Devoir de Philosophie

How does Hong-Kong reflects British culture ?

Publié le 24/04/2023

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« How does Hong-Kong re ects British culture ? First of all, we can remind that Hong-Kong have been British for 155 years.

It became British during the Opium Wars in the XIXth century, where Chinese fought against the British but lost Hong-Kong to them. This contributed to make the culture of Hong-Hong very mixed and diverse, like a double culture, because it still bears the traces of strong heritage of British traditions. We nd it rst at the legislative and state level.

Indeed, when Hong-Kong was handed-over by Britain, it had to retain laws and political status for 50 years.

It happened in 1997, so it means that this status is still e ective in Hong-Kong, and its inhabitants have to follow the capitalist system of Britain and its laws.

As a result, the Popular Republic of China grants an exceptional status to Hong-Kong : it’s a special region of China. Thus, for a long time, Hongkongers were supposed to pay duty and allegiance to the Queen Elizabeth II and some portraits of her were displayed around the city, in o cials institutions for example.

Furthermore, Britain has introduced BNO (British National Overseas) passports : it’s a passport for English citizen abroad and it was created after a law in Hong-Kong.

With that, we can see that British political system remains very present nowadays in Hong-Kong. Then, it’s directly the English language that is present in Hong-Kong.

It’s an o cial language of the city, and its inhabitants are probably the best users of English in Asia, aside from Singapour. This is why all gouvernement o cials such as police o cers and immigration o cial are required to have a communicative level of English.

Also, the public announcements are made in English and.... »

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