The Saponification
Publié le 15/10/2016
Extrait du document
// III.)The energy needed
With the surface tension decreased, the soapy water needs some energy to form
This energy comes from us blowing, waving, or even when the tap is flowing.
puts air into the bubble and the bubble is created.
The bubble is mostly spherical because it
is the shape that consumes the less energy.
Plus it needs less air than a cube or a pyramid.
Bubbles are generally small because it takes less energy and less molecules to be created
than a big one.
So it may last longer than the others.
Bubbles pop when all the water has
been evaporated.
The longest lasting bubble lasted 341 days, but precautions have been
applied to do that like protect the water from the bubble evaporating.
// Conclusion
So there we have it, bubbles are made with soapy water because soap decreases
surface tension in water.
The less surface tension we have, the more likely we get a bubble..
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