Devoir de Philosophie

Sujet d'oral histoire OIB: With references to either Britain (1945-1951) or France, how successfully did they respond to the problems they faced in the post-war period?

Publié le 11/09/2022

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« With references to either Britain (1945-1951) or France, how successfully did they respond to the problems they faced in the post-war period? In the general election of july 1945, the labour party won a massive victory, gaining 47.7% of the votes.

At the time, this came as a surprise as the party had only had a couple short lived experiences of governmental leadership.

However, this was due to the readiness of the British population for state intervention to resolve the issues that the country faced after the failure of 1920s liberalism.

I will evaluate to what extent we can consider that the welfare state put in place by the labour party as early as 1945 successfully resolved the problems of the post war period. I.

Response to the problems -Beveridge report: serves as a tool to explain what Britain was facing • investigation conducted by lord Beveridge under Churchill that aimed at identifying the potential factors that could constitute a risk to the cohesion of British society. • 5 giants: Want, idleness, squalor, ignorance and disease.= hunger, unemployment, miserable housing, lack of education and lack of access to healthcare • Problems targeted were primarily social. =>Beveridge report was fully integrated in the Labour party manifesto in 1945. To tackle these issues, the labour party made several decisions, each with varying success. - “Safety net”: for the poor, elderly and the sick could rest upon. • Establishment of minimum revenues • Allowances given to those in need. • This pushed back the “Want” giant. -Nationalisation: of certain economic sectors • National coal board (1946): control of production + guarantee minimum wages for minors • Iron and steel sectors: British steel (1951) • Fought against idleness / unemployment -Generalised access to education and healthcare: • Education act (1944): increased obligatory amount of years children were to complete => more skilled labour force = idleness.... »


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