Martin Luther King (anglais)
Publié le 13/01/2013
Extrait du document

Martin Luther King Matin Luther King was born on january the fifth in 1929 (nineteen twenty-nine) in Atlanta, in Georgia. When he was born he was named Michel but later he changed his name to Martin. He was a black american and he was born during the Jim Craw Law. The Jim Craw Laws etablished segregation and separated black people and ...
Liens utiles
- biographie martin luther king en anglais
- Martin Luther King en anglais
- Martin Luther King (1929-1968) « Je fais un rêve » Je suis heureux de participer avec vous aujourd'hui à ce rassemblement qui restera dans l'histoire comme la plus grande manifestation que notre pays ait connue en faveur de la liberté.
- Martin Luther King - Geschichte.
- Martin Luther King