Devoir de Philosophie

Sir Isaac Pitman

Publié le 15/03/2012

Extrait du document

Cet Irlandais decouvrit un systeme de signes courbes et angulaires, a la place des signes plus pointus de Pitman. Actuellement, le systeme de Gregg est tres largement utilise aux Etats-Unis. Mais, malgre tout, !'invention de Sir Isaac Pitman reste tres valable. Le systeme est facile a apprendre et on peut l'ecrire avec beaucoup de facilite. Pitman fut anobli par la reine Victoria en remerciement pour ses travaux.

« /men / Ahman51/elson Hammer's 2 C co a 41' PAIGE ONE PENNY. Communication Mounted on CaaV05.3.

i bound in Cloth htlemdmMteo the Ass Arm Me n/ 7 .letetSIRev2gesooaMonottermireseeoanav S Bo M.

15 fbremarter Row, boo to 'u /ES no w'ham,:,//uaetohrh(IAIMES I .


Leawear.pique /mai T,_.. ,..inilfriefier ,,tturyti,t4,1r) r sightfy4T Parc wilskat cough'-\._ ors..

oityrorolt as negocuste ----r. 5.w/delis.

at boteC...argz.aresitt ...") or kshosnostouf-757q write k one of the daub* N'NOMn moth made cfwlpronasmce Mu leeks hheho withoutthe eskrahwas outer-quer! 9 V is sew i s o when COVAPIGIhy .

Sfrffiaaki a aka use 1*.y nor occur erusetat conebneetion rithenaMermned boll / be found under Me doubkittelele tweak o.rYorkshiret-J west t wife's... 2.G-specially observe Me "iv-sound of Mt short row's envy one at which inthe cowmen hand le out eel.. thus.

nesrl kniel age / edge / P"'''.

a-- Sam (Sarnuelta---ravy( retyl ton e b....

Nil k-..

poet P pull V I Pronounce the a.m.& as Ma mond in Me elphabetica/ words and e,onephs pl.*, ew Mare.

pfro., notince teary consonant at once r, meant 0/the small acme/ put to t1 /sore by heart thenetural order of Ate single vomit ksMgh consonant: at below.

New names ore firm fo fen* old* single cons.* le espness Moir trot sounder to hug Mere M tottion 4.

Meth the difference &Mem VeK Sj& sdr.

soh& soh, sk Itskr 11 / ./ ..- -- of Wta cornmencemento5tordzythe Psi fIss.

iSkrfs chskrchs hS it rkSNt '`,I. 1 / ,,./ _.

-. orate conclusiondowdr.Seeloonny foolXS seined M o hook ter small tenor dcamws dot, at spl ant r Its L lds....4c.


a instermier ts1541 IL Cowen before erwrammtreve/siosatto Alight eeperpendicuter8 leaning as eat 1 weighti trawl eyes') apes.

ow jair /end 'bore Concordat strokes as eager.- a irn.....Anne......wal4 7 'VOIth after camt.c.

to Ma right. or uncloses joy...toe It.

high", coy.- 6.

Th vomait'ateut ore esonted nom 46 begi nn in q 0.1)4*cm...beef them dmvetwes hlre,the first place as she _t dew rply..

weelu_noise ,....troyai ,., a, o.

4 their derivatives rake Mt second place or middle the eons,' at silt- 004 upped\ac ow/ and ho-i their honorees hem Me thirapteceor end os Pa'.

loo C due L now ,-.


youth I 11.

When a a A 0 do put fo cone they may point any Ivey, when they stand a lone for word.

they et,e,y, kens° me sighs,' whoen , 10.

A vowel between two coos!! (f nedherof them the loop s)/sAt be gletted Mies &first or second glees woe/after the first cons'.

as tea cord!] Tweedrtrifler_voiclit, ner'l boot Athif4olor e rowel do4barofe the last cons:as rack/-100m(-....duke L.

ma n.--...

mouth2 shaft .,4 11.

The 1004' dot s As14 no meelb. che, a 'octal is put cdosg to'ons.

a belongs to Me cone connected reSth /tax pass secure s_.7 sickle .._ I2.

/ /two vowth.

come bosun leo non.,!'fivo and toeach.

at pool '13.ehen two vowels orend a ...that one Om oineret abate des- Inn.

os kb% oasis] Is.

is h'k..

Victoria 14NeverfinW a sho straight /me, (which tae / ett, a doable or treble cons:/ to a /ow an the some de rection.

Mg ente tho smglecons fern, or /ohs offthseen affect 1_, ors..

nos\._ swam ,r-gteCootraehed S 15.SRn ;Arobe 0 Aulresis cussed Mu ss os ration./ portion 'tin, s.unary .-..,./ begin " ./,-- \1111.41ohe dare `s- '1 carer 41 contains ' ''''' * -,,., a ...

we- .., il .?... .. ....,............, r...........-...1 o a 0 witmNo ,s, SOUND, .' being aka A New& Pleural ' 5 V5 TEM ,,, 4. SNORT NANO \ rm., La...

X" Me stroke a in Male tad., when a Marti any eke vowel. r yes -)sight when s a repeated,' ceasehssi- resafrat mite a wordbey ns with a vowel fo lowed by s,exaskL.

or enderenherewel plc. daddy soot tendency whonateet you wen to bot sneak, s.

sumptuous `1 or 114/1roks tr/ohno Mn sharp consonewir p.


oh, It.



s; h. an oho app/C4/ b Mesicarrespond?flate. b.





HI z zh 11-Whenshai Mush alone, matt the rowaN'p/int downwards.

at shoe ,/ law /`allow.! When either teem is joined to the loop s only.

write it issues ,..

lace ( tete r liNaker one e she wiM a tick when sitar /ear Si0a, 010aa al or/ fr ocean, i whet it is suoceeded la, the loop s on&ers wrier airs ...oceans 20.

The .bhrr del 1 rch mots pore" stand alone, nor with the loop s only added because of stet & rl 21.

Each hiterin Mee/Ahab& 'tends hr the words put to if (except Me maniples in short 4.5414 e// alters Of MI SOM.

10.1.(1, at '1 ond etto&c. Mr othorwords write all the consomme Met soond.Oninhtg Mem together) 4 theerincifrel Mods as appeared 112.5 may *odd*? ban A/ bas'24 &rpm Prefixes & Affixes.

as interestt Phonography''." or 1- for e plural-en sad s.

es subscrip- tiens$v tenements t- earldoms A COM A C.01, areas/1m.

by a I iglit dot beforyhe next consros comply 'cos;derl &accorn Aye heavy dot. an ecootnnadete I.

accomplished .C., 5r ing pare small dot after the last startin4thafr/oze/ iego Ai large dotal insis --.. 21 h'e sett reaches too lOw, tr does not join Fes //lake off Me pen at tonstitutedlchargeable A $4 Choate Ms marmy at mlfing a WOraaf port)nor)armorProot., II Cenerelly e+Pit h.

hr Me lake of bieviy .

as comprehensive A firstp/owe vowel :tending or Me beQinning of a word, should be. ogigt41511012tZtErto'FILICIDIZIOra*A0:99(artAz,...-:b ...."'ffn5:"1"1"141212211111"21111111EIEE..,121E Gler 01.17".0111ORITEMBER.61M16-10U-'063166g000111M0' SO LIIICOLII1JRINIMBEIBSIAL101R10(R31111CIR -u4..., 2 2V2S113.. :LEP ERR; hose/ wtrhotit .king otr the hest as words J thoughts C hands o thinks"' OtherleHeat muss be sap y- realm established ), distinction'''.


beers Me coss. et rre,ca a tzi /dryades pewee bkt' s.


"rile the digits thus . a /,2, 3, A 6, a:7, 8 9, a .

, 7.( ._ ..

,9''.I... foto/ / ofAar number, in :hest- hand weeds.

es 20 :41S1 orjevn she digits.

a line ander as age LE 666 /8406862 1, 34 STOPS.

r 0'S 'colon .. Colon- Parioa ..

or lease 141 ' ones.


loony E ho,(!)i ai/ other sAsets 9 tats as usual.


See Psalm /31 Accent.

decent rnoble.`"denyl... tatity VpreerSel,preatent N4 Mfleo- boat risWall!..os Is itsPor se's' Reader Awchsei &swam irNiNt, %XI 0:140U2P-4151-11-155-.2aZI141Zar..1022==.1:6... fillet GC RS 01505.1551:2SUNEWArISITIW2072E7MgV2PWAIMIGIUM1021thirdfriette MC 1:2E,WC-2.43C1MIEMS.C.L.11:74:0EM".........."-trACrealelee i GI Ci 121 GI 124r02.3 ma raroanm lgailfillOMM.112221ViICISECERICII001212e. i3131151131313EF111:151G321:11312111111131G71311:12,5/G213: 0.7110,174G001016:1121MilliG2212176S'ilGRUMISIGGIRG1 EllIKOILMICWalwaweewsyi2EVrxii0'''''''',"=04:211.1.31 1101171FICeliabiltiallaLleMaili2a101M001010010011100 tRIEM113/, Orat'Affilrir LICE".2....MMati562....... irgrarn.reavrrirarara EIRUFIMEE16,16M067 'IM"7012E or giro riumprowriorin rram .,,, r112e6211CIUMMICIVIM.10101111L111110 rirammalEprairarer-Artrznraoreowirani 63061:75^.:120:70E110:2111 ta2racom-iNrisicirsursrari 72.711701:10.5GS11101021ELCO 121517=112i.""610=^'''"-3" ',ILIUM:L.

25)he horizontsIL half sized coos, (km milky.

when slam/ at Me tope/ Me /Me swords confoin." first ,oloce ...fair.

/War Mr bottom for wade cone second & dividedin fha Alphabet these words Os* divided by a eolon. 24.

All middle physe cowelgo.wo.84 when snood iny aloneyo or /he bottom of the line, of away .

yet- one 25 Compound words must be redo- can to Alin primitives.

end written near forolwr, os within'withoot ' shutoff's, -sonewhst-:yourselves...) A..* P.

of 9/ Pr .lad ev B. . 7.. gfl 1 ..i.4 J.

a, .i/ .j, i:nr wwve \ \ \ \ \ \ I r 1 .) I f I 's / / J , / / / / taw ...

aa steal up upon wrapped., principle.

'on( .hewn, bur Ware.


'robbed r"' kibread . re-mem6e.

out hine, 0, /ill& truth,tries.


tarn_ day donve. d;sco:,.

dom. ebier-y de,,,tx then.

LOP, t fetch ., ohddren, miler'? gus...,-,. sus. oair.inci 5), indiviilua Jerusalem. mo Tin.," K. .hr AY if' An G. _ C./ r g .ft Et 1" k, V.

.IV r en / a hY )l, lee DOU01.2 ___ - ..-. _, _ .... ._ r. (.- i. k_ "s ..., L.

t. A. '''s -1 (r 3 ( ( ) CON S 000 4 hg.

co,' oni*:,17 k'' licoloa.del c.nmsrscar 4 cannot.' can, give-0.

gale. go.

together coo' gbod. glor4 glad asergraph!.begin -ning again -sr, foe it' on Id t Pr tat, follow, from.

fie- obes.

Ow, 404.

:vet, loved f` *WI volume levery(sivon . lawn' Await mo4,4,h.Bethel sl through. Mat the; th:)withwech; frith -,,,hc#,,-) NT A.

... . .s SY/ z 4 16 ft a I ./.,. ./h ./.9 1 iv th 5.

6., o a ) a ) J .) r .1 ., ...) .0 P -0 . C .s.. \ 1 1 / / - __.

k... k.., (.: *,.

..froww 50e.SOOthela. to.swgc.c.oll 4-:4.

- sal hithata it is.

/stoat shot/ ship.

washed., esp.doitshi arlere share auction,. enrhutias.

(azure ...o wire/. treasury occarien4.., CORO.

oktx helgyally, e/bowX ahrrcult-y. ho/of world. hk,h5,fohit tho/,./. /with a-- [wolf Al aOhalati mrave A.

health, g .8.

4/- inn In Err .p oh of dad .0 sh 4, MIRY Ranolince ord ti(ticirtitioirrAaW-Aeservedklhatseliehkalis.iorerenote the Kris Nat, PIE ,..... 29L.

"-, Lonetegew)'iheriew i ffe/ch larman ( C r ( ....-, / /., .., \ ..1 J ./ -.-. --.051,1usitiftlen. a:4o% MkOosttenswicao'dedm AlocecteithadocileCoru.tiom sprrsrearesserr LOttarlYWIAPON. , 1,-; 0 /though Welrh 'c' [color 7 airway. AL mecetrt. fa /ten (..., / ors.

or out reCia".sharps sule.r6s\ hoot .bolt, wki.

heard cheryes/ .16o7.2. alf,1f'dgatiod2fwwiroas6; RS TR spirit-ual.strl - ,,.- - -a.


' t.

4 .I.7 WAlweeifeilhey L. , ...7 l, 7r.......

./ '> .r. oof ../ WV ..m BLE CONSONANTS a c ref t t.

r.30 L. Zen > ) ) ,./ .1 ./ ..-. - ...-. --.

I I .... r: hooka Aloiliiaw t "1/4.." r../ I.

P scarf's preserriS, week krth won*, marsh') alaurteaf.-.... teal rule, ,Snett,Cneeen M0/77Ibr ii.

/110.71A2 ace multimen! impothmt 'mseem 'spit amidst (Merry. In ere,flora 2 orarcao.mpird hoYerhymaki Ini;ch 4 are shong, strength:/4 28to30. / I r ' :C./N --.. "" ....- 1 aWw;twieele L.


_,/ L. ........


.0 .1/ H. byondr,3 g denied a .-._. 3 'Os ,.../-"._,-.

- c c r r ..... Ino .... .... - ' Jpt it half x skr.- Wale /' at mawlesees 1 on, any: ITO, exmuncol:. wenoitc..

wen oda int% ant', hand under frandrind ..

change/ journa/Z AVOW thinyEnsil, languagedirtinct. think /hone ungtetong, hsChi m ho here. Arad,/ . toed ,avd.

kngth o pastier:es os carried.- scriptur b.. in full. "'L..


A acs'" -) 'VP 3 (..... r 12 IIMI no MN NM _n_ 20210 1111 , A ., rig rag A 4121i lind She .i rhea VOWELS t h e sce. soy, moral a 8 a/1 awe &gift 0.

nyfe.-11 lo who -m. in it sin ,.... 'I my1-1 sett r and ow.

of of, nor. ,,,..tan, /,;, should-V. onddr/inad *Mrs Owe the ,Baf,*f o Maar.

Lenar Mal* 10ate *reign ... IM Mil rill; WV NN rm 'lel MI KM L , twer...32 DOUBLE y3.

year-s.Yams i ,(paw / l' yawn ....., ,km.

-o- I (de) you.r-s.

.(new, tybec le.

y..,,.. ora..1 day. blond igenf, yowny- ia, 'i de) I.

by fh."." * Vino 'Cs..

.. a ...., II TREBLE i -8) wh,1! VOWEL.Sewywwweew p..i r71R rim min . imi 7 , RN ma r "on 0 s VOWELS Idlli we . belveeen. .2 alley.

whore Cwa/A.

.- tor wall / ...., w ,... lill wow woo", with.

will, g well when. thwack L. lea wars who t were won Maid -St II op 'aka.

Char (80)"2dabadlf x......-ey...,e. tmodhf &provincial sounds. PSALM /00 .---s- .

ea-, N., a .

3 s_.' C ° \.** ' ) eV .



3 L..

' r- &ALM 133%( ,, _ .


i ( /....

) 3 .

' L ',"" , -.ME LORDS PRAYE ....

./ J f .

a I, I (orlo f o"'s l.

.4t.fii)V, F77111 ..

*teens' IWO/I -, bas) vim od ow c r ' .

r.2'S .

e a''' - ' r 1 "1.

'...0- < 1 ' ',..

'A, ._.,..!c 1 _ -) %..r . 14,4 , e ) l'''..

-1 i 4 ) C - N.7 liS ,./ (n k ( j s .

" ' LL ) ' ( S' 14..' C k..k." Alarthetr,d-elehr.

Ornamental \' ..----, ' 1 .._ " N.

1 ") ) "1 ..!- .

I , '1/4.7._-.

/ t .

( . ( .'' ' -1 .' \,'..

...- 0.1/4.' - ,f,yy "bleu shay nob., tessons hot, Nu Author eypcs/ poludoosly Each laSSDa an,/ be enclosed t ine pod 1.16, Thep*/ con week *Mot Owes rem* Arm Me htbit Ci-dessus: Le "Penny Plate", deuxieme edition de la "Phono- graphy" de Pitman (stenographie phonetique), edit& en 1840.

La publication eut lieu en meme temps que!'Emission d'un "penny stamp" (timbre-poste de I penny), que Pitman avait initialement presents au ministere britannique des finances, pour expedier les lettres - et autres en- vois postaux -en port pays.

Sur le Penny Plate, toutes les notes en steno etaient rassemblees en un format de 16,5 sur 20 cm.

11 orga- nisa egalement des cours de steno par correspondance; c Wait le premier cours &Ht.

Les &eves en- voyaient des extraits de la Bible, en laissant suffisamment de place pour les corrections, d condition qu'ils fussent envoy& avec le pen- ny post. A gauche: Une stenographe en 1922.

1yy *coos 60~ Ma hnas n&r Mo corraerniwor * Les consonnes etaient formees de figures geome- triques simples et de lignes droites et courbes.

Les voyelles etaient &rites en placant des points ou des traits a des endroits bien &finis par rapport aux signes utilises pour les consonnes. En 1837, parut le Stenographic Sound Book de Pitman (Manuel des sons stenographiques), le premier livre d'enseignement permettant d'etu- dier son systeme, qui fut rapidement utilise dans de nombreux pays. Par la suite, it fut adapts aux langues latines euro- peennes et aux differentes langues orientales.

Le seul systeme moderne qui rivalisa avec l'ecriture abregee de Pitman est celui de John Robert Gregg. Cet Irlandais decouvrit un systeme de signes cour- bes et angulaires, a la place des signes plus poin- tus de Pitman.

Actuellement, le systeme de Gregg est tres largement utilise aux Etats-Unis. Mais, malgre tout, !'invention de Sir Isaac Pit- man reste tres valable.

Le systeme est facile a ap- prendre et on peut l'ecrire avec beaucoup de faci- lite.

Pitman fut anobli par la reine Victoria en re- merciement pour ses travaux. 147. »


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