Publié le 21/04/2015
Extrait du document
« Then I will talk about the inspiration of the gothic and what does it reveals about the state of mind of the society. The gothic became popular at first because during the 18th century, there was a refusal of the clacissisme and sentimental novels. That's why the novel of Horace Walpole have a huge success. But HW was inspired by a strange dream in his house because of the disturbing place and the strange atmosphere. As we said before, the writer shows us his world when he write, so Horace Walpole show us his dream and his imagination in his novel. James O'Barr was inspired of a personnal fact. His fiancée was killed by a drunk driver. He can't avenge her because when he comes back from the army the man was dead. So he draws to express his suffering and his anger. He is represented as Eric that's why Eric died in the story because James O'Barr was like dead when is fianc ée died. The gothic is inspired by the suffering on the author and in this two documents of personal fact. But we can say that the gothic represents the some taboos of the society: the main taboo is death. Death of the ancesters for the Castle of Otranto but also the murder and the injustice death for Tell Tale Heart and the Crow. So we can say that the gothic is a literrary genre with which the author express his feelings, fears and show us his world in using surnaturals elements. They also using the death taboo which is an untemporaly taboo to express their vision. That's why the gothic is still popular today, it is a strange world of our imagination which give us the creeps. . »
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