Acropolis - history.
Publié le 26/05/2013
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Peloponnesian War, between Athens and an alliance led by Sparta, finally broke out in 431 BC.
Sparta’s alliance defeated Athens, and the Propylaea was never completed.
Greek Architectural OrdersThe ancient Greeks developed three major architectural styles, or orders, that determined the major features of a temple facade.
TheDoric is the oldest and simplest order.
The Ionic and Corinthian orders added a base to the column and developed a more elaboratescheme for the column’s capital.
The entablature (above the columns) also differs in each order.© Microsoft Corporation.
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The Propylaea was designed by Greek architect Mnesicles to have a central section with wide openings and two wings, one to the north and the other to the south.
Thefacade of the central section consists of six widely spaced columns in the simple Doric order (style).
Inside, two rows of columns in the more elegant Ionic order divide the central area into three sections through which visitors proceed.
The north wing was to house a gallery of paintings, and the south wing was to provide a passageway to theTemple of Athena Nike.
The wings were never completed.
B Temple of Athena Nike
Temple of Athena Nike, Athens, GreeceThe Temple of Athena Nike is part of the Acropolis in Athens.
Built in the 420s bc, it is an excellent example of a classical ionictemple, with a continuous frieze around the top and ionic columns.David Price
The small marble Temple of Athena Nike stands just outside the Propylaea, on a projecting ridge to the south and west.
This temple is the first building visitors see as theymake their way up the Acropolis.
It was designed by the architect Callicrates, who also worked on the Parthenon, and was built in the 420s BC in the Ionic style.
Four Ionic columns stand in a row at the front and the back of this temple, which measures only 8.2 by 5.4 m (27 by 18 ft).
A carved frieze (continuous horizontal band) runs around the temple just below the roof.
On the east side it depicts a conference of the gods and on the other sides battle scenes from Greek mythology.
The goddess Athena was thepatron and protector of the city of Athens; nike (pronounced nee-kay ) is Greek for “victory.” The temple is thus dedicated to Athena as the bringer of victory.
C The Parthenon
Doric Columns, ParthenonThe Doric order is the earliest and simplest of the Greek architectural orders.
By the classical period, when architects used the Doricorder for the Parthenon (447-432 bc), they had devised rules to govern the proportions of each part of the building’s façade.
TheParthenon’s columns give an impression of graceful solidity and power.Jessica Ehlers/Bruce Coleman, Inc.
The Parthenon comes immediately into view after the visitor enters the Acropolis through the Propylaea.
Also dedicated to Athena, this large temple built entirely of marbleis considered the greatest masterpiece of Greek architecture for its harmonious proportions, its architectural refinements, and the elegant sculptures that decorated it.
Thetemple was designed by Greek architects Ictinus and Callicrates and was constructed from 447 to 438 BC.
It measures 31 by 70 m (102 by 230 ft)..
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