Martin Luther King en anglais
Publié le 11/03/2016
Extrait du document

This extract spoke about forging ahead.
He asked the rhetoric question "When will you be
satified ?", and replied that they will be satisfied once they obtain the same rights than the
white people.
-> Answer the following questions; they will help you with your presentation :
A) So why was it necessary for King to say: "We cannot turn back" ?
In this extract, when King said: "we cannot turn back", he was hoping that the situation of
black people could only improve.
That one day, the whites as the blacks will be equal and
will have the same rights.
For him, this fight should never stop, it is necessary to keep
fighting and to move forward in order to make things change and consequently not to go
B) "Our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the
highways and the hotels of the cities": What happened to black Americans in their everyday
life ? What do you think of that ? Do you think it was fair ?
The black people didn't have the right to go in buses and trains; they didn't have access to
services and public places such as hotels either.
We think that it should have never been like
Whether you are white, black, a man or a woman ; we all deserve to have the same
We also think that this situation was completely unfair.
Thus, why would the skin
colour of whit people give them the right to be superior to black people ?
C) Imagine you were in the shoes of black person at the time.
How did people probably feel
when they were faced with that difficulty ?
Let us imagine that we are in a black person's shoes, how would we feel ? These people had
to feel humbled.
Because of how they were treated, they were disgusted, and felt anger
mixed up with sadness.
D) Which unfair law did King refer to in this passage ?
In this passage, the discriminatory law referenced by King was Jim Crow's law: these laws
distinguished citizens according to their "racial" affiliation and while admitting their equality
of right they imposed a racial segregation in all the places and the public services.
-> Conclusion :
From this extract, we find the idea of progress in the fact that now all the people either
black or white should be able to do the same things.
The social progress was made by giving
the same rights to all the people independently of their skin colour..
Liens utiles
- biographie martin luther king en anglais
- Martin Luther King (anglais)
- Martin Luther King (1929-1968) « Je fais un rêve » Je suis heureux de participer avec vous aujourd'hui à ce rassemblement qui restera dans l'histoire comme la plus grande manifestation que notre pays ait connue en faveur de la liberté.
- Martin Luther King - Geschichte.
- Martin Luther King