Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 20/11/2013

Extrait du document

Which aspects of the job do you most enjoy? His illness affects almost every aspect of his life. That's the most worrying aspect of the situation. Lighting is a vitally important aspect of filmmaking. Have you thought about the problem from every aspect? I could tell from her body language that she was very embarrassed. Our car broke down and we had to push it off the road. This used to be a bustling town but a lot of people have moved away over  HYPERLINK "" \o "recent" recentyears. The house, usually bustling with activity, was strangely silent. The office buys paper in bulk to keep down costs. New York is a highly cosmopolitan city. a crude device/ weapon a crudely made bomb At my school we had to put up with a lot of dos and don'ts. The war memorial was erected in 1950. The soldiers had erected barricades to protect themselves. It's essentially a dictionary but it differs in one or two respects. What he's say...

« The room smelled of rotten vegetables . She yawned and rubbed her eyes sleepily . These marks will never rub off (= be cleaned off) . Alice rubbed the sums off (= cleaned them off) the blackboard for the teacher . a sarcastic comment / remark Are you being sarcastic? The protesters scattered at the sound of gunshots . The soldiers came in and scattered the crowd . the scent of roses If you scratch beneath the surface you'll find she's really a very nice person . She scrubbed (at) the mark on the wall for ages , but it wouldn't come off. He scrubbed the old saucepan clean , and it looked as good as new. a self-deprecating manner / remark self-deprecating humour / jokes When I started my new job , it took me a while to get used to the set-up. “ Nice little set-up you've got here," he said as we showed him round the house . a garden shed a tool / bicycle shed shrieks of delight He suddenly let out a piercing shriek The birds skimmed ( across /along/over) the tops of the waves . Sprinkle a few herbs on the pizza ./Sprinkle the pizza with a few herbs . The bread / biscuits / cake had gone stale. The morning after the party , their apartment smelled of stale cigarette smoke . the stench of rotting fish / burning rubber / cigarette smoke an overpowering stench There are many ways of tackling this problem .

I tackled him about his careless work . His business thrived in the years before the war . She seems to thrive on stress . These small local protests are just the tip of the iceberg . As events turned out, we were right to have decided to leave early. How did the recipe turn out? Salary scales vary between states / from state to state / according to state / with each state . The samples varied in quality but were generally acceptable . Committee members met today to work out a compromise .. »

