Publié le 07/05/2015
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She was then sexually abused as a child by male relatives and friends of her mothetr. At
the age of only 14, she got pregnant and shortly after the labor, her baby passed away.
Facing obstacles, especielly at a young age, can easily make a teenager's life escalate very quickly. For instance, Oprah could easily turn to drugs or alcohol in order to find some comfort and a temporary peace of mind. Yet, at the age of 18 she regained control of her life and started hosting and slowly climbing the social ladder. When she finally created her own talk show, Winfrey used it as a platform to teach and inspire, aiming to provide viewers with positive, spiritually uplifting experiences by featuring book clubs, interviews, selfimprovement segments into world events. Thanks to her work ethics, she slowly became more and more successfull, yet she never let fame get into her head since she was a very humble person. Not only she's very wealthy, Oprah is very generous as well. She have donated more than $41 million in order to help those in need for education access and programs for women and children. So what makes her a hero is her power, her determination and her generosity. After all, she started from the bottom and had basically nothing but misery and misfortune. Now, Opprah is very wealthy and most importantly she's using her money in order to help those in need, and make the world a better place. My third example of a hero is a bit unsual and personal. When I was 11 years old, I travelled with my family to Turkey in order to spend our summer vacation there. When I was on the plane, I got choked while eating candies and I couldn't breathe anymore. When my parents saw me, they panicked and didn't know what to do when suddenly a passenger stood up and ran towards me. It turned out he was a doctor. He turned my body upside down and beat gently on my back so I could swallow the candy and breathe again. If this passenger, more precisely this doctor, wasn't on the plane I probably wouldn't be here. Altough I don't remember his name, I will never forget what he did for me. Just like him, doctors all over the world save children, women and elders every year. When you think about a doctor's job, you can actually understand that every single doctor out there has literally sacrified 7 years from his life in order to get the education needed to become a doctor and save people's life. A doctor's goal is nothing but saving lives and finding all kinds of medications and cures so people could have a better, longer life. The reason I chose to talk about these three particular examples is very simple. All three heroes have one thing in common: they are all human. Malala, Oprah Winfrey and doctors . »
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