Devoir de Philosophie

Voyage en Angleterre

Publié le 18/05/2014

Extrait du document

I made a trip with my school in England, mainly in London, during the period from 4 to 9 February 2013. Is was the first time i visited London. We had four teachers who accompanied us and a guide whose name was Éric. Firstly we traveled by bus and then we took the boat to i cross the Channel to Calais and we arrived at Dover. Regarding the return we took the Eurotunnel. During these five days, we visited the city of London, Westmin...

« During this trip, i was greeted by a host family English Indian origin, who had two daughters.

I was in company with my friends Amandine and Daphnée and we had a large room.

This trip has given me want to discover more england and allowed me to train my English a little.

I would love to stay longer to see more of something because it is very different from France.

I loved the wax museum Madam Thussaud, the school Harrow, Piccadilly Circus and the department store Harrods.

We were supervised by teachers and guide allowing us to fully enjoy the trip and I want to go back and see more cities in England. I found it interesting to discover a new country and to understand its history through many monument, to discover new cultures and new people who don't speak the same language as me.. »


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