Devoir de Philosophie

anglais notion idea of progress

Publié le 05/04/2016

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IDEO OF PROGRESS. We studied a notion called «  idea of progress » . The idea of progress is the theory that the different advances in technology, science, and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. Thanks to progress, people can become happies in terms of quality of life ( social progress ) through economic development ( modernization ) and the application of science and technology ( scientific progress ). But progress doesn't have only good sides. It can also have bad consequences on people. In deed , progress generates same modes of consumption like local shops, supermarkets, large shopping malls , the internet...and also generates the cult of novelty with materialism and agressive advertising. This is the birth of the «  consumer society » which engenders many excesses in our society like «  Mega Monday » or « Black Friday ». And all of this doesn't improve the human condition, it turns people into frenzy shoppers who push consumerism to hate extreme. So, we can say there is a relationship between progress and consumption habits. What are the consequences of the relatio...

« supermarket, crushed an employee to death and hurt four other people including a woman who was expecting a baby.

– The reasons why such an extreme incident happened are linked to the fact that consumers are greed and that the economc crisis induces stress. Another reason is that shoppers are fanatical and hyper-consumerist and have an uncontrollable irrational desire of buying items. III- Anti consumerist movements and alternatives against consumerism. – Buy nothing day is was fonded in Canada by an artist called Ted Dave.

It takes place every year on the day after Black Friday.

It's an anti-consumerist movement because some people decide not to by anything during 24 hours and spend the day whithoret spending. Participation now includes more than 65 countries.

Faire trade or the boycott of some products are other ways to protest against the consumer society. – The test is linked the another way of consuming, a modern alternative against consumerism and waste.

The term “freeganism” is composed of two words : “free” could stand ffor the fact that these people only eat food or use products that are free or charge, that they do not pay for, and “vegan” could mean that they don't eat anything that has do with animals. – The freegan movement could be an anti-consumerist movement .

– The two first paragraphs represent two aspect of our modern world : the haves and the have-nots.On the one hand, we have people whp are weathly , overconsume and spoil natural ressources.

On the other han, there are people in need who are starving and fighting to survive; – Freegans are a group of people who critize society's inequalities.

Freegans would like society to be based on different values and are perceived as communitarian and sectarian people. The Idea of progress is essential to account for the great changes undergone by society.

Over the past few years, the modes of consumption have greathmy envolved: the development of the internet has opened up new prospects with online shopping, which can be seen as the natural continuation of the “ consumer society”. But nowadays, the consumer society is composed of a lot of shop a holice and frenzy shoppers who bring chaos in shops or online during some exents. People buy things they don't want and don't need to impress other people.

It's a question of money and place on the social lodder. People's consumerist ethes bring changes in our society but bad changes. So anti consumerist movements have appeared, criticising materialism and consumerism.

Many campaigns like the “Buy Nothing Day” aim at making people aware of today's excesses in terms of advertising and over consumption. Same groups now ofter an alternative to frenzy shopping, like the Freegans who try to live on the incredible waste our society is generating, or fair trade products that are generally of good quality and offert a more respectful approach to consumption. So, solution exist to limit consumerism consequences.. »


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