Devoir de Philosophie

Real-life superheroes

Publié le 13/05/2012

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This document is an article from the famous daily American newspaper the New York Time. It was written in 2007 on October 29th.

This article deals about young people dressed up and saying they are real life super heroes, acting to help citizens.

« They don’t want to give their name, like if they were important people who could have privacy problems if their identity was given.

The second big points shown by this article is a society problem; people’s rudeness.

These strange super heroes are here because people are too much selfish in the everyday life; people don’t leave their seats in the subway or the bus .

Today’s society is very too much selfish.

To my mind their movement isn’t a bad thing, maybe if I wouldn’t do the same because it very too much ridiculous.

If they’re happy and help the society with what they’re doing, It is the only important point.

To conclude this article, which is a little ironical, deals of a new kind of geek defenders of justice.. »


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