anglais cned
Publié le 30/11/2014
Extrait du document
so I do live my life now, beyond the Wall.” (5 points)
d) Theimportance of healing (suggestion de réponsepossible)
a) General comprehension
The text is a poem.
(1 point)
Rainure = groove; affluer = rush in ; submerger = overwhelm; péché = sin; guérison = healing.(5 points)
b) First paragraph
When he reached the Wall, the narrator “moved his hands over” the lists of
“names” “slowly at first, then very fast” as if he
were anxious to find a particular name.
(3 points)
He “was looking for one name”, it was absurd as he was looking for his own name:
“mine” and he knew it wasn't there.
(3 points)
At this point in the text he had to face his own truth, he wasn't dead like his mates, although he thought his
name “should
have been” there.
He was ashamed of still being alive.
(3 points)
c) Secondparagraph
The Wall made the narrator realise that he had survived the horror of the war.
For him it was sinful to be alive,
to have
survived such horrific things.
He wanted to be dead.
He felt guilty.
“The source of my guilt, my one great
sin - I had lived, I had
I came back...” (6 points)
d) Third paragraph
This experience was deep and moving.
He was “emotionally exhausted”.
He still suffers but it
is a pain which no longer
dominates his life.
He is a whole man again.
He says of his pain: “I carry it, it no longer carries.
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