Expression orale Anglais Sport
Publié le 19/11/2016
Extrait du document
disabled are sometimes more stronger, with more skills than normal people or even able-bodied athletes.
order to achieve their goals, disabled people have to be courageous, mentally strong, hard-work, self-confident
and very motived .
What makes a hero of a disabled person is that he can overcome his fears, his obstacles and
go to the end of him.
And for us the spectators, we have trouble for them, but we know that they are capable
and have great skills, we respect them as much as other athletes.
End to finish, we will discover that today's athletes are not always very wise, because they take drugs, they
dope, etc.
All that for what? Only to win, to be the best and obviously to arrive the first on the finish line.
now, the federation of the Olympic Games for example have new devices to find the slightest trace of drugs.
the other hand, if they succeed, athletes risk jail, like Marion Jones who took 6 months in prison for doping, and
the problem is that she had to take responsibility for her actions in front of the press and mainly in front of Its
fans and the spectators.
Thus high level athletes are not necessarily the most exemplary, but they must
measure their influence with the youth people.
They shouldn't cheat nor lie, they deceive and disappoint their
For my part and for conclure, I do not consider sports champions to be heroes because we bring too much
importance to them, while they need only a little for continue to participate in the tournaments.
And this gives
them too much power..
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