Publié le 07/02/2012
Extrait du document
It used to be said that women could not succeed in work because they didn't have wives. In the future men won't have "wives" either-not in the traditional, subservient (1) sense ... If we can judge from history, sex-based prejudice is the most intimate and deep-rooted; the last to go. Even now in corporate board (2) rooms, minority men are usually invited to join the board before women of any race. White men affirm their masculinity by having a minority man on the board-providing of course that there are only one or two and can't outvote them. But to have a woman enjoying the same position, especially at upper levels, just devalues the work. Why should a man be honoured by a job that "even a woman" can do ?....
Women in decision-making positions may also be important in
creating a more peaceful society-at least until both sex roles
are more humanized, and
men feel less need to prove their
with confrontation, toughness and even mass
Feminism brings something else to the
poUtical scene that's
very important: a sense that change must start
at the bottom,
1t may be attached to theory, of course, but
radical or revolutionary theories are meaningless unless they
have some
effect on an individual's daily life.
Women realize
this especially because the many supposedly revolutionary
schemes have left
us out entirely.
Our lives remain unchanged.
News and World Report,
July 7, 1975.
Commentaire dirigé
1) What does Gloria Steinem mean when she writes that in
the future, men "won 't have wives" ?
2) Comment upon ber statement: "But to have a woman
enjoying the same position ...
just devalues the
3) Do you agree with ber when she asserts that women in
"decision-making positions~· may help to create a more peace-
ful society?
4) Gloria Steinem complains: "Our lives remain unchanged."
Do you share ber opinion, or do you think that sorne signi
ficant changes in women 's lives have already taken place?
Translate into French from:
"If there is a woman President..."
to "mass violence".
1) What does Gloria Steinem mean when she says that in the
future, men
"won't have wives"?
• In the past, women were just "wives"
-subservient to men
- devoted to their husbands.
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