Devoir de Philosophie

American Civil War

Publié le 19/01/2012

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President Lincoln planned to send supplies to Fort Sumter to his troups alerting the state in order to avoid any hostilities. South Carolina, however, expected a reinforcement of the Union forces. On April 10, 1861, Gen. Beauregard, in command of the Confederate forces at Charleston, in South Carolina, demanded the surrender of the Union garrison of Fort Sumter. Nevertheless, the Garrison commander Anderson refused. On April 12, Confederate batteries opened fire on the fort, which was unable to reply. Then, On April 13, Major Anderson surrendered Fort Sumter, evacuating the garrison on the following day. The bombardment of Fort Sumter was the opening engagement of the American Civil War. Although there were no casualties during the bombardment, only one Union artillerist was killed and three wounded when a cannon exploded prematurely. One week later, Virginia seceded from the Union followed by three other states, Tennessee, Arkansas and North Carolina, after the attack of Fort Sumter, to join the Confederacy. With the secession of... 

« Virginia, Richmond became the Confederacy capitol.

However, in June, inhabitants of the West of Virginia created a new state called Western Virginia because they didn’t want to secede so they joined the Union.

Moreover, Delaware, Maryland, Missouri and Kentucky, decided to join the Union e ven if they were slave states.

The second important battle of this war took place in July 1861 and is the battle of Bull Run.

It was a complete success for the Union before the reinforcement of the Confederacy’s troops which implies the Southern victory an d a terrible retreat for the Union.

Finally 23 battles proceeded after the Confederate victory at Bull Run: 9 victories for the Confederacy , 11 for the Union , and 3 inconclusive battles.

Furthermore since 19th April 1861, 500 Union ships controlled the Con federate coastline; they blocked twelve major ports and had to destroy or capture any blockade runner, which were ship s used for evading the blockade.

This blockade was part of the Anaconda plan established by the Gen.

Winfield Scott to win the war with th e less blood possible.

In February 1862, after 5 victories of the Union, Nashville is the first Confederate capitol which fell to Union forces .

Moreover, in March the North controlled Missouri after another victory.

One month later, Gen.

McClellan’s troops began the peninsular campaign, an ambitious turning movement in order to capture Richmond.

The battle of Antietam in September, 17 was the bloodiest day of the war; 2,108 Union soldiers were killed and 9,549 wounded -- 2,700 Confederates were killed and 9,029 wounded , then the battle had no clear winner .

Finally, in this year we counted 95 battles, 45 Union victories and 32 victories of the South.

B/A war helped by the industrial revolution The American civil war and the industrial revolution are totally linked.

Indeed, t he Civil War used the advances of the Industrial Revolution, b oth the North and the South made use of advances in railroad transportation.

The Union, however, was far more advanced technologically than the Confederate states.

Consequently, the Union made better use of progress in transportation, military medicine, an d field artillery than did the Confederacy.

Indeed, the industrial advances were a major fact that explained the Northern victory, for example their great naval advantage helped them to block the Confederate coastline.

T he Civil War was the first modern war, the first in which technology strength played a significant role.

But the nature of their industry was different between both sides: the North had developed an economy that was becoming industrialized.

However , child labor was common.

When Northerners c hallenged the South about slavery, Southerners often reminded child labor and urban crime was as terrible as slavery.

Moreover, the Industrial Revolution brought to the South an invention that they immediately adopted: the cotton gin (machine used to separ ate the fibres of the cotton plant from the seeds).

Also the economic expansion in the North allowed the mechanization of farming.

During the Civil War, more than 200 000 reapers were sold .

The number of farms in the country increased a lot in the 70s and in the 80s war years, as did industrial expansion.

Furthermore, railroads, the telegraph, steamships, weapons were employed extensively .

During the Civil War, the government also tried to aid business and technology .

Industrialization and technology that h elped ensure Northern victory continued after the war.

The United States began to make incredible advances in the world of sc ience, technology, and industry .

The Civil War allowed. »


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