Devoir de Philosophie

Speech reparation India

Publié le 11/01/2017

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Britains having to pay or not the reparation of India has been a question that went through people’s minds over the last years. Some people will agree that the britains owe the Indians because of the damages caused during the colonization but others would be against that idea taking in mind that India rose, and it is a democracy, because of the help provided by the britains.   It is true that Great Britain colonized India but when they did it they completely ended Mughal Empire. When the British arrived and colonized India the percentage of the global economy was at 23% and when India gained independence it was at 4%. Th...

« we need to consider rather reparations are a practical policy.

  Reparations should be paid not as an act of just cleaning a debt, but as a way of assuming the damages made and to ask apologize for all that was caused.

Britains should not believe that they have already atoned the Indians with money, but always keep in mind the moral debt, which can be used as a great shift.     Hemmings, J.

(2015) Should great Britain pay reparations to India? No, and here's why..

Available at: (Accessed: 5 January 2017).   BBC (2011) History - British history in depth: The British presence in India in the 18th century.

Available at: (Accessed: 5 January 2017).   Suryatapa Bhattacharya.


Should Britain Pay Reparations to India? Shashi Tharoor Says Yes, Narendra Modi Praises Him, What Do You Think? - India Real Time - WSJ .

[ONLINE] Available at: arendra-modi-praises-him-what-do-you-think/.

[Accessed 05 January 2017].  . »


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