Lieux et formes de pouvoir/ Mythes et héros/ Anglais
Publié le 23/06/2014
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Notions: Myths and heroes
I'm going to speak about the notion myth and heroes.
A myth is a traditional story, concerning the
early history of people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon.
It's in this context that it is
possible to state that the famous American dream is a myth and probably the reason of the
immigration of twenty million people between 1892 and 1954 Those people came from different
countries and the majority of them hoped to fulfill their dreams.
Nowadays, we can observe
that people's request s for getting the American nationality keep on increase .
Can we say that
America is the land where dreams come true?
I The origin of the American Dream
a) The story of the Pilgrims
b) Why do they embody the American Dream ? / What sort of values did they bring?
First of all, we must explain the origin of the American Dream with the story of the Pilgrims.
English people were obliged to leave England 400 years ago because of religious persecutions.
They travelled across the sea in rough conditions and reach ed Massachusetts in November so
as a result many of them died.
Fortunately, they were rescued by an Indian tribe called Wampanog who taught them how to grow
crops ans that's how the pilgrims survived.
They embody the American dream
- a few days before landing, the M ayflower Compact was signed by all passenger and remains until
today one of the sources of the American democracy.
- The Pilgrims were deeply religious and brought with them their sense of honor as they struggled
to obtain freedom of conscience, religious freedom .
II- America, the land of milk and honey
a) The immigrants' vision of America.
Secondly, America is the land of milk and honey.
-Already at the time America is was the land of freedom and democracy.
-Furthermore, the song written by Bruce Springsteen in 2012 denounce s the partial vision of the
-For them America is the of leading a better life as they think that America is a land of wealth y and
luxury where everything is possible.
Nouvelle phrase> If you are determined to achieve your goal
and enrich.→ new Eldorado
b) Lots of icons contribute to promote positive images of the country/Who are the icons who
contribute to promoting
Then some artist s like to promote a positive imag e of the USA.
- Especially Peter Pismestrovic in his cartoon Dreamland.
-The places, things and people seen in the cartoon were the embodiment of the American way of life
and present America like
land of plenty (Coca-Cola, McDonald’s),.
Liens utiles
- Lieux et formes du pouvoir
- Lieux et formes du pouvoir - Italien
- Anglais - synthèse Mythes et Héros
- Lieux et formes de pouvoirs (Anglais) : MC CARTHYISM