Bernier, François
Publié le 22/02/2012
Extrait du document
Bernier was a minor figure who influenced the history of philosophy out of all proportion to his own strictly
philosophical abilities. He was effective as a propagandist in the debates over the analysis of matter, and
especially as a popularizer of the views of Pierre Gassendi, whose nominalism he sought to apply with greater
Bernier was and remains the best-known disciple of Gassendi, whose eyes he is supposed to have closed at his
death. In the seventeenth and for at least the next two centuries, Bernier was rather less known as a philosopher
than as a traveller, especially for his Memoirs… of the Grand Mogul's Empire (1670-1), a classic that detailed his
ten-year visit to the Indian subcontinent. Dryden based his Aureng-Zebe on this work, and Locke, a physician like
Bernier, was interested in it, particularly as a source for his investigation of religious psychology under the rubric
of 'enthusiasm'.
Liens utiles
- Bernier, François - science.
- Bernier, François - médecine.
- Ce respect qu'ils ont pour le maistre de la maison, ces caresses qu'ils luy font, et cette amitié qui va jusques à se laisser mourir de faim, et de tristesse quand ils le voyent mort, ou malade ; ces malices de singes ; cette docilité etonnante des elefans? ? François Bernier, Abrégé de la philosophie de M. Gassendi
- Bernier, François Bernier, François (1620-1688), médecin, voyageur et philosophe français.
- Et d'ailleurs l'aiman tout petit qu'il est, peut avoir une plus grande quantité de rayons attractifs ramassez, qu'il n'en sort du petit endroit de terre qui est egal à celuy qu'occupe l'aiman. ? François Bernier, Abrégé de la philosophie de M. Gassendi