Human Rights Machinery
Publié le 14/10/2015
Extrait du document
state compliance.
One the one hand Commentators Stated That It Had adopté too much of a conciliatory
approach and Was Constantly Avoiding confrontation with gouvernements of ict member states, whilst they
Reviews the other hand --other organizations attacked This is the commission Credibility PRECISELY Because
It Had failed to Condemn Governmental action qui They regarded to be severe human right violations and
Contrary to international obligations.
This Continual confusion as to how to relates to Member States Was a
power inherited by the Council in 2006 and one continuous icts That Undermine effectiveness to today.
Membership of the Human Rights Council
One of the key flaws Currently Reducing the Council's Ability to global respect for human rights Promote stems
from the fact That gouvernements of states are Members of the Council Itself.
As Demonstrated by the
Commission's inadequacy - States are reluctant to hold Inevitably Themselves accountable for human rights
violations Their Own, frequently Creating a north / south divide.
This controversy surround membership HAS
Plagued the Human Rights Council and in turn icts Reduced effectiveness.
As Alston Notes In His article
"Reconceiving the UN Human Rights Regime"
This essay ASSERTS vary que la Nature of Universal Compared To A Mechanisms have regional bodies
(Discussed later) Their membership Necessarily means clustering That Has To be inclusive, qui in turns
Reduces Their Ability to Ensure compliance.
The US championed the box in order to encourage That
Legitimacy, compliance and effectiveness, the UN mechanism "should not be allowed to Become a protected
sanctuary for human rights violators Who aim to pervert and distort ict work".
Nevertheless, the potential for
the Council to be Weakened, if not Undermined, still exists as none of the selection criteria put forward Were
accepted, INSTEAD has focus Was it procedural steps designed to achieve achievement Some form of selective
filtering of the states seeking membership on the new council.
HOWEVER, in May 2006.
Many of the countries
Targeted by human rights groups as being white Unsuitable candidates Were nevertheless Elected.
[2] As Such
the Council won't be Dramatically Different in composition from ict predecessor, Even If A Few high profile
human rights violators Will be missing.
This continues to May Undermine the council's work and create a.
Liens utiles
- Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, born in 1945, leader of the nonviolent movement for human rights and the restoration of democracy in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights The Universal Declaration of Human Rights--adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 1948--gave human rights a new international legal status.
- Does the "access" or "service" model that has replaced the "ownership" model in the business practice of companies such as Kindle/Amazon take fairly into account the interests and/or rights of the consumers?
- DÉCLARATION DES DROITS (La) [Bill of Rights]. (résumé & analyse)
- TRAITÉ DE LA NATURE HUMAINE, A Treatise of Human Nature de David Hume (résumé & analyse)