Devoir de Philosophie

anglais cned

Publié le 30/11/2014

Extrait du document

1. Les phrases complétées en mettant les expressions verbales entre parenthèses au temps approprié (simple ou en be +-ing ) :(5points) 1. Have you everwondered what it was like to live in France in 1941? 2. He has been reading that book for hours and doesn’t seem to want to stop. / He had been reading that book for hours and did not seem to want to stop. 3. How long have you been staring blankly at that page? I have never seen anyone so slow. 4. I have just seen his mother, she hasn’t taken her decision yet. 5. I met her family a week ago. I cameacross them by chance in the park. 2. Les phrases en utilisant des pronoms relatifs à partir des propositions:(5points) 1. They were good children whose only distraction was playing in the woods and on the beaches. 2. He said he had always lived here, which was true. 3. He now works in a nearby town whose mayor is an old friend of mine. 4. Every afternoon he walks on the beaches (that / which) he loves so much. 5. The girl (that) I am talking about was my childhood sweetheart./The girl about whom I am talking… That girl, whom I'm talking about … 3. Les phrases suivantes en anglais.(5points) 1. The soldier who came to arrest them was very young. 2. They were not the only foreigners who / that were put in jail.<...

« so I do live my life now, beyond the Wall.” (5 points) d) Theimportance of healing (suggestion de réponsepossible)   a) General comprehension 1.

The text is a poem.

(1 point) 2.

Rainure = groove; affluer = rush in ; submerger = overwhelm; péché = sin; guérison = healing.(5 points) b) First paragraph 3.

When he reached the Wall, the narrator “moved his hands over” the lists of “names” “slowly at first, then very fast” as if he were anxious to find a particular name.

(3 points) 4.

He “was looking for one name”, it was absurd as he was looking for his own name: “mine” and he knew it wasn't there. (3 points) 5.

At this point in the text he had to face his own truth, he wasn't dead like his mates, although he thought his name “should have been” there.

He was ashamed of still being alive.

(3 points) c) Secondparagraph 6.

The Wall made the narrator realise that he had survived the horror of the war.

For him it was sinful to be alive, to have survived such horrific things.

He wanted to be dead.

He felt guilty.

“The source of my guilt, my one great sin - I had lived, I had survived.

I came back...” (6 points) d) Third paragraph 7.

This experience was deep and moving.

He was “emotionally exhausted”.

He still suffers but it is a pain which no longer dominates his life.

He is a whole man again.

He says of his pain: “I carry it, it no longer carries. »


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