Oral anglais: Idea of progress / Co,sumer society
Publié le 02/03/2018
Extrait du document
To conclude, the development of large shopping malls, advertisements and Internet contribute to
create a consumer society, where people are became materialist, eternally dissatisfied and act like
berserk fanatics.
Thus the progress is not always a complete improvement.
In this case, it make firstly
people independent but finally create addiction and a modern enslavement.
However, some
resistances has emerged and promote a more respectful approach to consumption.
The progress can
then lead towards a sustainable consumption.
Diaby Fatoumata.
Liens utiles
- Oral d'anglais : The idea of progress
- The idea of progress (oral d'anglais TL, TES, TS)
- Oral Bac Anglais - Idea of Progress : Designer Babies
- anglais notion idea of progress
- Notion Idea of progress BAC ORAL