Devoir de Philosophie

Myths and heroes

Publié le 02/05/2018

Extrait du document

MYTHS AND HEROES : I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : A myth is a traditional story about the early history of a nation. A hero is a person admired for his or her heroic deeds ; someone brave with outstanding achievements. In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen three documents and attempt I will try to answer the question : How can myths and heroes change our lives? At first sight, I will talk about the real heroes and secondly the myths and fictive hero.   We will first show a hero can change our lives by their actions. Some people or groups of people, because or by their actions or qualities, are considered as heroes. The first document I have chosen is a song by a committed artist « The Vietnam song » sang by Country Joe MCDONALD during the Woodstock festival in 1969. Through this song, he denounces the financial power of Wall Street, b...

« for society because he was the trigger for Scotland’s war of independence and the example for all Scots to serve his people.

This man is the epitome of Scottish insubordination in the face of repression.

For Scotland, he remains and will remain the hero she needed to regain her much-desired freedom. Finally we will see the mythical dimension of emblems that we still use today.

The third document I have chosen is an article about story of Pipes.

In class, we discovered that The Pipes became a symbol of Scotland in battle because it encouraged the warriors and scared their enemies.

It embodies the warrior spirit.

But the use of the Pipes on the battlefield was largely exaggerated by romantic scottish writers like Walter SCOTT.

The scottish population wished to glorify their past. Another Scottish emblem has a mysterious origin.

Here again a traditional story explains that this flower played an important role in Scottish history.

Also the thistle which are a weed with blue flowers and thorns.

As explained Susan KORANKI, in the thirteenth century, scottish clans were attacked by Vikings.

The thistle is said to have played a crucial role in scottish history by protecting the Scots from a viking invasion because according to legend, a troop of Scots warriors would have fallen asleep and would have been saved from an ambush thanks to the invasion of a Nordic army, when one of the enemies would have walked on the pungent plant.

His cry of pain would have awakened the warriors who would have defeated the invaders and adopted the thistle as a national symbol. To conclude, I think that committed artists, firemen, leaders deserve the status of heroes because they have all the qualities that a hero must have.

As for myth, they are still present today as traditional stories about the origins of nations.

The notion of « myths and heroes » is also closely connected with the notion of « power » when we study the lives of national heroes like Braveheart.. »


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