Devoir de Philosophie

exposé anglais sur let it be : the Beattles

Publié le 18/05/2014

Extrait du document

Beatles : let it be Géraud : The Beatles The Beatles were an English band that formed in Liverpool, in 1960 . With John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr . Despite the separation of the band in 1970 , they are staying one of the most popular rock and pop band . In just 10 years they did more than 200 songs . In the XXI century , they still one of the most famous music bands . The Beatles remain the artists who have solde more albums in the world . Pop music Pop music is a genre of popular music which appeared in the 1960s , pop music apperaed in USA , songs are about love and relation ship beetween man and women . Pop music has inspired The Beatles and Serge Gainsbourg . Typical instruments of pop music are the eletric guitar , the guitar , the piano , the drums , and the acoustic g...

« Why we choose that song particulary : Firstly we like the theme of the song namely the love of McCartney for his mother .

Cause a mother is everything to us , a mother is the person who takes care of us , all our life , and even if she's gone she will always be in our heart and we will never forget her .

Then we apprecciate the peaceful aim which the Beatles want to transmit to us and finally when we hear the song we are carried by the rythme .

In conclusion Let it be is therefore a pop song and this song has a real purpose : establishing the peace all around the world .. »


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