Devoir de Philosophie

notion idea of progress

Publié le 21/03/2019

Extrait du document

?Notion 1 : Idea of progress I?m going to talk about a new notion that we studied in class : the idea of progress. The idea of progress can be defined as a devolopment or a change. It can be scientific o social advance who contributes to making a better world, or not. To illustrate my notion, i will talk bout the genetic progress. Genetic progress is an advance who contribute to modify the genetic program and to create a genetically modified organism. The problematic of the day is : How are te promises and the perils of genetic engineering in te fiction ? On the frist hand, we?ll see how the pr...

« To conclude, the scientific discoveries can go too fare but it can save life with and thanks transplantations or just the medical technologies like organs cloning.

But this manipulations can to be scary because it’s so Dangerous for the population of the worls and our life. So, why create what we already are ?. »


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