Of mice and men
Publié le 23/01/2013
Extrait du document
Essay Of Mice and Men
Since we are children, we learned to understand before judging : "learning to know, know to
understand, understand to judge”, so if you understand , you wouldn’t judge him like a murder , but
like a man who tried to give a dignified death to his friend.
I would like to finish with a French proverb which says: "Do not judge the tree by the bark “..
Liens utiles
- of mice and men
- Final speech of George Milton's lawyer during a trial ( Of Mice and Men )
- Fiche de lecture : John Steinbeck - Des souris et des hommes / Of mice and men
- OF MICE AND MEN John Steinbeck Fiche de lecture
- Fiche de lecture Auteur : John Steinbeck Titre : Des souris et des hommes / Titre original : Of mice and men