Robinson Crusoe (Black Cat)
Publié le 09/02/2013
Extrait du document

Part Two:
Robinson was happy to be alive, he thanked God for saving his life.
He had no clothes, no food and
no drink, so R thought he was going to die of stavation or eaten by wild animals.
That night he
drank fresh water then climbed on a tree and slept.
The next morning he saw the ship was near to
the shore so he took his clothes off and reached it.
To bring food back to the shore he had to build a
raft, so he put pieces of wood together and built a raft.
He loaded it with food, clothes, tools, guns,
bullets and went back to the shore.
R wanted to know weather he was on the mainland or on an
island, so he climbed a hill and saw that he was on an island.
That night he set wooden boards and
boxes around him to protect him while he was sleeping.
The next day he went back on the ship and
got a hammock, blankets, hatchets, a perspective glass and sails.
He started to make a tent out of
one of the sails, then he made a bed and slept.
Everyday he went to the ship and brought back more
Then he started to take pieces from the ship itself: iron, nails and rope.
R was now on the
island from thirteen days and he had been on the ship eleven times.
The last time he went on the
ship he found money, he first thought to leave it there beacuse he didn't need it, but in the end he
decided to take the money away.
That night there was a terrible storm and strong wind, in the
morning the ship was gone.
R wanted to build his house in a place that was near a fresh water
supply, sheltered from the sun, safe from attack and that faced the sea.
He found a flat shelf on the
side of a hill and built his house there.
He built a fence, a ladder he digged out a cave in the cliff to
put his property and he went hunting ever day.
Because he was afraid to forget what day it was, he
planted a great wooden cross on the beach, and carved on it “I come on shore here in the 30
September 1659”.
Upon the sides of the post he made a small cut with his knofe every day, a bigger
cut evry Sunday and even a longer cut on the first day of every month.
He tried to comfort himself
by listin the comforts he enjoyed beside the miseries he suffered.
(see page 44) He also wrote a
-extra from the journal: he called the place the island of dispare; he killed birds, goats, she-goats,
cats, he built a table, he planned his time, he built a chair, he made a pick-axe and a shovel, he
worked on the cave for 18 days, the roof fell in it, he built shelves, he put everything in order, he
started to breed the goats, he cut branches from the plants and put them around his fence so it
looked like a natural thing.
Part Three:
One day R found among his goods a little bag that held grain, he shook it on a rock and used it to
keep his powder.
A month later plants were growing there.
He had forgotten about the grain bag and
started to think it was a miracle.
When he remembered about the bag and the rain, he calmed his
In April he finished his ladder that he used to climb in and out his fence that had now growm
thick and high so that his house was hidden.
One day he saw the earth falling down fromthe roof of
his cave, then he realised it was a earthquake.
After three hours the earthquake and the storm had
calmed down.
After other two hours the sea and air were calm and it started to rain.
In June he
found a turtle and he discovered that there were many on the other side of the island.
The following
day he was ill, R ha fever, he was shivering and he laied in bed.
When he felt better he started to
pray God.
On night he dreamt that a man came down from the sky, dressd in fire with a spear in his
This man told R that he would have died.
When he woke up he felt stupid and with no
religious knowledge.
R began to repent of his sinful life and thought he was punished by God.
One day he began to read the Bible seriously.
He considered himself the lord of the island and c
alled himself king or emperor, he had plenty of food and wood.
He made new clothes for himself,
he made a hat and even an umbrella.
R wanted to escape from the island, so he built two boats, but
one was too big and one was too smal to bring him to the mainland.
One day around noon, his life
He found a human's footprint on the sand.
He thought it was of the devil, he look around
but there was no other footprint.
R was terrified, he immediatly ran into his house and hidden..
Liens utiles
- Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe (Sprache & Litteratur).
- Robinson Crusoe - idiomas.
- Robinson Crusoe - lengua y litteratura.
- Robinson Crusoe
- Robinson Crusoe (extrait) Daniel Defoe (...) In a little time I began to speak to him, and teach him to speak to me; and, first, I made him know his name should be Friday, which was the day I saved his life.