Publié le 27/04/2015
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weapon in our quest; we should use it so as to clarify the incoherencies that we may
believe exist.
In order to give an end to my essay, I do not believe that the educational system
should change or be limited to certain knowledge.
It’s the individual himself who should
change his way of thinking.
School gives you all the theoretical tools to improve yourself
and get out of ignorance, but it is us as individual to shape our mind and give logic to
what we learn..
Liens utiles
- TEXTE D’ETUDE : Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile ou De l’Education, 1762, chapitre III
- Kant, REFLEXION SUR L'EDUCATION - Explication de texte
- DEMOCRATIE ET EDUCATION (résumé & analyse)
- Education Cost
- ?A.P Education aux médias et a l?information QUOI : IL s?agit