Devoir de Philosophie

to be human is to be in relation

Publié le 21/11/2017

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To be human is to be in relation As humans, we always want to be the ones in control. We make use of the world around us for our own self interests and self gratification. Unfortunately, this mentality has learned to interfere with our personal relationships. Being accustomed to use materials or goods for our self gains, we unconsciously learned to do the same with one another. Human beings have now turned into objects for us to use in order to sustain our constant needs and desires. By seeing each others as objects, we have become unable to find meaning. We have lost all sense of relationship and consequently lost all opportunities to be humans. As Buber says, we have learned to “dilute the meaning of the relation.” (Buber p.66) Our ego has taught us to fear relation, vulnerability and consequently to distance ourselves from our emotions. What is Buber’s approach regarding this objectification of the other in modern day relationships? How can we connect this to Emma Rossum’s Millennial Guide to Kissing? Finally, how do we shift from the I-It to the I-You and allow ourselves to become humans again ? In I and Thou, Martin Buber attempts to address the illness of modern day relationships by looking at two types of relationships: the I-It and the I-You. According to Buber, the I-It rel...

« experience that doesn't occur between the world and us but rather within ourselves (Buber p.56).

In the I-It relationship, we are only distant observers and fail to be present and engage in relation with the world.

The I-You relationship, in contrast, represents the entrance into relation.

In this type of relationship, rather than being observers, we become active participants of the world.

We no longer use or experience one another but rather get into relation with one another.

This, in my opinion is when real connection occurs.

By getting in relation with the You, we are able to be ourselves once again and find meaning.

Contrary to the I-It relationship which “can never be spoken with one's whole being” (Buber p.54), in the I-You relationship, we have the ability to be ourselves again.

Because when we enter in a I-You relationship, we no longer view each other as objects but rather as subjects.

We then become able to feel real connection. When listening to Emily Rossum's podcast about Millenials' way of “doing relationships”, we see the true example of an I-It relationship.

This is the example of a relationship in which two human beings “look at each other ,each waiting for the other to offer to do that which both desire but neither wishes to do.” (Buber p.70).

It is a relationship in which no one is willing to take the risk, sacrifice their ego nor allow themselves to experience the You, for fear of vulnerability and of being hurt.

Like Fisher claims in her podcast This is your brain on sex, we are now more than ever “afraid to fail” and even though we want love, we are constantly afraid of attachment.

Rather than taking a chance to let our perspective and ego go away, we tend to think that it's “better to leave the other one hanging than risk the same happening to us.” (Rossum) So we  choose to remain casual and perceive the other as our It, rather than engage in intimacy and relation with them.

As Emma Rossum beautifully said it, our generation has “turned this avoidance into a science, perfecting the separation of the physical from the emotional.”  What can we then do to fix this ? Which solutions does Buber propose to this problem ? In I and Thou, Buber is trying to inform us that even though the I-It relationship is inevitable, because as humans we constantly observe the world around us in a very objective form, there is still a way for us be truly humans, which is through what he calls the “encounter”.

In this encounter, we enter in an I-You relationship, in which we are able to participate, take sacrifices and let ourselves be transformed by our relation with the You.

We no longer see the you as made up of qualities or quantities but rather as our entire universe.. »


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