corruption plays a big role in why we haven't been able to stop the M23.
For example, it was
found that two colonels from the National Army of the DRC hired Ugandan backed rebels to
kill colonel Mamadou Ndala for 20,000 dollars, him being the one who defeated the m23
rebels near Goma in 2013.
Because of the....
Liens utiles
- Winnicott, Collected Paper (extrait) Pédiatre avant de se tourner vers la psychanalyse, Donalds Woods Winnicott a étudié tout au long de sa vie le développement affectif et la formation de la personnalité de l'enfant.
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