Devoir de Philosophie

Let me have those seats!

Publié le 17/03/2012

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Slavery was abolished in 1865 in the USA, but in southern states, many laws (know as Jim Crow Laws) were passed to restrict black people’s right. There was racial discrimination in schools, trains, bus, restaurants and hotels. The Civil Rights Act (1964) put an end to such segregation. Now whites and blacks could go to the same schools. They did not have to give up their seats on buses. They had the same rights as everyone else in America. However, there are many contrasts between laws and real / actual life.

« To my mind, Rosa Parks is a hero because she helped change the laws. Indeed, this tenacious woman marked her era and played an important role in the history.

Because of her actions, everyone in America has equal rights.

Now, most of the prejudices against black persons disappeared although there are still racist persons. Furthermore, she brought about changes, revolutionized the mentality of her time and, in my opinion, she acts heroically by remaining seated.

In fact, she proved we've to react against injustice and you shouldn’t remain passive.

Actually, she believed everyone should be treated equally. Moreover, she wasn’t afraid to stand up for what she believed in and she fought for freedom without ever give up.

She refused to obey an inequitable law and assumed the consequences of this choice by showing courage: she wasn't afraid to do what everyone else was afraid to do. Finally, she became a symbol who chose to fight for her rights and who tried to get freedom for her people, that’s the reason why she is a hero from my point of view. A mon avis, Rosa Parks est un héro car a contribué à changer les lois. En effet, cette femme tenace a marqué son époque et joué un rôle important dans l'histoire. Grâce à son acte, tout le monde en Amérique a les mêmes droits.

Désormais, la plupart des préjugés contre les personnes noires ont disparus bien qu’il existe encore des personnes racistes. De plus, elle a apporté des changements, révolutionné les mentalités de son époque et, d’après mon opinion, elle a agi héroïquement en restant assise.

Ainsi, elle a prouvé que nous devons réagir contre l'injustice et qu’il ne faut pas baisser la tête passivement.

En effet, elle pensait que tout le monde devaient être traités également. De plus, elle n’avait pas peur de défendre ce en quoi elle croyait et elle a lutté pour la liberté sans jamais renoncer.

Elle a refusé d'obéir à une loi injuste et a assumé les conséquences de ce choix en faisant preuve de courage : elle n'avait pas peur de faire ce que tout le monde avait peur de faire. Finalement, elle est devenue un symbole qui a voulu se battre pour ses droits et qui a essayé d'obtenir la liberté pour son peuple, c’est pourquoi c’est un héro d’après mon point de vue. Protest songs : A lot of singers sing to protest : -against racism, pollution/global warming, the governments (decisions), wars -in favour of peace in the world, freedom, civil and religious liberties “You” refers to the racism, the police, the government.

“We” refers to those who fight for liberty and civil rights, people who are involved (=take part) in this movement (a group of protesters). Melvina Reynolds reproaches / blames the government for being passive / for passivity.

The protesters tried to do negotiations / pacific demonstrations (three man picket) but the protest had no effect on the government: it was useless / in vain / futile / to no away / pointless.

Consequently, now, they carry banners, block the doorways, sit in on the floor, shout the cry of freedom in order to make themselves heard. The singer believes to many values: she advocates/values equality between blacks and whites, brotherhood, involved, bravery (≠coward).

Resolute = obstinate = tenacious = determined Peaceful = calm Become aware of something = realize something = prendre conscience de quelque chose Brave = courageous Willpower = volonté Passive / passivity Take something for granted = tenir quelque chose pour acquis Obey somebody Obey a rule = comply with a rule Respect the law = abide by the law їůĂǁĂďŝĚŝŶŐĐŝƟnjĞŶ Give in = yield = céder Apply the law = appliquer la loi Enforce the law = faire respecter la loi Prejudiced = biased Regulations = rules = règles Lack respect (towards somebody) = manquer de respect. »


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