Publié le 18/05/2015
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« · Bassanio wants to borrow three thousand ducats, but both he and Lorenzo have been unsuccessful in getting a friend to lend him the amount. So he has come to the moneylender, Shylock · Bassanio wants to borrow three thousand ducats, but both he and Antonio have been unsuccessful in getting a friend to lend him the amount. So he has come to the moneylender, Shylock Q.5 What has Bassanio already told him? · Bassanio has already explained the terms of the loan to Shylock · Bassanio has already explained the story of the ‘pound of flesh’ to Shylock · Bassanio has already explained the ring episode to Shylock Q.6 How do we know? · We know this because as the play ends, Shylock is carefully considering all angles. He is deliberating as he says, ‘Three thousand ducats, well’. · We know this because as the scene opens, Shylock is carefully considering all angles. He is deliberating as he says, ‘Three thousand ducats, well’. Q.7 What is a ducat? · A ducat literally means a coin minted by the duke. Here the reference is to Venetian ducats · A ducat literally means a coin minted by the king. Here the reference is to Venetian ducats · A ducat literally means a coin minted by the prince. Here the reference is to Venetian ducats Q. 8 For how long does Bassanio want the loan? · For three years. »