Devoir de Philosophie

The New Girl

Publié le 09/12/2012

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COMPRÉHENSION  /41 remis sur 201. The text is a first-person narrative (c’est l’expression consacrée): the events are seen through the eyes of the main character, who is also the narrator.→ … our bike seats, our skin, our hair. (l. 3) –Allison and I… (l. 4) – I lived… (l. 6) – I was eight and Allison was ten. (l. 6)… (43 words)Attention: ce n’est pas parce que le narrateur utilise la 1è personne qu’il s’agit d’une autobiographie.2. The main characters are the narrator, who is eight years old, Allison, a  ten-year-old* girl (* il s’agit d’un adjective ici d’où l’absence de S et les tirets) and a little black girl who is younger than them.The narrator and Allison are white.They are neighbours and friends. The little girl has just moved in with her mother and is rejected by Allison and the narrator. (54 words)3. The characters live in a “white, middle-class neighbourhood” and the story certainly takes place in summer as it is “a hot, bright day” (l. 2), “everything is burning” (l. 2) and Allison’s father is watering the lawn. (33 words)4. a. the narrator and Allison – b. the little black girl – c. the little black girl5. The atmosphere is friendly. Allison and the narrator are playing and riding their bikestogether.When the little girl appears, the narrator is welcoming: he smiles to her and she smiles back. He is...

« passage is full of hatred.

Indeed, when Allison saw the girl, she became aggressive and insulted her.

Allison was so prejudiced that she didn't even try to make friends with the black girl.

In the first passage, though, she was just a carefree child.

(45 words)12.

The girl must have felt scared and taken aback by the two white children's attitude towards her. She probably did not understand why Allison had been so mean to her, and why the narrator, who had been so nice at first, had suddenly become so aggressive.

(46 words)13.

The narrator watched the little black girl go back home.

Then, a few moments later, as he was still watching her house, he saw a brown hand pull back the curtains a little and he realized that the girl's mother was looking at them.

(44 words)14.

Allison is clearly under her mother's influence and her words reflect her mother's intolerance and narrow-mindedness.

She just keeps repeating her mother's words without being able to explain them to the narrator.

She cannot think for herself.

(37 words)15.

“How are they going to ruin your house?” (l. 41)16.

When the narrator said “Niggers are stupid.

Maybe they'll move.” (l.

43), he definitely sided with Allison.

He must have been influenced by her.

He did so to show that, as Allison's friend, he thought like her and had the same opinions about black people.

Today, he must feel remorseful about what he did.

He must feel guilty because he knows that what he and Allison did was wrong.

(69 words)TraductionJe regardai la petite fille pousser sa bicyclette dans Prospect Street et la  jeter sur la pelouse de sa maison.

Elle monta les marches du porche en traînant les pieds, tête baissée et menton tremblant, puis disparut dans la maison.

Quelques instants après, les rideaux de l'une des fenêtres s'entrouvrirent, pas suffisamment pour que je puisse deviner un visage, mais juste assez pour que je sente le regard cuisant de la mère de la petite fille. EXPRESSION   / 20Sujet 1 :  Dans ce type de sujet, il est essentiel de préserver l'esprit du texte de départ : lieu,personnages, sentiments et réactions...

Il est également important de respecter le contexte historique. La scène se déroulant en Alabama dans les années 1970, il conviendra de restituer à travers les personnages l'atmosphère qui régnait à l'époque : discrimination, ségrégation, racisme...Les sujets qui demandent de poursuivre une histoire (sans pour autant proposer une fin) nécessitent une reprise des éléments du texte ainsi que de la situation finale.

En cela, la toute première phrase de l'histoire à raconter pourra être la reprise de la dernière phrase du texte, ou un bref résumé de la situation.

Le schéma du texte de départ devra également être reproduit : narrateur, dialogue, réactions des personnages vues à travers les yeux du narrateur...On ne s'interdira pas d'ajouter des. »


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