New York a global city ?
Publié le 03/09/2023
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Def ville global
Being both a megalopolis and an international hub, connected with the rest of the world,
New York City is of course a major centre for international tourism.
Before the Covid-19
pandemic it received more than 67 million of tourists each year, which was almost twice as
much as London.
However, tourists from abroad/foreign countries are a minority (more
than 13 million) contrary to London or Paris.
Indeed, in 2018, New York City welcomed a
record 65.2 million visitors.
Moreover, Accommodation is well-developed with more than 90,000 hotel rooms (more
than in Paris), and with more than 37.7 million hotel room nights sold in 2018 generating
$623 million.
Tourism is thus an important source of revenue for New York City.
In addition,Accommodation is well-developed with more than 90,000 hotel rooms (more
than in Paris), and with more than 37.7 million hotel room nights sold in 2018 generating
$623 million.
Tourism is thus an important source of revenue for New York City.
Some of its
entertainment structures are renowned in the whole world like
Broadway theatres.
Thanks to these commercial and entertainment activities, which often
carry on at night,
NYC is also known as 'The City that never sleeps'.
New York's City population as the embodiment of the "Salad Bowl": a diverse and
cosmopolitan population.
A salad bowl or tossed salad is a metaphor for the way a
multicultural society can integrate different cultures while maintaining their separate
identities, contrasting with a melting pot, which emphasizes the combination of the parts
into a single whole.
New York City itself is peopled with about 8.4 million inhabitants but the total urban area
exceeds 22 million.
This population is composed of more than 150 different nationalities
making NYC both multi-cultural and cosmopolitan with specific characteristics which give
the city its very particular atmosphere.
The number....
Liens utiles
- Expression écrite Anglais : London and New York, two global cities
- New York City Ballet.
- New York City - geographie.
- Henry Miller Natif de New York City, Miller passa son enfance à Brooklyn.
- Andy Warhol 1928-1987 Peintre américain, de son vrai nom Andrew Warhola, il est né à Forest City et mort à New York.