Devoir de Philosophie

Perfumes and fragrance- a molecule affair

Publié le 27/02/2024

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« Perfumes and fragrance- a molecule affair 1°) Vocabulary: look for the meaning of the words you don’t know:         To smell A fragrance An odor To stink Neurons Molecules A myth= something that has been told, invented, forged= some are true or partially and some not To debunk a myth = to cancel the effects of a myth/ when a myth ceases to exist 2) ‘How do we smell?’: video #1: a) Useful vocabulary: look up the words in the dictionary in case you don’t know them:        Inspire/ breathe in Molecules Back of our nose Receptors Olfactory Epithelium Mucus Signal b) Summary : When we breathe in, the fragrance molecules go to the back of our nose in a cavity where there are receptors and the olfactory epithelium.

There, they are trapped in a substance named mucus.

Then the signal is transmitted to the olfactory tract and then to the brain which processes the information.

Smells and odors can be either associated with good or bad memories.

When you chew food, air pushes its odor.

Then this odor goes up through your nose, then up to the epithelium and finally up to your brain where the signal will be processed.

This goes along with your ability to taste things like sour, salty, sweet, savory and bitter- the 5 basic tastes for humans. => Smelling remains essential to the ability to taste: one goes with the other. 3) ‘Certain smells take you back to your childhood’ from the 1°) True / False a) Scientists know nothing about the link between smells and memories.

T / F=> F b) The brain stores memories associated with smells for decades.

T / F=> T c) The researcher is from a university in Germany.

T / F=> T d) The researcher wants to know how the brain stores long-term memories.

T / F => T e) The article says there are many smells that remind us of our childhood.

T / F +> T f) Odours never make you wish you were back in a moment in time.

T / F => F g) Aromatherapists don't rely on smells with their patients.

T / F More or less: it can be either h) The article says stores use fragrances to make shoppers walk faster.

T / F => F It is just to make you crave for something to buy 2°) Synonym Match (The words in bold are from the news article.) 1.

Certain = particular 2.

recall =remember 3.

instantly = immediately 4.

encounters =meets 5.

temporarily =briefly 6.

Multitude= large number 7.

Scents= aromas 8.

escape = break free 9.

Association= connection 10.

Evoke= bring to mind 3°) Summary: Smells are connected to memories and especially those dealing with sensations and feelings. It means that the association between memories and smells are quite quick- in fact they bypass other part of the brain dedicated to abstract thinking. Scent molecules bypass this and go directly to the olfactory bulb, and then the hippocampus that normally handle emotions and sensations- and all the memories connected to them.

No wonder it connects you to your early sensational childhood memories.

Why? Probably to save from you from early danger or on the contrary to ease you as if you were a child, innocent and pure. In short the objective could be dual: 1) To defend you from potential dangers: you can recall smells that you detected early in your life- before you were ten. 2) To give you self-support for the future- when you remember pleasant smells (i.e.

cakes made by your grand ma, etc.) . Sujet sur le thème des parfums: ‘Scientists recreate perfume that could have been worn by Cleopatra’, by Emma Day from the 1°) Describe a perfume: its composition, its history, its purpose. This perfume is composed of a blend of cinnamon, myrrh, cardamon and olive oil.

All this must be thicker than today’s perfume. It has been discovered in Egypt.

People in ancient times used to use certain products to get some benefits- especially health benefits: honey could fight bacteria and olive oil could moisten you skin well.

Incense as well was especially at fighting bacteria and only foul smell.

The purpose was twofold- to fight off bacteria and to offer a rare luxury at that smell – to smell good. 2°).... »


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