little chandler
Publié le 04/10/2017
Extrait du document

The third movement is hammered by Chandler's arisen anger and remorse.
Chandler is getting
more and more annoyed.
The ternary repetition of the word "useless" highlight his extrem anger and the
negativ short sentences highlight the fact that he is trapped.
He feels howerver "alarmed" (l.30) so its anger
is quickly erased.
The narration is again paramount.
JJ uses the third person and the reader is compelled to live
the character's inner point of view as if he was getting inside Chandler's head.
It makes the reader be the
prisonner of the narration, and that makes a hint to Chandler's sensation.
There is easily small sentences
and small words (l.25).
Moreover the narration all the more important that we may never be aware of
what Chandler feels if there was not this focalisation.
Indeed he seems to have difficulties to express clearly
its ideas : he is stamerring while explaining to Annie (l.40).
3) feuille> undisclosed desires
> chandler est un personnage plins de sentiments et sensations contradictoires.
Il ne peut vivre sa vie
projettée à cause de ce qui semble être son sort ou son compulsory life et representer , par la structure du
texte.His fate is to be a pr.
Il reste un personnage voué à l'echec car ses désires restent cachés , sauf pour le
lecteur qui est dans sa tête grace a la narration..
Liens utiles
- UN PEU DE SAVOIR [A Little Learning]. (résumé) Evelyn Waugh
- LITTLE REVIEW (The) [la Petite Revue].
- DAME DU LAC (La) Raymond Chandler (résumé)
- ONCLE RÉMUS ou Le roman de Frère Lapin Joël Chandler Harris - résumé, analyse
- Raymond Chandler (Sprache & Litteratur).