Devoir de Philosophie

Essay Islam in the UK

Publié le 30/04/2022

Extrait du document

« In response to the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, the Labour government set out a counterterrorism strategy in 2003, with the main aim of protecting the public, preventing radicalization from « vulnerable » people, and avoiding any form of support to terrorism. The strategy also included measures to prepare for an attack and prosecute attackers. But, despite the PREVENT strategy, the bombing in the bus that killed 56 people in London, that occurred on June 7, 2005, was suspected to be the work of Islamic terrorists. However, after the 7/07 bombing, the government launched a special 'prevention strategy', schools and educational institutions were included in this strategy, and more resources were allocated to it.

Schools were assigned to prevent 'violent extremism' and take care of students who are at risk of radicalization. This was not well received by the students’ parents, and parents were shocked: « Ifhat Smith’s son was 13 years old when he was questioned by school officials and asked if he was affiliated to the jihadist group Islamic State.

» ( In 2011, the coalition government gave the 'Prevent Strategy' and detailed duties for schools and universities.

The protection of students was prioritized and schools were required to promote a balanced and broad curriculum. In the past decade, several states have established programs to counter radical Islamism and encourage imprisoned militant Islamists to disengage and deradicalize Nearly all programs have been successful, mais on peut pas dire autant du program PREVENT qui a traumatisé des parents (REF) However, in other words this program PREVENT is racist and islamo-phobic De plus, tous les djihadistes emprisonnés ressortent de prison (et nous n’avons aucune information de plus sur ce qu’ils deviennent) ils peuvent très bien redevenir des terroristes What are the strength and the weakness of these programs used? What do they do? Expect from putting them into jail? Does it really work? Car malgré ça Deux semaines après l'attentat de Manchester, une attaque - qualifiée de "terroristes" par les autorités - a frappé le centre de Londres (Royaume-Uni), le 3 juin 2017.

A 22h08 heure de Londres (23h08 à Paris), la police est d'abord intervenue sur le London Bridge, un site touristique au coeur de la capitale britannique, après qu'une camionette a foncé dans la foule.

Les forces de l'ordre ont ensuite été déployées dans le quartier festif du marché de Borough Market, proche du pont, sur la rive sud de la Tamise, où des agressions au couteau ont ensuite été signalées."Le terrible événement de Londres est traité comme un possible acte terroriste", a réagi la Première ministre britannique Theresa May.

Après Manchester, elle avait relevé à son maximum le niveau d'alerte terroriste, avant de le ramener au niveau "critique", soit celui d'un attentat "hautement probable".

Ces nouvelles attaques interviennent à seulement cinq jours des élections législatives. Brandon Lewis questions "A-t-on des peines assez lourdes pour les gens qui commettent les infractions les plus violentes dans notre pays ?" s’interroge ainsi le secrétaire d’Etat à la Sécurité,. »


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